mark james
IAP Collection, Curator
This offer is still valid (9/27), BUT, I will be away from home from 9/29 - 10/9. So orders are still fine, but will not get mailed until 10/10-10/11.
This blank sale is a continuation of the: Estate Blank Fundraiser.
All profit goes directly to IAP.
As this was an Estate Sale purchase - IAP makes no guarantee that the blanks are labeled correctly
Respond within this thread if you want any boxes.
Payment (Blanks plus postage) is to be made to the IAP PayPal account. (
PM me (Mark James) your name and mailing address.
I will confirm with Jeff that payment has been received.
I will then PM you back with confirmation of your order and USPS tracking.
I have about 2,000 blanks left, about half are not labeled, so IAP is not too concerned to get "market prices" for what we are not sure of. I will simply mix-and-match a nice variety of blanks for every box. If anyone is less than happy with what they receive, just PM me and I'll make it good - guaranteed!
SFRB: 16-22 blanks depending on size = $22.00 shipped (so about .75/blank)
MFRB: 60 blanks (these will include larger blanks than the SFRB as I have more room) = $60.00 shipped (also about .75/blank)
Non-USA sales will be priced and sent to you for consideration.
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