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Aug 5, 2009
Millersburg, OR
Wanted to start a thread so we could start working out the details and collecting questions.
Maybe the first question should be about what your profile needs to take part in IAP activities as a subtle reminder.
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Day 1. According to the IAP Privacy Policy. What 2 items must you provide in your profile to sell?

A. Real Name and Location
Ive been working on questions and will post them here when I get them all typed out, then we can copy and paste like last year.....

It seemed to work well that way.

If someone has some questions they would like to ask make submissions here and I will add them. I also have a Russ Fairfield question... I was thinking about asking the day the Russ Fairfield contest started. I'm going to try to arrange them to work out with other contests going on at the same time.

to the First day of this year's

We will aim to start each daily contest by 12 noon ET on a given day; but TriviaMeister schedules may necessitate earlier or later starting times. Regardless of the starting time, you will have until noon ET of the following day to email your answer for the contest question. Please be sure to include your IAP screen name with your answer so we know who you are.

All entries "postmarked" before noon ET of the contest closing day will be placed in a hat(electronic hat, actually) and two winners will be selected. The winners will be the first entry selected at random that is valid and have the correct answer to the contest question. The winner will be announced on contest closing day after 12pm ET. (or thereabouts as the TriviaMeister's schedule permits) and the decision of the TriviaMeister will be final.

The prize you will be competing for today is:

TBD - Two winners selected by random daily.

!!!!!***HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK***!!!!!

Question for day 1.....

Day 1. According to the IAP Privacy Policy. What 2 items must you provide in your profile to participate in IAP Activities including the Birthday Bash?

Email your answer to:

Please show the date and name of the contest in the subject line of your email entry i.e., 1 FEB Trivia. You can copy/paste the preceeding. (This saves time for the TriviaMeister in processing entries.) Also be sure to include your screen name with your answer!!

Note: "Laundry list" entries that include several possible alternative answers are "NOT" acceptable. Submit only one answer per question or question part(if there is a multi-part question) unless the question specifically asks for multiple answers. Thanks.

The TriviaMeisters have decided there will be "NO" limit on the number of times any one person can win a prize. If you know your stuff and are lucky in the draw, you could win as many as 28 prizes!!!
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There are the rules for the trivia.

They can be copy and pasted each day for ease of use. Note - The highlighted portions need to be updated daily.
The winner of the Day 1 contest is:

IAP username - Add username here

Add question and answer here!


I would like to remind winners that the prize you will be receiving has been donated by a supporter of the IAP. Please take a minute to email a note of appreciation when you receive your prize.

We have 4 trivia people this year. I am open to suggestions on how yall want to split this up. I believe last year Chris posted the questions and I posted the answers and announced the winners.

Word of warning.... my experience from last year is no matter what the question and what the answer, or explaining how the winner was chosen...... you will get complaints PM'ed to you. If that happens you can forward them to me, I got thick skin
Is there an easy way to find who member # 10,000 is for a question?

There is NOT a right answer.

The person who says he was 10,000, was based on the complete database. But the membership roster does NOT agree with the member count (on the home page). So there cannot be ONE RIGHT answer, here.

I suspect this results from Jeff purging some very old names that never posted.

Now, the FIRST member, outside of Jeff and Scott, can be determined by separating the member list by join date and taking the third name (a ten way tie on 1-1-04).
Last year I wrote most of the questions and answers then me and Chris got together and made some changes... Trying to eliminate ones with what we thought others would complain about. There was still issues and complaints.

I am working on a list of questions if you have a question you'd like asked please post here and it will be added. I have also used questions from previous bashes.
There may be other ways, but if you use the URL

Where xxxx is the member number you are looking for, you will get the send private message page for the member xxxx. For example xxxx=4 gives you jeff, xxxx=1088 gives you Ed, and xxxx=10000 gives you nobody.... Perhaps jeff will chime in.

Since this post is so Trivial, do I win???

Just wondering! Will somebody let me know what days I will fill? Do I need to provide my own Q&A's ? I did a couple of weeks in 2010 bash but, have forgotten most everything, EXCEPT the complaining :rolleyes: I'm ok with that, now that we have somebody with thick skin:biggrin:
I am still working on compiling a list of questions and answers that can just be copy and pasted each day.

As far as the volunteering goes, I am good with anything. I am home all day, either on computer or in shop. Since we have 4 people we can split things however works best for you guys... then I can fill in where needed.

I think last year Chris posted all the questions then I gave the answers the following day.

I am about done with all the questions and will post them when done along with some other trivia related posts. I'd have the questions done but my lathe caught fire a few days ago and been working on repairs so I can play during the bash too...
Lathe caught fire? MUCH better than the dog ate my homework. :biggrin: Been rather under the weather the last week. haven't done much.

Question, What does the acronym FPP stand for on the IAP? Freedom Pens Project.

Who wrote the article 6 segment knot pen? Larry Writ AKA ribanett

Dale, if you have any questions to add please post them in this thread.
Question for day 1.....

Day 1. According to the IAP Privacy Policy. What 2 items must you provide in your profile to participate in IAP Activities including the Birthday Bash?

Just an FYI, IAP Activities are not addressed in the IAP Privacy Policy. They are addressed in the Rules for IAP Activities. The Privacy Policy only addresses use of the classifieds.
Trivia Questions

Day 1. According to the "Rules for IAP Activities". What 2 items must you provide in your profile to participate in IAP Activities, including the Bash?

A. Real Name and Location

Day 2. What provides you access to IAP-Wiki?

A. Your IAP account

Day 3. The IAP was founded by what 2 members?

A. Jeff - Jeff Brown Scott - Scott Greaves

Day 4. Who is the Library Manager?

A. TomW

Day 5. Russ Fairfield's "Russ-line" pen was his adaptation of the "Parker" style to make a lighter weight pen that used what basic component kit.

A. Slim-line

Day 6. What does the acronym "IIRC" stand for in regards to this forum?

A. If I Recall Correctly

Day 7. To start a local chapter how many people do you need?

A. 5

Day 8. What is the goal of the IAP?

A. The goal of the IAP is to give pen makers a place to enhance their skills, share experiences, and promote the art of pen making.

Day 9. In DCBluesmans Pen Makers' Guild Experience, in what month did he start making his submission?

A. February.

Day 10. According to the IAP Terms of Service what is the age restriction?

A. Over the age of 13

Day 11. Who wrote "Collet Chuck Usage"?

A. Randall Smith (Randyrls)

Day 12. This member joined on 02/18/2004.

A. Glenn McCullough

Day 13. In "Behind The Lathe" what did James Maan say his favorite type of pen to write with was?

A. Roller ball

Day 14. What material did George Butcher use to make the holder to work on the section in his tutorial "Crafting A Fountain Pen Grip Section"?

A. Delrin

Day 15. In the members pen site link. What members pen site has the most views?

A. Altacii

Day 16. According to the "Acceptable Use Policy" what is the maximum number of links you can have in your signature.

A. 3

Day 17. This forum has the most sub-forums.

Local Chapters

Day 18. This members post has the most views in the SOYP Forum.

A. ctEAGLEsc

Day 19. What is Step 1 in the tutorial "Casting Feather Blanks" by Shane Whitlock?

A. Turn some plugs

Day 20. What forum has the most threads?

A. Show Off Your Pens (SOYP)

Day 21. How many links are listed under Reference & Education?

A. 9

Day 22. In the Community Forum, which forum can only be viewed when you are logged in?

A. Marketing and shows

Day 23. How many members are shown to have a birthday on 2/14/2012 calendar.

A. 6
Day 24. According to IAP member poll, how many people have been making pens 2-3 years?

A. 63

Day 25. What kind of chuck did Texatdurango use in his tutorial "Another way of making a pen"?

A. Beall collet chuck

Day 26. In the tutorial "Pen Photography" what are the 2 important aspects in taking a good photo?

A. Correct exposure and correct white balance.

Day 27. "Single Barrel Finial Twist Parker Pen" was inspired by who?

A. Luther Bryan (Butch)

Day 28. Who wrote the tutorial "6 Segment Knot Pen"?

A. Larry Writ AKA (ribanett)
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Day 25. What kind of chuck did Texatdurango use in his tutorial "Another way of making a pen"?

A. Beall collet chuck

I suggest you just say Collet Chuck. Beall is a Brand name. PSI also makes a collett chuck.

Day 27. "Single Barrel Finial Twist Parker Pen" was inspired by who?

A. Luther Bryan (Butch)

Correct last name is Bryant
Looks good. We do need one more question.

I started to add another and noticed we dont have trivia listed for the 29th. So dunno yet if were having it that day. I'm sure we will get an answer. I was about to post in other thread but sure we will get answer here shortly.

Mike those corrections will be noted..... but I cant edit my post now. Can one of you mods edit it?
We have the questions, Who wants to do what? Last year we had one to post and one to do the drawings. It seemed to work well. With an extra person it might be a good idea to have someone to answer questions during the day if there is any confusion. Any thoughts?
Waiting for instructions. I would like NOT to be the starter. Can do posting, or drawing,or both as in 6th bash. Let me know.
I am open to let you guys decide how and what you'd like to do.

Basically we need someone to post questions, post answers, select winners. I can give help in any area, I dont work so I am here daily.
Dale, Chris, Mannie,

It appears all of us are here for the majority of the day, with the exception of Chris. So here were my thoughts

Chris can post the questions.
Dale can post the answers.
Mannie can post the winners.

I will come up with a post to congratulate the winners and have them select a prize between 1 -15. That way when Ed comes to the thread he can announce the prize and get it allocated without having to come back? Ed is that ok with you? Will it make it easier on you?

Mannie, I realize you have a business to run also, I will be able to assist you when needed.

Is that ok with you guys?
I just heard from Chris (Sumterdad) who is working with Dan on the T-Shirts. Dan suggested we place all the daily winners in a drawing at the end of the bash for a T-Shirt. Sound good to you guys?
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