SegBox April 2012

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Dec 15, 2008
South Riding, VA
Sadly, the Birthday Bash is over, but fear not my fellow pen turners! It is time to start up a SegBox to keep the fun going. Please read the rules closely and sign up for some fun. This activity will be cut off with the first 25 participants.

I'll start things off by filling a small flat rate box with as many segmented blanks as possible (20 blanks) and send that to the 1st participant. They will select a few blanks they like, refill the box to capacity with their own segmented blanks, and mail it to next one on the list. It's that simple.

I will use this same process to determine the shipping order. Once the signups have ended I will generate a master list and I will select 3 people at random. I will then post those 3 names in the thread. The FIRST of those 3 names to reply IN THIS THREAD will be the next person in line to get the box. My hope in doing this will allow those that travel for work, or may have an event that wouldn't allow them to quickly participate to opt out of receiving the box. So if your name is chosen and you KNOW you have something going on that will hinder your timing then please hold out and your name WILL come up again. There will be a 24hr response time and if no one responds to the thread I will select 3 new names. I'd like to have a 2 day max time that the box is at any location to help speed things along.

This box will be limited to the first 25 Signups starting… NOW and will last until either 25 have signed up or until 10pm 20 APR 2012, whichever comes first. To give us all a head start to get some segmented blanks made, the box will not ship out until the 1st of May.

This activity was approved by the Activities Manager.

So here are the rules:
1. To be able to participate, you MUST have your full name and location in your IAP profile. (If you failed to complete any activity which you previously signed up for, don't sign up for this one.)
2. You must be able to ship internationally. This is open to ALL skill levels and ALL locations around the globe; so at any time you may have to pay for international shipping. If you cannot do this then please do not sign up.
3. Any pen blank is acceptable as long as YOU assembled it. Please, no store bought segmented blanks.
4. I'd like for everyone to label their work so those who turn them and decide to post to the forum can give proper "kudos" to the maker of the blank.
5. Teasers are allowed and encouraged.
6. I'd also like for everyone to include any a before and after pictures so we see some of your work in progress.
7. Delivery conformation is CRUCIAL and MADATORY to the survival of the box. Unexplainable phenomena can happen, but with delivery conformation, we can all keep track of the SegBox. Each time the box is shipped it MUST have delivery conformation, and the tracking number has to be posted in the "SegBox April 2012" thread so everyone can keep track of its movement and all will be in the loop. Not all international services will be traceable, but if possible please post tracking number's.
8. Please try to turn around the box within three business days. If unable to do so, please be in communication with timing of shipping.
9. If there are any complications PM me so that we can work through them expeditiously.
10. HAVE FUN and put some cool blanks in the box!

Those are the rules folks. If you feel you cannot adhere to them please don't sign up.

Sign Ups start NOW. If there are any questions please ask them in the thread for all to see.

Thanks Much!

--Michael Hardin (Crashmph)
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Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
I'm surprised more people haven't signed up for this yet. Maybe they just haven't noticed it yet.

Weekends are slow. I bet we'll see more activity during the week. I hope so anyway. This should be real fun, and seems the sort of thing that may spark innovation of sorts.
:biggrin:I'm in!!!!!! Let me know if I have all the info you need, this is the first thing I've entered!
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I'm surprised more people haven't signed up for this yet. Maybe they just haven't noticed it yet.

Weekends are slow. I bet we'll see more activity during the week. I hope so anyway. This should be real fun, and seems the sort of thing that may spark innovation of sorts.

I hope the cutoff date is extended. According to the OP the cutoff to sign up is 10 pm on the 16th, which is tomorrow.
I'm surprised more people haven't signed up for this yet. Maybe they just haven't noticed it yet.

Weekends are slow. I bet we'll see more activity during the week. I hope so anyway. This should be real fun, and seems the sort of thing that may spark innovation of sorts.

I hope the cutoff date is extended. According to the OP the cutoff to sign up is 10 pm on the 16th, which is tomorrow.

I got the admins to extend the deadline for us to this Friday for the signups.
I'm surprised more people haven't signed up for this yet. Maybe they just haven't noticed it yet.

Weekends are slow. I bet we'll see more activity during the week. I hope so anyway. This should be real fun, and seems the sort of thing that may spark innovation of sorts.

I hope the cutoff date is extended. According to the OP the cutoff to sign up is 10 pm on the 16th, which is tomorrow.

I got the admins to extend the deadline for us to this Friday for the signups.

I hope it fills up by then...
well simplish. Here is one I am working on today

I may can come up with a few simple segments. I will play
SIMPLE segments???

List is complete and closed


Thank you all for signing up for the first SegBox of 2012. We have a total of 16 counting me have signed up. If I missed anyone please let me know ASAP. If anyone missed the boat on signing up, don't worry about it. I will try to start another round shortly after this round finishes up if there enough interest.

Keep in mind that you can segment with anything that can be turned on a wood lathe, not all of us have fancy metal lathes yet. :) Your imagination is your limitation. Polymer clay technically is segmented, so I see no reason to not allow it.

I will mail out the first box on May 1st.

Here is the list of "segmenters" that have signed up:
Joe S.
First one of the three listed below to reply in this thread gets the first dibs on the box.


Let the fun begin!!!
3Peake - Shipping to tomorrow
crashmph - Started it all
Joe S.
Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
next on the block...


Assuming it will take a while to get back to my from across the Pond, I can take it. Not quite ready yet, but I have ideas that I can get done fairly soon.

If not, I'll wait for another chance at it.
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