A Tribute to Friendship and Service

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Aug 5, 2013
Sydney. NSW. Australia
While working for an Australian, Multi National Company, I was assigned for 3 years to a Company in the USA, that we had acquired, so I lived in Pennsylvania from 1994 to 1997.
We purchased a house, in Sugarloaf, and only had adjoining neighbours on one side.
They were the most hospitable, and supporting couple, that you could ever want to meet.
Lynn was a Special Needs Teacher, and Mike a Vietnam Veteran, worked shift work in a local Packaging Printing Factory.

Over the years, our friendship developed, and while previously Mike had always stated that the only way he would come to visit us, would be after they had built a bridge to Australia.
I was delighted when I was told that they were coming, and in fact did visit and stay with us just over a year ago for two magnificent weeks.

Mike like a lot of Vietnam Veterans, was very quiet and did not want to talk about Vietnam, or the War. He also is an ardent Fire Arms Collector.
Lynn told me before they visited us, that Mike had purchased a "Red Horse Ring" of his Company, in the USAF.
I took this as a sign that he had began to loosen up, and was beginning to release some of those pent up Emotions, Anguish, and Torment.
As the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam Conflict was upon us, I decided it was now time to show Mike, the Regard and Respect, that I held for Him, and for his Service, and Friendship, in the most Personal Way I could, by giving him a part of me, that I put into a Tribute Gift.
Earlier, this year for various American friends, I arranged and sent a consignment of Pens, to Lynn for her to distribute them for me, and at that time confidential and unknown to Mike.
For Mike I made three pens, and a Presentation Box, with a Water Slide Decal, of both the USAF and "Red Horse" Company Badges, his Name and Serial Number, together with a Small Message.
I initially intended the box to represent a Munitions Box, enclosing the "Arsenal", but when I milled the Timber, the Quality was too good to cover with Grey Paint, so I decided that would be better left natural.
I used Eucalyptus Robusta aka Swamp Mahogany, however I struck a problem with gluing the Timber, regrettably the Tannin in the timber reacted with the water based Acrylic Adhesive, and the glue joints turned a deep black, as did the parts of the Box where the glue got onto the timber.
This was OK for the outside of the Box, as I could sand it, however the inside was not possible.
So I decided to line the inside of the Box, with a Padded, Sky Blue Satin Lining, and mount the "Arsenal" on inbuilt Cradles.

Lid of Presentation Box. With Water Slide Decals

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Presentation Box and Contents

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30 Caliber Bolt Action - Gunmetal Pen - Vietnam Ribbon.

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Bolt Action Magnum - Gun Metal - Molten Metal Blank.

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Mini Magnum Bolt Action - Gun Metal - Brown Mallee Burl.

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For Lynn, I included.

Gold Princess Pen w/ Clear Swavorski Crystals - Pink Ivory Blank.

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I would appreciate all Critiques and Comments.
Thank you for looking.
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Wonderful work Brian. I suspect you had a great time finishing these, and putting your skills and artistry into a very personal gift.

Stories are nice!
Well done, my friend. Choice of kits and blanks, and fit and finish are spot on. Great presentation box as well. Thank you for doing this for one of our veterans.
Brian, that is a great story and part of your life.
Really nice pens and box as tribute to your friendship and recognition of their life's experience.
Thanks for posting.
That is pretty cool all the way around. I am sure it is well received. Thanks for the story and for showing. :)

Thank you John for your kind comments.
Yes it was well received, Lynn, emailed me and said that Mike has it in a prized place, and that it brought quite some swelling to his eye's.
That made my day.

For a special friend.

Thank you Ken.
He is definitely a Special Friend, I consider him the Brother I never had. After Dinner of a night in the Summer, he would walk across from his place to our Back Decking, and call out "Mrs Hawkins, is Brian allowed to come out and play!"
We would have competitions as to who could obtain the Best "Secret Fishing Weapon (lure)", in the Fishing or Sports stores we would separate, and not disclose what we had purchased until we were out "Fishing".
Mind you mostly it was not "Catching" unless a Fish had decided to commit "Suicide".
They were very special times.
Wonderful work Brian. I suspect you had a great time finishing these, and putting your skills and artistry into a very personal gift.

Stories are nice!

Thank you Mark, for your Warm Words.
Most of my Pens do have a story behind them, I think it helps to appreciate the Pen, and the reason it was created, and why emotionally it is special and unique for the Person it was designed for, and for the person who crafted it.
Geez, I seem to be getting very philosophic lately.
Must be the "Too Many Birthdays" Syndrome, kicking in.
Well done, my friend. Choice of kits and blanks, and fit and finish are spot on. Great presentation box as well. Thank you for doing this for one of our veterans.

Thank you John, for your kind remarks, It was purely a labour of Love.
I was wanting to do something for him, and the 50th Anniversary, and his showing more acceptance of the situation, made the right combination, for the Vietnam Ribbon Pen, for him, the others were my "Icing on the Cake". ( sorry for the Aussie expression, perhaps I should have said the "Frosting on the Cake").
Kindest regards, my Friend.
Brian, that is a great story and part of your life.
Really nice pens and box as tribute to your friendship and recognition of their life's experience.
Thanks for posting.

Many Thanks Gordon, for your kind words.
It is wonderful to see things that have been long buried deep, in ones persona, begin to surface to the Light and World of Today.
We are of course the Total of our Exposure and Experiences, the Bad as well as the Brilliant.
Unfortunately too many of us, are carrying around a lot of baggage, that needs to be released, and to let the natural spirit of the person shine through again.
Kindest regards,
Thanks for sharing this. It is obvious that you put a lot of yourself into this wonderful gift. Great job, the results are simply outstanding.
Brian, I wish I could wax poetic and write something similar to what you would write commenting on pens you like. You always have something eloquent to say and I love reading your comments.

I love the story and your work. Very thoughtful indeed.
Brian, I wish I could wax poetic and write something similar to what you would write commenting on pens you like. You always have something eloquent to say and I love reading your comments.

I love the story and your work. Very thoughtful indeed.

Thank you indeed Lewis, for you praise and extremely kind comments.

As strange as it may seem, many times I wish I could be less verbose in writing, but unfortunately it is in my nature to give justification, background and sincerity, to support what it is that I feel, or the reasons that I have for doing or believing in it.

Now that sounds very much like my inner insecurity coming through. Just as it is now when I realise how much I have written, to reply to your comments.
So I suppose the best thing, is to do whatever You feel You need too, and Whatever You are Comfortable Doing.

Kindest regards,
Profoundly moving story - fantastic work, Brian!

The lamp of friendship burns eternal.

Thank you Bob, for your kind remarks.
Friendship, is a Joy to be Treasured, and Nurtured, it is a significant part of ones contribution that we can leave of our life, for the Society, in which we lived.

Kindest regards,
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The pens and box are awesome!
I appreciate your story and artistic talents. But mostly I appreciate you. On the IAP you consistently offer constructive feedback and encouragement to other peoples work. So reading your story my first thought was "Wow that's great" and then my second thought was "That totally fits with my impression of the kind of guy Brian is." Mike is fortunate to have such a good friend.
Thanks for being part of the IAP.
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