Mr Vic
2017 SUMMER ETRAVAGANZA - 17 & Under Youth Pen Contest
Here are the two entries for the 17 and Under Youth Pen Contest. Both these young competitors did great jobs on their pens. Since there are only the two entrants you must make a hard decision and cast your one vote for your favorite.
Voting is now open and will continue until midnight August 28th. If ther should be a tie, a tie breaker poll be conducted August 29th through Midnight August 31st. The winners will be revealed September 1st, 2017.
Contestant # 1
This Young Gentleman is 13 and has turned about 10-15 pens and is doing all the work on his own now. Logan chose an Osage orange wooden blank and used a fancy gold slimline pen kit. He cut the blank using the bandsaw, prepped the blanks using the drill press, turned and assembled the pen by himself. He applied 2 coats of thin CA to finish the pen prior to assembly.
Contestant # 2
This Young Lady is 16 and has been turning pens since January. She loves the look of the flaming box elder wood and paired it with a antique bronze dragon pen kit. She did all the work on the pen by herself with no help. The pen is finished with 2 coats of thin CA and she is still working to perfect her CA finishes.