CSUSA Dec Group Buy - CLOSED Dec 6 Update 2.17.07

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Sep 30, 2005
Gilbert, Az
I want to get this Group By done pretty quick. Let's try to get orders in by next Wed 12/06/06 so CSUSA can get them shipped out.

We need 100 kits to get our discount, please drop a note into this thread with the # you ordered. We will keep it open longer if needed to get to 100 kits. But we will not close early.

As such PayPal only please.

I have created a Spread Sheet to assist.

Please look at it, fill it out and send it to me.

Please PayPal as soon as you can.

Kits arrived last night, boxed, ready to get labled and sent.

I got a ship notice from CSUSA last night. They should be here shortly.

I have not seen a ship notice from CSUSA that they have shipped me the kits.

I will call them on Monday and check status. My GUESS is that they got them in, and will package and ship to me. But since I don't work there, I am at their mercy.

Again, I am sorry CSUSA is taking so long.

CSUSA says 2/9/07 for them to receive the kits.

Some packages went out. Still waiting on 2328's
First part of Feb... You should get an email from PayPal/USPS when I print the postage out, should have the DC # in it.
Nothing new... will post when I talk to CSUSA sometime this week.

I have been traveling this week.
I just got a notification that a light box will be delivered. This should be the tubes that got shorted and anything else other than the 2328's.

If you asked to have your box sent out, I will be able to get it out Saturday AM. I will email you that it is going...


Jr Statesmen pens are WAY back ordered. 1st of Feb is what CSUSA is saying.
Other backordered items should be here in 1.5 weeks or so.
Packages mailed yesterday from my work office should be gone.
Bruce, your's is going out today.

Orders for

Les Smith
Eileen MacKrell
Richard Marsh
Jason Thompson
Cliff Cliver
Andy Buttram
Bruce Robbins
Keith Zimmerman
Bill Jackman
Mike Hulsey

Are ready to be dropped off tomorrow at Post Office.
Others are waiting on an item.

Also backordered
Rudy Vey 2328 x10
Rudy Vey 9159 x4
John Doidge 2328 x4
Bill Krantz 4030 x1
Bill Krantz 9020 x10

The following items are backordered.
If your name isn't on here, it has been separated and thought to be complete. I am going over them once more, and preparing shipping labels. Updates as they come...

Dennis Kelley 2328 x1
Dennis Kelley 4460 x1
Jeremey Freeman 4179 x1
Jeremey Freeman 2328 x2
Chris Mathes 2328 x1
John Crane 2326 x1
john Crane 2328 x2
Manny Steglich 2328 x2
Goerge McMath 2328 x2
Bradley Moravek 2328 x3
Bradley Moravek 9205 x20
Corbitt Tanajewski 9020 x1
Alain 2328 x2
Mitchell VaderLaan 2328 x1
Bruce Dillingham 2328 x1
Chris Dedo 2328 x2
Eric Rassumussen 9205 x5
James Jenkins 9020 x2
Robert Johnson 9205 x20

A quick update, it looks like some of the spare tubes got shipped wrong. Part # 9205 and 9025 got garbled somehow and we got the wrong # shipped. I need CSUSA to fix it. I will be calling them to check on backordered pens (Jr Statesman seems to be the culprit) and will address this and another issue or two. Update will follow the phone call.

I have seperated everything and will work on boxing, and mailing tomorrow, Sunday and Monday.
There were a few scattered items on backorder, I will update this post tomorrow with more specifics.

As it stands now, there are 10-15 orders that seem to be complete. I will email you Delivery Confirmation as I get to the shipping stage. With the holiday weekend, it will most likely be Monday when I have them ready to go, and Tuesday when they are dropped at the Post Office.

Thanks for understanding, Happy New Year...

For the user who started a PayPal dispute against me.
Here is the UPS delivery notification of 69 lbs of pens parts!

Boxes arrived. Opening and sorting today.

A 70lbs package is on it's way to my house. Delivery on 12/28/06.
A 10 lbs package got stuck in the Denver weather and is supposed to be here 12/26/06.

There was a delay in the original shipping due to the amount of the purchase being over a daily spending limit. So VISA helped me out by not allowing the amount through. When that was fixed, all was well.

All orders in. All PayPal in. Order in.
Some items back ordered.
All Jr. Statesman kits (end of Dec)
Imperial Bushings (20th Dec)
Jr Emp Tubes (mid Dec)
Chrome Artist sketch pencil (End of Dec)

I am expecting the box by end of week. (Christmas shipping and all)
I will box and send ASAP. If you have a back ordered item, I will email you as I box. If you want me to mail partial shipment, I can do that if (you'll need to pick up additional shipping)

If I haven't responded to an email, I apologize. My boss sent me out of town, and access was limited.

Thanks for the patience.


The last few changes from you guys are almost all in. I will be ordering tomorrow sometime if the last spreadsheet and payment come in.

479 kits $7,750 or so

With 433 kits, tubes and bushings our order is standing at $6,810 as of 9:30am Central time.

Due to the problems with insurance from me to you. Some of you will be seeing a PayPal request from me for an extra couple of bucks. I am sorry that I have to do this, but for me to cover it I would have to be making a profit, which is not what a group buy is about.

As the spreadsheet is pretty stable now, I will use it for future group buy's and there should be ALOT LESS hassle. Thank you all for your patience.

YET another version. The insurance was calculating fine, just not adding in to the total for international. I am redo-ing every one's orders in the v6 spreadsheet. I will be emailing you a copy, and if the total's are not right I will let you know. Some of them are off a couple of $$ for insurance from me to you.

Ok there WAS a problem with insurance being calculated properly.
I have it fixed in v5.
Ligero pens added.
Jr Gent Ball Point added.

There was a mix up somewhere, and what I read on the website is changed. So I need to change some part #'s for Jr Gents smooth/threaded. Spreadsheet will be updated shortly.

Sorry for the problems, when I tried to make my first group buy easy with a spreadsheet... it didn't work the way I wanted it to. Please bear with me...

I need to double check the insurance from me to you and make sure the calculation is right. It may not be. Please hold onto any order until tomorrow afternoon after I sit down the the spreadsheet for a mintute or two.

We are over the $500 and 100 pen mark. This is a good thing.
I need to double check the insurance from me to you and make sure the calculation is right. It may not be. Please hold onto any order until tomorrow afternoon after I sit down the the spreadsheet for a mintute or two.

v.4 updates:
Tubes added
Intl Shipping added

Thanks for looking


John Crane 21 kits paid
Bill Jackman 4 kits paid
Andy Buttram 3 kits paid
Bruce Dillingham 6 kits paid
Mitch VanderLann 6 kits paid
Rudy Vey 10 kits paid
Williams Krantz 76 kits paid
Les Smith 5 kits paid
Robert Johnson 43 kits paid
Jeremy Freeman 25 kits paid
Corbit Tanajewski 19 kits paid
Eileen MacKrell 12 kits paid
Ron Sullivan 26 kits paid
James Jenkins 17 kits paid
Bruce Robbins 5 kits paid
Alain Miville-Desch�nes 6 kits paid
Eric Rasussen 22 kits paid
Chris Mathes 11 kits paid
John Doidge 29 kits paid
Dave Miller 19 kits paid
Keith Zimmerman 4 kits paid
Dennis Kelley 13 kits paid
Bradley Moravek 24 kits paid
Wayne Richardson 17 pens paid
Monty 10 pens paid
Jason Thompson 5 kits paid
Mike Hulsey 6 kits paid
George McMath 23 kits paid
Cliff Cliver 5 kits paid
Richard Marsh 9 kits pending payment
Steven Sandler sending spreadsheet
Chris Dedo 7 kits paid
Richard MArsh 9 kits paid

total kits: 497
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I noticed on the Jr. Gent II's you only address the end type on the 10k. What is your default on the other finishes or is there an option that I missed?
I pulled descriptions from the website, they ask to specifiy when ordering. I will update the spreadsheet to address. File will be ver.2
No Flat Rate shipping to France exists, anywhere that I know of. How many pens are you ordering? Go to www.FedEx.com and get a rate quote from 255 South Lincoln, O'Fallon, IL 62269 as the from address, it's in the town I live in. Also try www.usps.gov for international mail rates. I will take it to the post office, or drop it off at FedEx, but if it costs more than you paid, i'll hold it for you until we get the difference worked out. Sound fair?
Any chance at adding the Broker pen to this? I need to get some and it would be nice to add them with the Gents I am planning on getting.

Most of the major distributors have slimlines on sale all of the time, so there's rarely a need to give a price break on a bulk order. Adding slimlines to the order would be at the discretion of whichever member is running the buy.
Joe,For slimelines at $1.70 each tryhttp://arizonasilhouette.com/index.htm just don't need a group buy to get inexpensive slimlines
Originally posted by sandking
<br />Since I'm new to this, please don't kill me. Does anyone ever add slimline style pens to bulk orders?
Not all slimline kits are $1.70. Including the higher end Gold Titanium and Rhodium slimlines in a group buy does make sense. Even the satin ones. Those list between $4 and $6. Getting 25% off of those adds up in a hurry! [:)]
Those are the ones i was referring to. I only give the option of Gold Titanium or Platinum as I don't want issues with wear, plus they look nicer in my opinion. The savings on a Platinum Slimline is $1.50 in a group buy.
How about adding the Jr. Gent Ballpoint pen and pencils? I'd be in for 5 of each type and plating (20 pens total) plus 4 extra tubes and a bushing set.
Hello Dave, Just wanted to double check if you received my order spreadsheet and my PayPal transfer. Paypal was from bkrantz@earthlink.net. Your payment for $1,341.17 USD to dave@virtualpens.com has been sent. Thanks, Bill
Hi Dave,

I've sent my spreadsheet and paypal to you (10 Jr Gents, a couple of sketch pencils and a set of bushings). Please let me know if it arrived OK!

cheers Eileen [8D]

Was checking version 5 vs version 4 and wanted to ask a question. If the prices for each peice already contain the insurance charge, then the computation for the spreadsheet v5 is adding the insurance charge back in at the end (twice the insurance charge). I was wondering if the computation was taking place at the item level, or at the end?


Insurance from CSUSA to me is on the Column. Insurance from me to you is what is calculated at the bottom. CSUSA charges a set rate per $100, and I took the USPS rates and figgured them from me to you.

So in answer to your question... both.
email and PayPal sent - $65.83
3 Jr Gent Ti smooth RB
1 Jr Gent Blk Ti smooth RB
1 Jr Gent Ti smooth FP
1 set Jr Gent bushings

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I sent a spreadsheet on the 6th and you responded to a question on the email yet there is no reference to my order on your tally. I hesitate to send a paypal without seeing that my order is acknowledged given that the list was updated this morning (the 8th). I have followed up with email with no response. Please advise.
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