Euclaypt Burl JR Victor

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See more from timberbits


Jul 26, 2008
Sydney - NSW - Australia
It has been a while since I have had a chance to turn some pens.

This is a JR Victor (aka JR Retro) Non-post-able version in burl eucalypt sapwood.

This is my first attempt at a JR Victor. First of many hopefully.

Sanded to 400 grit. CA Finish - 20 thin coats. Sanded to 2,000 grit. Brasso, cornflour then automotive wax.

I am really happy with this pen! hope you like it too.

Thanks in advance for any comment or suggestions for improvements.




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Hiya Dave,
I know how good your stuff is cos I've got one:biggrin: In fact I have a set!!!!:eek::biggrin: But you could send that one to me too and I'll compare. :rolleyes:
Hiya Dave,
I know how good your stuff is cos I've got one:biggrin: In fact I have a set!!!!:eek::biggrin: But you could send that one to me too and I'll compare. :rolleyes:

Hi Steven

More than willing to do another swap with you!:rolleyes:

Just give me the go ahead and I will send you this pen for another one of yours! The one you just recently posted would seem a fair swap, what do you think?

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That is an awesome bit of timber , timberbits . Fantastic job on that one .
Dumb question though , Cornflour ? that's a new one could you please explain ?
Dumb question though , Cornflour ? that's a new one could you please explain ?

My old Drill Sargent always said to me that there was no such things as a dumb question.

I showed a pen that I made to an old cranky banana farmer who does a lot of acrylic car restoration. He said I had a good finish with my CA, finishing off with Brasso. He suggested that I take the finish to the next level and use "corn flour slurry". I thought he was mad! but he made me promise him that I would try it. What a difference it makes. Corn flour slurry works a treat. I could definitely see the difference in shine, and it is a cheap polish as well.

You need to have the surface at an already high finish with the Brasso before the corn flour slurry will make a difference.

We call it corn flour in Australia, might be called corn starch in the US. Its the stuff that the wife uses to make gravy thicken. Its an inexpensive finish but make a big difference in the shine.

Maybe a cook in the forum might be able inform the US name for the stuff.

Thanks David . I'm gonna have to try this one out , I love those old time tricks of the trade , they usually work better then all the new fangled chemicals and stuff .
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