zSOLD!! JohnU 100 plus feathers AT LEAST 8 pens worth!! Thanks Tom T!!

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
We will open the bidding on these tonight--this auction will end Sunday afternoon, time to be announced.


Every year we have a donation for the auction from my pal, John!!

This year, there are two pens---They will be two separate auctions
because EACH pen has about ONE HUNDRED feathers!!!

This auction is for the set pictured below.

This is one of John's master pieces!!
(This is on "jr gent" tubes, which can be used for atrax, triton, Jr emperor, Jr majestic and others)

IN ADDITION, John has added MORE!!!


In his usual spirit of Johnerosity, Mr. Underhill has added the following to this package, "an original shredded money collage blank, a postage stamp blanks, a Ringneck Pheasant blank, and a love bird feather with white fiber background."

These are shown in the second picture, below: (Also shown in entry 31, where you can enlarge them, if you like.)


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This auction is being opened immediately (Thurs evening) and will end Sunday afternoon, time to be announced.

Thanks to John!!! And thanks to all who bid!!
to all who have bid!!

Time to go home for dinner,
at the moment we have
in at

Feel free to bid, I will return tomorrow morning!!

THANKS AGAIN for your support of IAP!!!!


to all who have bid!!​

Time to go home for dinner,
at the moment we have
in at

Feel free to bid, I will return tomorrow morning!!​

THANKS AGAIN for your support of IAP!!!!​

Good night Ed....We'll have to struggle through without you....
Still got tonight, Saturday and Sunday (part of the day),

But it's ok if someone wants to bid


Ed, I think this is for one set of blanks but that is not perfectly clear in the OP - a person could interpret it as being for both.
I interpreted it the way it is, because I think the other set is a tad prettier. But, I can see some winner demanding both. The thread title has 2 in it and the op said "I believe...."
Ed, is this for both of the tubes in the photo on the first post you made? Or only for one of them. Smitty does not know I am easily confused.
I already have one of John's blanks........I am afraid to turn it yet.

I believe we need to have Ed make another video about turning these balnks. I do remember him talking just after the first of this year.....he said something about putting out new videos about every 6-7 weeks. I think that this Sunday is either the 8th or 9th week without a "Sunday at the Movies." Seems like it has been forever.

*Ed, I am just jerking your chain* :biggrin::laugh::biggrin::wink:
I saw Ed turn a blank in person last year in Virginia and he is good. I mean real good.
Maybe he can help me with the feather blank.
I also have a few of John's blanks and are chicken to turn them.
Those blanks are beautiful.
Ed, is this for both of the tubes in the photo on the first post you made? Or only for one of them. Smitty does not know I am easily confused.
Since I asked the question that confused you....Yes it is for the 2 blanks in the picture. The blanks are for a two tube pen kit.
Hey ! I just saw this auction and wanted to chime in a bit. First, ... You guys are great!
A little about this set.... It is one of two sets I made for myself. The other set Ed will be auctioning off has over 100 feathers on it. This one is under 100 but has both feathers and snakeskin. The feathers are all natural in color from assorted birds and the snakeskin is red tailed boa. These two sets this year are going to be one of a kinds, since there were several days of gluing and arranging feathers to make them.
They are made with Silmar 41 polyresin on Jr tubes so you have some options with kits. As a bonus I will tell you I don't believe in shipping half full boxes so when you win, expect extras. If you have any problems when turning the blank set, contact me. I can't promise an exact replacement but I will make it up to you with others. Thanks for all of the bids and for supporting the IAP.
Good luck!!!!
Smitty, thank you for the clear picture on that.
John, what great blanks they are for sure. I have a few from last year still to turn.
Ken said things were a bit slow many be he will be back with another number. He has turned some great pens.
Over the past few years Ive added blanks as the auction goes to help the bids along and give the bidders more for their money. Ive never seen a more generous group of people than here at the IAP. Work is keeping me busy this time of year and Im not sure how much time I will have to follow the auction, other than an occasional view on my phone, so I will show these now. Its a small group of 27/64 tubes (Sierra/Diplomat) from my personal stash that will accompany this auction blank set. They consist of... an original shredded money collage blank, a postage stamp blanks, a Ringneck Pheasant blank, and a love bird feather with white fiber background. Also, when I pack the box up for shipping, I will fill any available space with other blanks as I go.

Thanks again for all the bids and Thank You Ed, Jeff and all of the other Bash planners for all of your work in making the Bash so successful and enjoyable!


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Sunday--6PM Eastern is the official end, with my usual caveat: Bidding will continue if there is bidding going on.
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