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Looks really good. Note: My old bookmark did not work. I had to do a search for pen turners.com and arrived that way.

Just buzzed around the site using Safari on an iPhone and everything seems to be working well, scaling fine. Shouldn't be a future need for an app I wouldn't think.
I'm logged in, poking around, and everything looks great so far! I never thought the old site was slow by any means, but everything seems to be loading noticeably faster!
I checked all day at work. Had a tab open, clicked it, my cached UN and PW worked and here I am. Amazing work, Jeff! Now to poke around a bit.
Just what I needed, new Technology and Operations to learn. :eek:
Looks like I have a lot of research and time strolling around. :biggrin:
Great Job Jeff, it must be like "Eating an Elephant". one mouthful at a time. :oops:
My last Technical Update sojourns were Windows 10, and prior to that Installing SAP Internationally for the Big Fizzer the Y2K.
After which I retired. :wink:
More Hours pouring over the Blue Screen, I hope SWMBO understands it is not my doing. :befuddled:
Hello Jeff

I was able to log on with no problem. I will have a look around and play with a few things in the coming days. I know you have had your hands full and there is a lot of tweaking to be done. But a great thanks for getting us up and running again. At first glance the new place looks great. I am sure we all will begin to feel right at home once again. Take a break now and let things unfold. Thanks again for just letting us all join you in this new adventure.
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