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Let me make sure I know what I'm to do.
Take all the correct answers, assign them a number from 1 to XX, then use the random number generator to pick the winning number and post the name associated with that number. Is that it?
Let me make sure I know what I'm to do.
Take all the correct answers, assign them a number from 1 to XX, then use the random number generator to pick the winning number and post the name associated with that number. Is that it?

Last year, I counted number of emails, used the number generator to select the random 2 winners. Looked at those 2 corresponding emails to get the winners. Last year I didnt have to redraw another number due to all the emails had correct answers.

Then post the winners.
Let me make sure I know what I'm to do.
Take all the correct answers, assign them a number from 1 to XX, then use the random number generator to pick the winning number and post the name associated with that number. Is that it?

Last year, I counted number of emails, used the number generator to select the random 2 winners. Looked at those 2 corresponding emails to get the winners. Last year I didnt have to redraw another number due to all the emails had correct answers.

Then post the winners.


I made a gmail account that the emails will be forwarded to. It is the password is bash2012.

I think I can handle that.
You should be able too. I also have them in a word doc, if that would be easier I can send it to you.

Also the trivia email is up and working...

We should be good to go.......
Chris if its easier on you and Dale, how bout just changing day 1 to the 2nd post here...

The answer would then still be the same...

Day 1. According to the IAP Privacy Policy. What 2 items must you provide in your profile to sell?

A. Real Name and Location
OK... I get to post the answers. Can someone tell me how this is done? I know to copy and paste, Right? But, paste it where?
Hows about something like this...

Trivia Answer Feb 1

Day 1. According to the IAP Privacy Policy. What 2 items must you provide in your profile to sell?

A. Real Name and Location

Winners will be announce shortly...


I would like to remind winners that the prize you will be receiving has been donated by a supporter of the IAP. Please take a minute to email a note of appreciation when you receive your prize.
It was posted that the daily contest would be open until noon the following day. For today's the answer was posted early.

I've moved all the replies to the Feb 1 folder.
Several did not show the date and name of the contest in the subject line. It's no problem for this one but for remaining ones, it could get confusing as there could be some answers come in late. I'd suggest that on all future days, we post if they fail to do this their answer will be disqualified. Opinion?
If you want you can post the winners for day 1...

Dunno how long Chuck will be at dr. appt, I will go ahead and post answer again
If you want you can post the winners for day 1...

Dunno how long Chuck will be at dr. appt, I will go ahead and post answer again
I am back from the Dr. Here is the PM I received from AlphaGeek at 8:59 this A.M. Let me know what to do.

Hi dalecamino,

The following thread that you created has been deleted

================================================== ========================
Thread: Trivia contest answer Feb 1
Forum: Casual Conversation
Reason: Please don't post the answers
================================================== ========================

If you have any questions, you can ask an administrator for assistance

The International Association of Penturners staff
I reposted a thread announcing the winners. Got some PM's and questions on when who was announcing winners...


Start a new thread each day announcing winners...
Would it work to have Dale start a new thread after noon that's titled something like "Day # Trivia answers and whiners, I mean winners :eek:, or would you prefer separate threads?
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