TSW Discontinued???

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Passed Away Mar 3, 2016
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Aug 22, 2004
Originally posted by chisel
<br />
Perhaps the reason why no apologies are offered is because the rumors have never been disproved. At least not that I am aware of.

What I have seen is that when certain information is brought to public attention, Lou then threatens people with lawsuits. I have seen it happen publicly, and I have seen evidence of it happening via e-mail.

Was it a good product? I have no idea. Many people have raved about it.

Was the car wax used as it's base? Unless someone has it analyzed, along with the car wax, it is an open and fair question.
Since you have <b>NOTHING to add </b>to this thread, why have you posted? Because you are just another <u>jackass</u> who likes to stir the pot? And likes to keep it anonymous, since you don't have a name in the Members section? And who do you suggest pay for a test of the two products? And why should I defend against assinine comments by people who offer no proof? Would you defend yourself against my statement that I heard <b>you are, in reality, a child molester</b>? And how about if I created an email message, in the form of one of those "Urban Myths", which stated it as fact. What then? I've left you and those other <u>closed-minded, jealous jerks</u> to your own devices, hoping that you would get the idea that you have only a tiny amount of support and that the support comes from the <u>circle-jerk boys</u> over at Chips and Dust. Well, no more. Get a life, chisel (or whatever the hell your name is)...<b>and quit taking your crap out on me</b>.
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Aug 11, 2006
Originally posted by DCBluesman
<br />
Originally posted by chisel
<br />
Perhaps the reason why no apologies are offered is because the rumors have never been disproved. At least not that I am aware of.

What I have seen is that when certain information is brought to public attention, Lou then threatens people with lawsuits. I have seen it happen publicly, and I have seen evidence of it happening via e-mail.

Was it a good product? I have no idea. Many people have raved about it.

Was the car wax used as it's base? Unless someone has it analyzed, along with the car wax, it is an open and fair question.
Since you have <b>NOTHING to add </b>to this thread, why have you posted? Because you are just another <u>jackass</u> who likes to stir the pot? And likes to keep it anonymous, since you don't have a name in the Members section? And who do you suggest pay for a test of the two products? And why should I defend against assinine comments by people who offer no proof? Would you defend yourself against my statement that I heard <b>you are, in reality, a child molester</b>? And how about if I created an email message, in the form of one of those "Urban Myths", which stated it as fact. What then? I've left you and those other <u>closed-minded, jealous jerks</u> to your own devices, hoping that you would get the idea that you have only a tiny amount of support and that the support comes from the <u>circle-jerk boys</u> over at Chips and Dust. Well, no more. Get a life, chisel (or whatever the hell your name is)...<b>and quit taking your crap out on me</b>.

What an odd response....

I wrote a calm and reasonable post. Very odd indeed.


Sep 22, 2005
Billings, MT, USA.
Chisel or chiseler might be more appropriate, your post deserves a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. You have no knowledge of the product, so any post by you about it is lacks even a hint of intelligence.


Feb 2, 2006
Midvale, Ut,
Has anyone found a supplier as of yet? I have not ttried it as of yet but would like to purchase some after hearing you guys rave about how good it is.

Mike in Utah


Feb 26, 2005
Glen Rose, Texas, USA.
Originally posted by DCBluesman
<br />
Originally posted by chisel
<br />
Perhaps the reason why no apologies are offered is because the rumors have never been disproved. At least not that I am aware of.

What I have seen is that when certain information is brought to public attention, Lou then threatens people with lawsuits. I have seen it happen publicly, and I have seen evidence of it happening via e-mail.

Was it a good product? I have no idea. Many people have raved about it.

Was the car wax used as it's base? Unless someone has it analyzed, along with the car wax, it is an open and fair question.
Since you have <b>NOTHING to add </b>to this thread, why have you posted? Because you are just another <u>jackass</u> who likes to stir the pot? And likes to keep it anonymous, since you don't have a name in the Members section? And who do you suggest pay for a test of the two products? And why should I defend against assinine comments by people who offer no proof? Would you defend yourself against my statement that I heard <b>you are, in reality, a child molester</b>? And how about if I created an email message, in the form of one of those "Urban Myths", which stated it as fact. What then? I've left you and those other <u>closed-minded, jealous jerks</u> to your own devices, hoping that you would get the idea that you have only a tiny amount of support and that the support comes from the <u>circle-jerk boys</u> over at Chips and Dust. Well, no more. Get a life, chisel (or whatever the hell your name is)...<b>and quit taking your crap out on me</b>.

Just for clarification, Chisel is not one of those cicle jerk boys in the Chips and Dust.


Passed Away Jul 4, 2008
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Jul 5, 2004
Camden, S.C., USA.
I have run into chisel on another site.My guess is he has more than one account this one is used for trolling purposes.

Jeff reinstated my account on or about August 8th.Note Chisels membership date.
At the time he quoted my post on this subject he had a total of 10 posts.
Since there is little background information on him you can get insight about him by readinghis previous posts.
Click on his user name and go the the non archived posts in which he responded.
(BTW chisel what happened to your"peace" signature line.?)




That name seems to ring a bell.

So Chisel,

Why don't you have it analyzed?
Why don't one of these other folks who make the accusations have it analyzed and speak some facts? I've seen the product and the maker slandered by several people on this and other forum's but I've never seen one of these people come up with any facts.

What I have seen to date is some words that were cut and pasted from an alleged email, supposedly from a representative of the company which I find highly suspect because the company has a privacy policy stated on their website and the person who posted this alleged email has a history of coming up with bogus crap to try to smudge the name of reputable companies.

Truthfully, I know all I need to know about the product..... It works well.


Activities Manager Emeritus
Mar 18, 2004
Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA.

Add me to the list of those who feel that hiding behind a user name to knowingly stir the pot on an obviously hot button issue is not appropriate.

With respect to Lou's "odd response" perhaps you should consider how long Lou has been attacked on this an other issues. While Lou did not give you a civil response, I feel that his short fuse on this issue is certainly understandable.

Others who have spoken out on controversial issues have had the decency to do so without hiding behind a screen name. Since you choose to hide in this way, I feel that your remarks are not worth considering and should be ignored.


Aug 11, 2006
Originally posted by Mudder
<br />Chisel?


That name seems to ring a bell.

So Chisel,

Why don't you have it analyzed?
Why don't one of these other folks who make the accusations have it analyzed and speak some facts? I've seen the product and the maker slandered by several people on this and other forum's but I've never seen one of these people come up with any facts.

What I have seen to date is some words that were cut and pasted from an alleged email, supposedly from a representative of the company which I find highly suspect because the company has a privacy policy stated on their website and the person who posted this alleged email has a history of coming up with bogus crap to try to smudge the name of reputable companies.

Truthfully, I know all I need to know about the product..... It works well.

Since when is asking questions equal to slander?

I first saw somebody post a link here to the car wax site years ago. He posted it here, and was bashed with about five pages of posts. People called him all sorts of nasty names, and yet he responded with calm and reasonable posts. Nobody answered the actual observation.

Why does the product description match so closely to that of the car wax?

Why is the product name nearly identical?

Why is the application process nearly identical?

These are simply obvious questions, that any reasonable person might ask when presented with this information. The questions are consistently answered with threats of lawsuits, questioning the credibility of the person who is asking the questions, and name calling. That is highly suspicious. It raises even more questions.

I really am not sure why people get so riled up about somebody making simple and obvious observations, and asking a few questions. It makes no sense to me.


Sep 22, 2005
Billings, MT, USA.
Obviously, you carry some sort of grudge against Lou. That's your problem and your perogative. Lou doesn't need to prove anything. So what if the names are similar, that proves nothing. I used to use a product called Classic Car Wax, which had the same application process. There are only a couple of ways to apply something like this. If you think the two products are the same, go test it yourself and prove us all wrong. Wouldn't that be fun? Quit hiding behind anonymity and harassing Lou.
Jan 27, 2005
Drums, PA, USA.
Originally posted by chisel
Why does the product description match so closely to that of the car wax?

Why is the product name nearly identical?

Why is the application process nearly identical?

There is a difference between questions and accusations.

Please back up your accusations with some facts.


Aug 11, 2006
Originally posted by Ron in Drums PA
<br />
Originally posted by chisel
Why does the product description match so closely to that of the car wax?

Why is the product name nearly identical?

Why is the application process nearly identical?

There is a difference between questions and accusations.

Please back up your accusations with some facts.

Please tell me where I am accusing anybody, of anything...I will happily comply.


Originally posted by chisel
<br />
I really am not sure why people get so riled up about somebody making simple and obvious observations, and asking a few questions. It makes no sense to me.

Maybe people get so riled up because others are so cowardly that they need to "hide" behind a screen name.

Funny thing is that you cannot hide behind your IP address, it will give you away every time.

Most any product with carnauba wax in it will have very similar instructions. The wax is very hard and needs to have softeners added. Those softeners flash off fairly rapidly therefore you have a short "open" time. If you had bothered to do any research you would have known that. Instead you choose to hide behind your name and try to stir up controversy. I cannot find one post from you that says anything positive so nothing that you say has any credibility or validity as far as I'm concerned.
Mar 27, 2006
Chesapeake, Va, USA.

I just want to say that I <b>LOVE</b> your product. So much so that I grabbed up an additional 3 jars as soon as I heard you had stopped selling it. I do hope that in the future you will reconsider and begin selling it again. It makes a good pen into a great pen.

It is my hope and desire to meet with you one day in person and shake your hand for inventing such a wonderful product.


Passed Away Jul 4, 2008
In Memoriam
Jul 5, 2004
Camden, S.C., USA.
I cannot find one post from you that says anything positive so nothing that you say has any credibility or validity as far as I'm concerned.

In the interest of accuracy I did find one Positive post,It wasn't hard, before this recent series of posts there were only 10.
On my thread about the herringbone desk set Chisel posted( right after my reinstatement)

I like the fountain pen, much more than the other one. Personal preference

edit in [/blue]


Passed Away Mar 3, 2016
In Memoriam
Aug 22, 2004
Originally posted by chisel
<br />Since when is asking questions equal to slander?

I first saw somebody post a link here to the car wax site years ago. He posted it here, and was bashed with about five pages of posts. People called him all sorts of nasty names, and yet he responded with calm and reasonable posts. Nobody answered the actual observation.

Why does the product description match so closely to that of the car wax?

Why is the product name nearly identical?

Why is the application process nearly identical?

These are simply obvious questions, that any reasonable person might ask when presented with this information. The questions are consistently answered with threats of lawsuits, questioning the credibility of the person who is asking the questions, and name calling. That is highly suspicious. It raises even more questions.

I really am not sure why people get so riled up about somebody making simple and obvious observations, and asking a few questions. It makes no sense to me.

Now you are showing yourself to be an idiot AND a liar.

You didn't ask any questions. You made a dumbass statement based on hearsay. You have, by your own admission, no knowledge of the product. Your original post neither asked questions nor contributed any information.

In terms of you first seeing a link here years ago, that is NOT possible. The product had NO NAME years ago. And when it was given a name, it was called President's Choice until one or two punk-assed posters decided to take exception to that name. As for the name Trade Secret, do a google search. There are HUNDREDS of products called Trade Secret.

Application technique? Take a look at virtually any polish or wax...even Renaissance Wax...and you will see roughly the same techiniques. Maybe, just maybe you should do some research before you make yourself look so foolish.

Questions have been asked and answered on this forum many, many times. Use the search function. I've given the bulk of the ingredients, leaving out only the proprietary portions that make the product distinct. I have withstood the "due diligence" work of several large businesses who have carried the product. If you think they didn't pull out all the stops to assure themselves that they would not become party to some misdeeds, you are thinking like a neanderthal.

As for my hardline stance against you and the others who choose to attempt to sully the product or me, you're damned right. I'm sick of your bull. You've made 3-4 posts and added nothing but questions about your intelligence, intent, honesty and honor. Come out of the closet and let us see your face. Or do you prefer to hide behind a white sheet and hood?

To the rest of you, I apologize for dragging this on in public. I won't argue anymore with "chisel" or any of the other idiots who want to drag this topic up repeatedly. I've decided that from this point forward, I will <b>IGNORE THE IGNORANT</b>.


Aug 11, 2006
Originally posted by Mudder
<br />
Originally posted by chisel
<br />
I really am not sure why people get so riled up about somebody making simple and obvious observations, and asking a few questions. It makes no sense to me.

Maybe people get so riled up because others are so cowardly that they need to "hide" behind a screen name.

Funny thing is that you cannot hide behind your IP address, it will give you away every time.

Most any product with carnauba wax in it will have very similar instructions. The wax is very hard and needs to have softeners added. Those softeners flash off fairly rapidly therefore you have a short "open" time. If you had bothered to do any research you would have known that. Instead you choose to hide behind your name and try to stir up controversy. I cannot find one post from you that says anything positive so nothing that you say has any credibility or validity as far as I'm concerned.

IP address? LOL, Johnny and I have been through that one already. Unless you can show that I am a terrorist threat, or have broken some law...good luck on the one. My IP will change throughout the day, because of the way my service provider routes services.

Anyway, my identity is irrelevant.

As far as positivity is concerned, that is a matter of perspective I guess. I haven't called anybody any names, unlike others.


Originally posted by chisel
<br />[
Anyway, my identity is irrelevant.

"And now I know who you are,
I wasn't that hard,
Just to figure you out"


Aug 11, 2006
Originally posted by DCBluesman
<br />
Originally posted by chisel
<br />Since when is asking questions equal to slander?

I first saw somebody post a link here to the car wax site years ago. He posted it here, and was bashed with about five pages of posts. People called him all sorts of nasty names, and yet he responded with calm and reasonable posts. Nobody answered the actual observation.

Why does the product description match so closely to that of the car wax?

Why is the product name nearly identical?

Why is the application process nearly identical?

These are simply obvious questions, that any reasonable person might ask when presented with this information. The questions are consistently answered with threats of lawsuits, questioning the credibility of the person who is asking the questions, and name calling. That is highly suspicious. It raises even more questions.

I really am not sure why people get so riled up about somebody making simple and obvious observations, and asking a few questions. It makes no sense to me.
Now you are showing yourself to be an idiot AND a liar.

You didn't ask any questions. You made a dumbass statement based on hearsay. You have, by your own admission, no knowledge of the product. Your original post neither asked questions nor contributed any information.

There are two questions in my original post.
In terms of you first seeing a link here years ago, that is NOT possible. The product had NO NAME years ago. And when it was given a name, it was called President's Choice until one or two punk-assed posters decided to take exception to that name. As for the name Trade Secret, do a google search. There are HUNDREDS of products called Trade Secret.

Technically, it was one year and seven months ago. Rounded off to two years.

Application technique? Take a look at virtually any polish or wax...even Renaissance Wax...and you will see roughly the same techiniques. Maybe, just maybe you should do some research before you make yourself look so foolish.

If asking questions makes me look foolish, then so be it. How else is somebody supposed to aquire information?

Questions have been asked and answered on this forum many, many times. Use the search function. I've given the bulk of the ingredients, leaving out only the proprietary portions that make the product distinct. I have withstood the "due diligence" work of several large businesses who have carried the product. If you think they didn't pull out all the stops to assure themselves that they would not become party to some misdeeds, you are thinking like a neanderthal.

Who said anything about misdeeds? As far as I know, you can sell a product that contains other products, so long as they are not patented. I am not saying that your product contains the other product, but if it did...there is no misdeed there.

As an aside, why not share your secret formula with all of your devoted customers? I mean, since you are not going to make it anymore, and so many people like it...why not let the cat out of the bag? Why not hand it over to somebody else to make?

As for my hardline stance against you and the others who choose to attempt to sully the product or me, you're damned right. I'm sick of your bull. You've made 3-4 posts and added nothing but questions about your intelligence, intent, honesty and honor. Come out of the closet and let us see your face. Or do you prefer to hide behind a white sheet and hood?

To the rest of you, I apologize for dragging this on in public. I won't argue anymore with "chisel" or any of the other idiots who want to drag this topic up repeatedly. I've decided that from this point forward, I will <b>IGNORE THE IGNORANT</b>.

Once again, you choose to attack...when somebody makes observations, and asks questions. That just doesn't seem par for the course for business owners.


Aug 16, 2006
Roanoke Rapids, NC, USA.
This has to be the first time I've ever seen anyone called out for not proving what's in their product. Try that with Colonel Sanders and they will laugh in your face. If someone wants to know the ingredients, pay to have it tested. Lou was selling the product and people were buying, that's all that matters. Personally I don't care what's in it, it obviously works and I wish I could purchase some. If you don't like it or think it's car wax, don't buy it or buy the car wax. As for the name and the directions, the above posts answer that question. Just how many ways can there be to apply wax? I wouldn't care if it were called Turtle Wax or Johnson's Paste Wax. If I thought they were the same, I'd purchase both and use which I preferred but wouldn't expect the company to prove their's was different.


Aug 11, 2006
Originally posted by TBone
<br />This has to be the first time I've ever seen anyone called out for not proving what's in their product. Try that with Colonel Sanders and they will laugh in your face. If someone wants to know the ingredients, pay to have it tested. Lou was selling the product and people were buying, that's all that matters. Personally I don't care what's in it, it obviously works and I wish I could purchase some. If you don't like it or think it's car wax, don't buy it or buy the car wax. As for the name and the directions, the above posts answer that question. Just how many ways can there be to apply wax? I wouldn't care if it were called Turtle Wax or Johnson's Paste Wax. If I thought they were the same, I'd purchase both and use which I preferred but wouldn't expect the company to prove their's was different.

Thank you for a reasonable post. That is how I would expect an adult to respond.


Passed Away Jul 4, 2008
In Memoriam
Jul 5, 2004
Camden, S.C., USA.
You may or may not recall I have an <b>Excellent</b> memory.
I can pull up interesting posts on this site because of the excellent search function.
<b>One thing you may not recall is on another site you posted you are a member of a very select pen turning group that requires the prospective members to submit their work and that particular piece gets voted on by 5 other people.</b>
You may think you are anonymous but I can narrow it down to one of approximately 70 people.
What I find interesting is that you still decide to remain anonymous.(but you are not as anonymous as you think)

This remark in no way is meant to cast aspersions or be derrogatory to anyone. It is just a statement, much like the remarks that Chisel has made in this thread.


Aug 29, 2005
Mount Forest, Ontario, Canada.
my question is.... what the hell difference does it make what is in it? if you like the results, you will use it. if you don't like the results, you won't use it.
do you call the beer company to find out the ingredients to you favorite beverage?
do you call the maker of your favorite BBQ sauce to find out the ingredients?
or. do you just keep using it because you like it.
like others on this site, i wish i had a chance to try it. i have read so many great reviews of it.
and i for one could care less what is in it as long as i like the results.
so. if there is a list of people that would like to buy some if there is a "hidden stash" found, or if the maker decides to grace us with his great product again, please add me to it.


Aug 11, 2006
Originally posted by jkoehler
<br />my question is.... what the hell difference does it make what is in it? if you like the results, you will use it. if you don't like the results, you won't use it.
do you call the beer company to find out the ingredients to you favorite beverage?
do you call the maker of your favorite BBQ sauce to find out the ingredients?
or. do you just keep using it because you like it.
like others on this site, i wish i had a chance to try it. i have read so many great reviews of it.
and i for one could care less what is in it as long as i like the results.
so. if there is a list of people that would like to buy some if there is a "hidden stash" found, or if the maker decides to grace us with his great product again, please add me to it.

What I don't understand is why the formula isn't just shared with everybody. If Lou won't make it anymore, and so many people like it...why not just let people have it? He wouldn't lose a penny by sharing it, he is just depriving people who want it.


Apr 14, 2005
Austin, TX, USA.
Originally posted by jkoehler
<br />my question is.... what the hell difference does it make what is in it? if you like the results, you will use it. if you don't like the results, you won't use it.
do you call the beer company to find out the ingredients to you favorite beverage?
do you call the maker of your favorite BBQ sauce to find out the ingredients?
or. do you just keep using it because you like it.
like others on this site, i wish i had a chance to try it. i have read so many great reviews of it.
and i for one could care less what is in it as long as i like the results.

I agree...good post!

If it works and you are satisfied with the results, that's all that matters. [:)]


Jul 10, 2005
Toronto, ON, Canada
I think it's time to turn some pens and forget the 'saltiness' of this post and while I'm at it, I'll apply some TSW to my pen(s) to make them that much better.

Jan 27, 2005
Drums, PA, USA.
Originally posted by TBone
<br />This has to be the first time I've ever seen anyone called out for not proving what's in their product. Try that with Colonel Sanders and they will laugh in your face.

100% correct

ALL finishes on the market are made from the same ingredients.

ALL polishes on the market contain wax

This goes for just about every product imaginable.
Corn Flakes - all contain corn
Hambergers - the good ones contain beef
Gasoline - you get the idea
and so on

Jeff, maybe it's time to lock this thread


Oct 8, 2005
Avondale, PA
Your last point suggests your motive and is most likely for your own benefit, why else remain nameless.

If Lou were to "share" the ingredients as you naively suggest then he would lose any possibility of revenue. But if the product was made as you claim then why would you want then ingredients, unless it was for your personal benefit?

Originally posted by chisel
<br />
Originally posted by jkoehler
<br />my question is.... what the hell difference does it make what is in it? if you like the results, you will use it. if you don't like the results, you won't use it.
do you call the beer company to find out the ingredients to you favorite beverage?
do you call the maker of your favorite BBQ sauce to find out the ingredients?
or. do you just keep using it because you like it.
like others on this site, i wish i had a chance to try it. i have read so many great reviews of it.
and i for one could care less what is in it as long as i like the results.
so. if there is a list of people that would like to buy some if there is a "hidden stash" found, or if the maker decides to grace us with his great product again, please add me to it.

What I don't understand is why the formula isn't just shared with everybody. If Lou won't make it anymore, and so many people like it...why not just let people have it? He wouldn't lose a penny by sharing it, he is just depriving people who want it.


Aug 16, 2006
Roanoke Rapids, NC, USA.
Why should Lou give up the ingredients? He owns something and it's his perogative to keep it or give it away. Lou doesn't have to and shouldn't consider our feelings when deciding whether to keep something that belongs to him. To suggest he give it away is ridiculous.


Jul 7, 2004
Ironton, Ohio, USA.
I use TSW on every pen I make. I personally want to thank Lou for all he has done with this product. I also do not wish to see Lou further attacked, so as moderator, I AM LOCKING THIS THREAD! If Jeff wants it unlocked, he can do so.
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