Hi to All From Timbertown NSW

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May 19, 2013
155 Cameron Street Wauchope NSW Australia
Howdy all! My name is Howie and I am from Wauchope NSW. Wauchope was a logging and timber milling community way back in the early 1830's. I have been here now for 7 years. I like woodworking in general but turn the odd pen. My pen turning skills aren't too bad but you know what they say...there is always room for improvement! I hope to make new acquaintances while I am on this forum plus learn any other ways to turn and finish pens. I have just been reading a few posts on introductions and notice that there is a lot of retired servicemen/women that use this forum. I would just like to say that as an ex serviceman myself (Royal Australian Navy), I understand what you guys sacrificed for your respective countries and I along with the many others thank you for your services! May you live long and prosper!:biggrin:
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Welcome Howie!

I'm not a retired servicemember but as an ex servicemember I appreciate your comments.
Lots of us out there.
Enjoy, share, learn!

Btw, I spent six weeks around Cairns and Townsville around 1987.
Thanks to all members that replied to my thread with your warm welcomes. To theidlemind... Cairns and Townsville are about 1243 and 1500 miles respectively north of where I live but I traveled there a lot when I was a bit younger myself. See I ride a Harley and belonged to a big motorcycle club that always did a lot of miles. They have 75 charters all over Australia and I have been to all of them at least once. Far North Queensland is a beautiful part of Australia and if you ever get the opportunity you should go there again.

To all those members from Georgia. I have never been to visit but I had a great Uncle who owned an importing business in two locations in Georgia, Birmingham and Atlanta. He lived there for many a year. I did get to meet him once but it was such a long time ago and he came here to Australia. One day I hope to be able to travel to the States again and Georgia will be on the intinery!

I also see from one comment that there is a lot to learn from this site and its members and I am looking forward to learning. Someone else's perspective quite often clears up a problem your having. It's always good to know more than one way to achieve something.
Welcome Howie, from Kalbarri, West. Aust. And a Vietnam Vet.

Dear Bob
My warmest regards and sincere thanks go to you especially since you mentioned your a Vietnam Vet. While I am too young to have served in Vietnam I am old enough to remember how our Government treated those soldiers when they got back into the country. And more to the point how badly the whole experience effected most of those soldiers that went! I made a lot of acquaintances in the years well after that conflict and they were still having nightmares even then. I'm sorry you had to go in the first place but am so glad you made it back...unlike many Aussies who did not.
Well, living in one of the oldest logging communities, I hope you can source some interesting old woods from around you, there will be some interesting stuff in there.

From the edge of the Adelaide Hills in South Australia, welcome to the group, I hope we soon can all see some pics of your efforts as everyone here "loves" pictures...!

Good luck,
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