Pen press?

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Mar 15, 2017
Cleveland, TN
I was looking at the Woodcraft and PSI catalogues. There is a $30 difference with WC being the most expensive. I did use the WC press when I took a class earlier this year. I wanted to get the input from the forum members. I do have some $$$ that I could spend but want to get the most bang for the buck. Right now I have the plastic set that fits in the lathe. Had a time with one pen today. It did go together but had a bit of Oooooph to get the parts seated. Your advice is welcome. I have looked at some DIY presses and might take the plunge and build one.
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Pen Press

I have a Milescraft 4700 works great haven't had any problems yet
I need to mount it on a piece of wood though about mounting it to
the wall but don't know if it wood work for me .
I've had the Milescraft Premium Pen Press for a year or so and it works just fine. But after making quite a number of pens I find myself wishing I had bought the Assembly/Disassembly Pen Press because the more pens you make the more likely you'll make a mistake or two along the way and it's not always easy or even possible to disassemble pen parts.
I've had the Milescraft Premium Pen Press for a year or so and it works just fine. But after making quite a number of pens I find myself wishing I had bought the Assembly/Disassembly Pen Press because the more pens you make the more likely you'll make a mistake or two along the way and it's not always easy or even possible to disassemble pen parts.

That is the one I use .Not only good for mistakes.But also good for just changing blanks .Saves from buying a new kit .And I have never damaged a blank just in case you want to reuse it
I bought the Milescraft 4700, and really do like it, a lot. I mounted it to a slightly longer plywood bed, so as to afford clamping to my workbench. Like another poster, here, the only thing I wish was incorporated into it would be the ability to disassemble a pen.
I bought the HF arbor press and love the control. I know if the handle moves, I am moving the transmission in the pen. Can't beat it for $35-40 and takes up less space with the vertical layout.

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pen press

I was looking at the Woodcraft and PSI catalogues. There is a $30 difference with WC being the most expensive. I did use the WC press when I took a class earlier this year. I wanted to get the input from the forum members. I do have some $$$ that I could spend but want to get the most bang for the buck. Right now I have the plastic set that fits in the lathe. Had a time with one pen today. It did go together but had a bit of Oooooph to get the parts seated. Your advice is welcome. I have looked at some DIY presses and might take the plunge and build one.

I have the 60 dollar assembly press from psi and it works great. I wish they had the assembly/disassembly press when I bought it as the recovered kits from failed projects would have more than paid for the difference in price.
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