'Snookered' Tiger Tail

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Passed Away Mar 22, 2022
In Memoriam
Oct 19, 2006
In a Skip in Wales
You can tell I've got some free time:biggrin::rolleyes: Two in one day!!!:tongue:

I'm waiting for a shipment of decent kits to come in and my addiction made me use another UK kit until they arrive.
One batch came today but and I was stunned to see that I had actually ordered the wrong pens. I really wanted some Jr Gent rollerballs, but instead I ordered full sized fountain pens:mad: Oh well.....

This one is made with left over strips. I actually quite like it:biggrin:


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Seamus, it's actually very easy.

Take the lengths or slices and sand one side with sand paper on a flat hard surface. I think this process is called 'Lapping' Then glue one to the white piece ( in this case )
Then cut through them to get the sharp angle. Sand the cut side again and glue the other slice on. The hardest part is making sure you drill down the middle. This one was pretty close I think:biggrin:

EDIT; Just added this close up, Seamus. If you sand to around 1200 grit, then you shouldn't see any glue lines:wink:


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I really like it too Steve. That is really cool how you have that blank split and bookmatched like that! Way sweet. I understand about the kits too..been there done that..more than once too! But...I'm kinda happy that I don't have any pen kits too. I haven't had a pen kit in a few months and it hasn't seemed to stop me at all.
SK, Once again you define sharp as a tack or flash as a Rat with a Gold Tooth.

I have always been intriqued by Pool Cue joints as well been searching old pool Cues for clues and or possible purchase.

We have never seen kits like the ones in the UK or also in other countries such as this one.

You have redefined different with high impact since your first.

This week I have contacted a firm in Australia to make for me items in tooling to micron level accuracy in the toughest of steel happy with that.

Ten days ago had a heart op one Artery fully blocked now with the most expensive SSS grading steel fully open looking forward to a calmer life.

Kind regards Peter.
LOL, of course I don't mind Toni:tongue: You embarrased me so much I even went back and took new pics ( see above ):biggrin:

I tell you guys......we're gonna have to watch out for this woman!!!! Behind that pretty face is a She Devil!!!:devil:

Just kidding Toni:tongue:
Peter my friend, I hope you are recovery well from the op. Take it easy for a while, but before you get settled in a calmer life, would you do me a favour? Would you just hop over the water to NZ and mess up all that Sheila's clay for me? Thanks!!!:biggrin:

Take care:wink:
You embarrased me so much I even went back and took new pics
You did:tongue:My photos look better:biggrin:

i tell you guys......we're gonna have to watch out for this woman!!!! Behind that pretty face is a She Devil!!!:devil:
I like She Devil instead of Darth Toni

Steve~~Its a beautiful Pen I couldnt resist..

Shelia's are in Australia not in New Zealand I dont think I can say what they call woman in New Zealand...LOL Anyway I am a "Jersey Girl":biggrin:

as for Toni, she seems to brighten up everything around here
You know that will get you extra canes...LOL
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