Vendor Catalog Poll & Comments

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Do you like the concept of "Vendor Catalogs"?

  • Yes, I like the idea. Keep it!

    Votes: 224 91.8%
  • No, I don't like the idea. Pitch it!

    Votes: 4 1.6%
  • I don't care. I'd never look at them.

    Votes: 16 6.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yes, I like the idea of having all the venfors in one place. Not sure how I'll feel once the venue gets crowded into 3 or 4 screens, though... :confused:

I have my doubts that it will grow to that big. If it does, I'd be willing to randomly select 5 threads a month to stick at the top of the forum.
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one of the vendors had an ad that caught my eyes that i probably would not have seen otherwise....keep it
Keep it!

Just made, what is for me, a large order from one of the vendors. The forum makes it easy to find the products and to support IAPers.


A couple weeks ago I asked what you all thought about the concept of "Vendor Catalogs" as a section of The Marketplace. The discussion gave me the impression that it might be worth a try.

So, I asked for vendors to volunteer to set up sample catalogs. 11 vendors expressed interest, and 9 came through with samples. They've been working on their catalogs for about a week, out of public view, and now it's time to have a look at their work and decide if this is something we want to keep.

Please visit the Vendor Catalog Forum and have a look at the catalogs.

Leave me your comments below, and please vote in the poll. Please comment on the concept, not on specific vendor catalogs.
Jeff is the Vendor catalogs only available to the registered memebers?

It was my intention to open it to everyone after we got through the initial construction phase last week. Apparently I had forgotten to do that, so I just fixed that little oversight.
Ok, being nobody else will ask, I will....Whats with the last post in this thread every few hours bumping the thread ?
I like it. I have had to ask a vendor what all the products he was suppling in the past. Sometime I forget who has what and this would help.
I think I like it, I don't have enough items to do a catalog but I think it's a great idea for folks with a lot of different things, such as blanks, kits, parts. I say keep it.
alphageek said:
I thought that was strange too... Do votes w/o posts bump threads? I have a feeling they do.

Yes and if a pole isn't closed you will still get notifications months later when someone adds their vote. I get them from other forums once in a while. I need to learn to use the unsubscribe stuff. ;)

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner because I can't reach my desktop!
Ok, being nobody else will ask, I will....Whats with the last post in this thread every few hours bumping the thread ?

It's a configuration change I made to the poll circuitry to bump the thread when a vote was made. I thought it might be a good way to keep the poll in view without me making posts to bump it.

I don't like this change, so I'm turning it back off.
Seems to me that all of the vendors in the catalog right now have an external website. One can just go to their website and see what they have for sale and it's alot easier to navigate the website and use menus to find the products. I personally don't see the point to the catalog as it is. I myself would find more use out of a simple vendor listing with a link to their external website instead. Just my opinion.
Seems to me that all of the vendors in the catalog right now have an external website. One can just go to their website and see what they have for sale and it's alot easier to navigate the website and use menus to find the products. I personally don't see the point to the catalog as it is. I myself would find more use out of a simple vendor listing with a link to their external website instead. Just my opinion.

We already have just such a listing:
Ok, being nobody else will ask, I will....Whats with the last post in this thread every few hours bumping the thread ?

It's a configuration change I made to the poll circuitry to bump the thread when a vote was made. I thought it might be a good way to keep the poll in view without me making posts to bump it.

I don't like this change, so I'm turning it back off.

The concept sounds neat, but I kept going in to see new content only to come away more confused. :confused: I didn't check to see if it was or wasn't, but I would think that a poll such as this that may have an effect on the forum should be made sticky.
Ok, being nobody else will ask, I will....Whats with the last post in this thread every few hours bumping the thread ?

It's a configuration change I made to the poll circuitry to bump the thread when a vote was made. I thought it might be a good way to keep the poll in view without me making posts to bump it.

I don't like this change, so I'm turning it back off.

The concept sounds neat, but I kept going in to see new content only to come away more confused. :confused: I didn't check to see if it was or wasn't, but I would think that a poll such as this that may have an effect on the forum should be made sticky.

This poll got pretty good attention in the beginning so I didn't bother sticking it. It actually got more votes per day than many.

Sorry again about the confusion. It actually says next to the configuration option: "Setting this option to yes may cause user confusion." :biggrin:
Ok, being nobody else will ask, I will....Whats with the last post in this thread every few hours bumping the thread ?

It's a configuration change I made to the poll circuitry to bump the thread when a vote was made. I thought it might be a good way to keep the poll in view without me making posts to bump it.

I don't like this change, so I'm turning it back off.

The concept sounds neat, but I kept going in to see new content only to come away more confused. :confused: I didn't check to see if it was or wasn't, but I would think that a poll such as this that may have an effect on the forum should be made sticky.

This poll got pretty good attention in the beginning so I didn't bother sticking it. It actually got more votes per day than many.

Sorry again about the confusion. It actually says next to the configuration option: "Setting this option to yes may cause user confusion." :biggrin:

Sometimes they're right!!!:wink:
I like the concept of a catalog area. I'm not sure the forums lend themselves to the most easy to use implementation, however.

In all of the examples, each catalog is just one large message. I'd prefer a way to browse by category or some other organization (for those vendors that have a lot of different things), but maybe that's just redundant with their web sites.

I know exactly where you are coming from on that idea Barry. If this was html it could be done pretty easy. But in the forum the code will not work like.
I like the concept of a catalog area. I'm not sure the forums lend themselves to the most easy to use implementation, however.

In all of the examples, each catalog is just one large message. I'd prefer a way to browse by category or some other organization (for those vendors that have a lot of different things), but maybe that's just redundant with their web sites.


I've been thinking the same thing. If we pooled together to create a vendor/product database, would people use it? Would the vendors keep it updated? I build databases and front-end web tools everyday (I'm a programmer). We could easily create something one a different server for this purpose and just link to it from the IAP, if that's allowed. It could basically be a product search engine and the vendors could keep it up-to date (that would probably be the hardest part, especially with blanks that are in stock one minute and gone the next). Would anyone be interested in that? I'd be glad to work with a few others to spec out a prototype design...
I can't remember a poll in IAP history that had over a 90% result!

I guess we'll keep the catalogs!

I'll be in touch with the vendors who tested the catalog forum, and I'll post something in there over the next few days regarding guidelines and instructions. Thanks all for your help!
I know exactly where you are coming from on that idea Barry. If this was html it could be done pretty easy. But in the forum the code will not work like.

I CAN enable HTML in that forum, but there are some risks.

Broken HTML (something simple like a missing close table tag) screws up formatting on the entire page. I'd be willing to do it, but the responsibility for clean, functional code would belong to the vendor.
I like the concept of a catalog area. I'm not sure the forums lend themselves to the most easy to use implementation, however.

In all of the examples, each catalog is just one large message. I'd prefer a way to browse by category or some other organization (for those vendors that have a lot of different things), but maybe that's just redundant with their web sites.


I've been thinking the same thing. If we pooled together to create a vendor/product database, would people use it? Would the vendors keep it updated? I build databases and front-end web tools everyday (I'm a programmer). We could easily create something one a different server for this purpose and just link to it from the IAP, if that's allowed. It could basically be a product search engine and the vendors could keep it up-to date (that would probably be the hardest part, especially with blanks that are in stock one minute and gone the next). Would anyone be interested in that? I'd be glad to work with a few others to spec out a prototype design...

If a vendor has done proper SEO on his site, what would be the benefit over, say, Google?

What would be the motivation for a vendor to keep two product databases updated, his store's and a separate search engine?

Those are really rhetorical questions. If the interest is there, go for it!
jeff said:
If a vendor has done proper SEO on his site, what would be the benefit over, say, Google?

What would be the motivation for a vendor to keep two product databases updated, his store's and a separate search engine?

Those are really rhetorical questions. If the interest is there, go for it!

I don't think those are rhetorical questions, thy are valid questions with valid answers. The advantage over google is that this would be just for the IAP community and would not search the entire earth! If you type gator jaw into google, I imagine you'll flip through many pages before finding a pen blank. Also, I think the results that float to the top are for people who are willing to pay more money to google. This would be a free (or small uniform fee thats equal for everyone if that is preferred) and unbiased search engine.
And as far as vendors motivation for keeping two product databases updated... What was their motivation for asking you to create this catalog in the first place? It's the same concept, they still have to keep this catalog updated as well as their own website, right? But if its going to be done anyway, why not take it a step further and create a searchable database? I believe it would be more useful. A vendor catalog idea was pitched, I'm just trying to improve upon it...
Also, the vendors might not have to keep two databases updated. I would assume with any web store, the information is stored in a database and that information can probably be extracted. Then that could just be imported into our database. Can any vendors tell me if their software has an export feature where the inventory and pricing info is exported to excel or a csv file or something like that?
I can't remember a poll in IAP history that had over a 90% result!

I guess we'll keep the catalogs!

I'll be in touch with the vendors who tested the catalog forum, and I'll post something in there over the next few days regarding guidelines and instructions. Thanks all for your help!
Just my competitive, like to win attitude and absolutely nothing to do with this thread but............................ there was one other. :eek::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::wink::tongue:

Sorry Jeff, I had to do it. If it gets me in hot water, I understand. BY the way, I did vote for it, good job.
Last edited:
jeff said:
If a vendor has done proper SEO on his site, what would be the benefit over, say, Google?

What would be the motivation for a vendor to keep two product databases updated, his store's and a separate search engine?

Those are really rhetorical questions. If the interest is there, go for it!

I don't think those are rhetorical questions, thy are valid questions with valid answers. The advantage over google is that this would be just for the IAP community and would not search the entire earth! If you type gator jaw into google, I imagine you'll flip through many pages before finding a pen blank. Also, I think the results that float to the top are for people who are willing to pay more money to google. This would be a free (or small uniform fee thats equal for everyone if that is preferred) and unbiased search engine.
And as far as vendors motivation for keeping two product databases updated... What was their motivation for asking you to create this catalog in the first place? It's the same concept, they still have to keep this catalog updated as well as their own website, right? But if its going to be done anyway, why not take it a step further and create a searchable database? I believe it would be more useful. A vendor catalog idea was pitched, I'm just trying to improve upon it...

As I said, if this is something you want to take on, feel free to do so.
Clowns?Clowns?, those just happen to be big shoes and my nose is not that red!!! Clowns indeed, humph!!!!

Maybe all the fish in one barrel?? I see I cannot win with my analogies. Not meaning any offence just light hearted jesting. I appreciate everything the vendors do for this great site.

Fish?..........well maybe...:rolleyes: some of us vendors do give off a fishy odor at times:wink:

Roy did you forget to change your socks after turning GATOR again?????

I can't remember a poll in IAP history that had over a 90% result!

I guess we'll keep the catalogs!

I'll be in touch with the vendors who tested the catalog forum, and I'll post something in there over the next few days regarding guidelines and instructions. Thanks all for your help!
Just my competitive, like to win attitude and absolutely nothing to do with this thread but............................ there was one other. :eek::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::wink::tongue:

Sorry Jeff, I had to do it. If it gets me in hot water, I understand. BY the way, I did vote for it, good job.

I stand corrected! :biggrin:
jeff said:
If a vendor has done proper SEO on his site, what would be the benefit over, say, Google?

What would be the motivation for a vendor to keep two product databases updated, his store's and a separate search engine?

Those are really rhetorical questions. If the interest is there, go for it!

I don't think those are rhetorical questions, thy are valid questions with valid answers. The advantage over google is that this would be just for the IAP community and would not search the entire earth! If you type gator jaw into google, I imagine you'll flip through many pages before finding a pen blank. Also, I think the results that float to the top are for people who are willing to pay more money to google. This would be a free (or small uniform fee thats equal for everyone if that is preferred) and unbiased search engine.
And as far as vendors motivation for keeping two product databases updated... What was their motivation for asking you to create this catalog in the first place? It's the same concept, they still have to keep this catalog updated as well as their own website, right? But if its going to be done anyway, why not take it a step further and create a searchable database? I believe it would be more useful. A vendor catalog idea was pitched, I'm just trying to improve upon it...

2nd msg:
Also, the vendors might not have to keep two databases updated. I would assume with any web store, the information is stored in a database and that information can probably be extracted. Then that could just be imported into our database. Can any vendors tell me if their software has an export feature where the inventory and pricing info is exported to excel or a csv file or something like that?

Good questions Jeff.

For me, there is a little more too it though than just having a "targeted" search here rather than using google etc. I like being here because I like giving back to IAP and the member's here. This is where I came when I was a newbie and part of the reason we ended up starting the product lines that we have, I like being able to put everything together into one "catalog" and have that where our members can easily find out if they are likely to find what they want when they get to the site...

The idea of a searchable data base might be good as an addition to the catalogs and advertisements - BUT keep in mind that not everyone always knows exactly what they are looking for. It's one thing when it's something simple like CA glues which any number of us carry, however it's different when it is "that speckled, marblelike blue blank I saw a few weeks back (and now can't find the post again.)

While my program doesn't allow me to just export my data here and I do have to complete the catalog entirely by hand - as any of us would a post of any other kind but with the photos and links etc - I feel that it has a definite value. I will have to be a bit more diligent in trying to watch out for the Mr. doing things like changing a photo online when something new comes along (oops sorry folks!) I will have to make more frequent changes when things are coming in, new, closed out etc ... but I think in the long run what it offers to those trying to figure out what they are looking for - or just looking for the fun of it and seeing the "stuff" that abounds, it is well worth my efforts! Once it is all done (yup - still working) I don't think it will be that difficult to maintain.

Thanks for the opportunity Jeff, this was a good experience for all of us!


jeff said:
If a vendor has done proper SEO on his site, what would be the benefit over, say, Google?

What would be the motivation for a vendor to keep two product databases updated, his store's and a separate search engine?

Those are really rhetorical questions. If the interest is there, go for it!

I don't think those are rhetorical questions, thy are valid questions with valid answers. The advantage over google is that this would be just for the IAP community and would not search the entire earth! If you type gator jaw into google, I imagine you'll flip through many pages before finding a pen blank. Also, I think the results that float to the top are for people who are willing to pay more money to google. This would be a free (or small uniform fee thats equal for everyone if that is preferred) and unbiased search engine.
And as far as vendors motivation for keeping two product databases updated... What was their motivation for asking you to create this catalog in the first place? It's the same concept, they still have to keep this catalog updated as well as their own website, right? But if its going to be done anyway, why not take it a step further and create a searchable database? I believe it would be more useful. A vendor catalog idea was pitched, I'm just trying to improve upon it...

2nd msg:
Also, the vendors might not have to keep two databases updated. I would assume with any web store, the information is stored in a database and that information can probably be extracted. Then that could just be imported into our database. Can any vendors tell me if their software has an export feature where the inventory and pricing info is exported to excel or a csv file or something like that?

Good questions Jeff.

For me, there is a little more too it though than just having a "targeted" search here rather than using google etc. I like being here because I like giving back to IAP and the member's here. This is where I came when I was a newbie and part of the reason we ended up starting the product lines that we have, I like being able to put everything together into one "catalog" and have that where our members can easily find out if they are likely to find what they want when they get to the site...

The idea of a searchable data base might be good as an addition to the catalogs and advertisements - BUT keep in mind that not everyone always knows exactly what they are looking for. It's one thing when it's something simple like CA glues which any number of us carry, however it's different when it is "that speckled, marblelike blue blank I saw a few weeks back (and now can't find the post again.)

While my program doesn't allow me to just export my data here and I do have to complete the catalog entirely by hand - as any of us would a post of any other kind but with the photos and links etc - I feel that it has a definite value. I will have to be a bit more diligent in trying to watch out for the Mr. doing things like changing a photo online when something new comes along (oops sorry folks!) I will have to make more frequent changes when things are coming in, new, closed out etc ... but I think in the long run what it offers to those trying to figure out what they are looking for - or just looking for the fun of it and seeing the "stuff" that abounds, it is well worth my efforts! Once it is all done (yup - still working) I don't think it will be that difficult to maintain.

Thanks for the opportunity Jeff, this was a good experience for all of us!



Ok, that makes sense. It's helpful to hear the point-of-view of vendors since I'm not one. I see things differently and have no idea what goes on inside your heads. Thanks for the insight!
I agree

jeff said:
If a vendor has done proper SEO on his site, what would be the benefit over, say, Google?

What would be the motivation for a vendor to keep two product databases updated, his store's and a separate search engine?

Those are really rhetorical questions. If the interest is there, go for it!

I don't think those are rhetorical questions, thy are valid questions with valid answers. The advantage over google is that this would be just for the IAP community and would not search the entire earth! If you type gator jaw into google, I imagine you'll flip through many pages before finding a pen blank. Also, I think the results that float to the top are for people who are willing to pay more money to google. This would be a free (or small uniform fee thats equal for everyone if that is preferred) and unbiased search engine.
And as far as vendors motivation for keeping two product databases updated... What was their motivation for asking you to create this catalog in the first place? It's the same concept, they still have to keep this catalog updated as well as their own website, right? But if its going to be done anyway, why not take it a step further and create a searchable database? I believe it would be more useful. A vendor catalog idea was pitched, I'm just trying to improve upon it...

As I said, if this is something you want to take on, feel free to do so.
As my daddy used to say K-I-S-S Keep It Simple Son (bet you thought I was gonna say something else). I don't wanna move my whole store here Just the things that are of special interest to IAP members. Often that will be items and/or prices that aren't in my store.
jeff said:
If a vendor has done proper SEO on his site, what would be the benefit over, say, Google?

What would be the motivation for a vendor to keep two product databases updated, his store's and a separate search engine?

Those are really rhetorical questions. If the interest is there, go for it!

I don't think those are rhetorical questions, thy are valid questions with valid answers. The advantage over google is that this would be just for the IAP community and would not search the entire earth! If you type gator jaw into google, I imagine you'll flip through many pages before finding a pen blank. Also, I think the results that float to the top are for people who are willing to pay more money to google. This would be a free (or small uniform fee thats equal for everyone if that is preferred) and unbiased search engine.
And as far as vendors motivation for keeping two product databases updated... What was their motivation for asking you to create this catalog in the first place? It's the same concept, they still have to keep this catalog updated as well as their own website, right? But if its going to be done anyway, why not take it a step further and create a searchable database? I believe it would be more useful. A vendor catalog idea was pitched, I'm just trying to improve upon it...

As I said, if this is something you want to take on, feel free to do so.
As my daddy used to say K-I-S-S Keep It Simple Son (bet you thought I was gonna say something else). I don't wanna move my whole store here Just the things that are of special interest to IAP members. Often that will be items and/or prices that aren't in my store.

Ok, that's something I wasn't aware of either. Thanks.
I think the searchable database would be great, when is this Catalog function going to be available to us who were mot able to do it in the beginning?
and will the images be carried from our servers, or through the IAP site like the adds are now.
I agree with Smitty but in my case I think its the other S word that applies.
I think the searchable database would be great, when is this Catalog function going to be available to us who were mot able to do it in the beginning?
and will the images be carried from our servers, or through the IAP site like the adds are now.
I agree with Smitty but in my case I think its the other S word that applies.

Sometime next week.
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