Ugly Pen Contest - POST ENTRIES HERE!

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Ok, here is another entry.. This one is just plain diffrent, an idea that did not pan out.
In fact, I am a bit "tee'd off" over the way it came out to be honest.

I should of made it with slimline parts so that the "Tee" could be slimmer, but these were some left overs. The cap is a ground down polaris epoxied into the golfball, tranny & tranny holder & 10mm tube from a cigar, Parker refill.

Sure, it's not quite as bad as that "head pen", or the poo pen (I thought we were not doing poo?) But it is diffrent!


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Lee and other contestants for the Ugly Pen Contest.
The Fido Pen has been retired. I really didn't intend for it to be a real contender for the Ugly Pen Contest. It's just that I had this beautiful copper Baron that I completely screwed up ... I glanced out the shop window .... there was my Golden Retriever doing her business ... and ... well .... one thing led to another.
However, as stated in my previous post .... exact replicas of the Fido Pen are available for a reasonable charge. I am currently in negotiations with Shadow to discuss details of her contract. :)
Originally posted by Papabear

I thought it had to be a slimline kit?

Yes, for the slimline contest it does (that is why it's not over there) However, for this one any pen can be used. What I was trying to say is that I SHOULD of made it with a slimline tranny & tubes. I could of made the golf tee thinner and it would of been posted there too. The wood is so thin as it is, I can see light thru it is spots!
Originally posted by DocStram

Lee and other contestants for the Ugly Pen Contest.
The Fido Pen has been retired. I really didn't intend for it to be a real contender for the Ugly Pen Contest. It's just that I had this beautiful copper Baron that I completely screwed up ... I glanced out the shop window .... there was my Golden Retriever doing her business ... and ... well .... one thing led to another.
However, as stated in my previous post .... exact replicas of the Fido Pen are available for a reasonable charge. I am currently in negotiations with Shadow to discuss details of her contract. :)

Oh Al, I thought it was fake! Now it's even more gross! [:0][:0]
Originally posted by johncrane

Things are getting UGLY in the Wild West! Meet"DHARNYA" Native word meaning (RedGum) that's what l used to make him,He's a One Eyed long haired purple people Eater Also "DHARNYA" is a Multi purpose pen he's Big thats good if you have Arthritis turn him upside down and use him to dust those hard to get spots! want a shaving brush!he can do that too.

I'm sorry - but I actually LIKE this pen - it isn't ugly at all!:D

OK, this is the ugliest pen I ever made. It contains four 45 ACP rounds for the barrels and bloodwood for the tips. The casings were left unfinished to develop the brass patina.


It isn't nearly as ugly as some of the entries here, but it's the best (worst) that I have.

Paul in AR
Originally posted by angboy

Originally posted by DocStram

Lee and other contestants for the Ugly Pen Contest.
The Fido Pen has been retired. I really didn't intend for it to be a real contender for the Ugly Pen Contest. It's just that I had this beautiful copper Baron that I completely screwed up ... I glanced out the shop window .... there was my Golden Retriever doing her business ... and ... well .... one thing led to another.
However, as stated in my previous post .... exact replicas of the Fido Pen are available for a reasonable charge. I am currently in negotiations with Shadow to discuss details of her contract. :)

Oh Al, I thought it was fake! Now it's even more gross! [:0][:0]
No Ang, I'm sorry to say that "it" was the real deal. Embarrasing to admit, but it's all part of my dark side. Let's leave it at that.
Ummmm do you do online psychotherapy??? Maybe we need to get Julia involved as well. :(
Disclaimer: This pen has been posted by me upon request of my brother for him. I have no previous affliation with this pen or it's creation. [:p]
After hearing about the Ugly Pen Contest, my brother decided he wanted to give it a try. This first post is one of his first Euro pens, overturned, chipped plating, gaps, etc. [:I]
Oh, and he watched me post this. Nothing above is something he hasn't already said. [}:)] Here is the pen in it's entirety:

Followed by the lower barrel and chipped nib:

Here is the top barrel, with his first attempt at a bead (He had gotten much better!):

Well, not as uncouth as some of the previously displayed pens, but an ugly pen nonetheless! :D ;) :D
Disclaimer: This pen has been posted by me upon request of my brother for him. I have no previous affliation with this pen or it's creation. [:p]
Here is my brother's second pen, he made this over the past week for the express purpose of making an ugly pen for the fun of it. :D [8D] :D


From the opposite end:

It was alot fun helping him finish the pen. I helped some at the end but he is the one who created the pen. And, yes, the upper barrel is about 2/3 the length of the lower barrel due to a glitch in milling, not pixel problems!
Josh! Your "BROTHER" sure makes ugly pens! I liked the first one better - a good, honest mistake. Although the second one has a certain essential crudness, that makes you kind of cringe when you look at it! [8D]

Paul, your pen is a very classy example of why a lot of shooters don't save their brass!

Ken, a hot dog pen? Oh, that is nasty! You surely deserve something for that (although I won't say what, this being a family site!!!). [:p]

Lee, a scrumptiously klutzy attempt at a cheap, second-rate golf pen! These should sell well at the Miniature Golf Course! ;)

You guys impress me! Even after seeing FIDO, you're all still making these Ugly Pens for our little contest! Keep them coming! There's only two days left!

Originally posted by DocStram

Lee and other contestants for the Ugly Pen Contest.
The Fido Pen has been retired. I really didn't intend for it to be a real contender for the Ugly Pen Contest. It's just that I had this beautiful copper Baron that I completely screwed up ... I glanced out the shop window .... there was my Golden Retriever doing her business ... and ... well .... one thing led to another.
However, as stated in my previous post .... exact replicas of the Fido Pen are available for a reasonable charge. I am currently in negotiations with Shadow to discuss details of her contract. :)
Interestingly enough, the orders are pouring in. Who would have thought the Fido Pen would become so popular? CSUSA, BB, even PSI ... they're all showing an interest in Fido blanks. If I could only get Shadow to have more than 1 bm a day. [:0]
After seeing all of the interesting entries, I decided to make a pen. Not withstanding the fact that my brother entered some pens under my username. :D (Seriously, those are my brother's pens!)

After viewing the categories as well as pens made, I thought I might try for the "Most Technically Advanced Ugly Pen."

Here is the pen, what do y'all think?

Here's another pic of the pen, different view:

So, what's the verdict? I liked it. :D [8D] :D

FEI (For everyone's info):
  • Chrome Slimline
  • Maple
  • Dyed green with Sharpie
  • Pickguard centerband
The technical components of the pen include:
  • Batteries
  • Resistors
  • LED
  • Actuator coil
BTW, I forgot to mention, the pen is supposed to resemble a computer chip. ;)
<center>:D :D Man! That pen was fun! :D :D</center>
OK, the Ugly Pen Contest closed last night at Midnight Eastern - convenient for me because that was 10:00 Mountain where I live, so I didn't have to stay up late just to close the nutty contest! :D

The judges are busy cogitating, or regurgitating, or whatever as they carefully consider all your entries. Kind of puts you on pins and needles, doesn't it? [:p]

I am making a command decision here. I thought long and hard about this, and then it hit me - nobody in their right mind would claim to making THREE ugly pens! So I choose to believe that Josh of JDPens must really have a Brother (even though he still hasn't said what his "Brother's" name is!), and that the third pen shown above must really be Josh's pen. I will warn you though, if your Brother wins any of the prizes, you have to give him a name, er, REPORT his name, and register him as an IAP member before we send him his prize. [}:)]

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