Wanted WTB - sheoak blanks

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Apr 8, 2017
Rural America
I'd like to get a couple sheoak blanks. No luck on ebay. Maybe someone here has one or two in their stash they would sell/
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I'd like to get a couple sheoak blanks. No luck on ebay. Maybe someone here has one or two in their stash they would sell/
I had to look it up (mostly because I was wondering if there was a complementary he-oak), and found a couple sources saying it's the same as beefwood. If they are, in fact, the same thing (I'm a little skeptical, since wood database doesn't say anything about it, and that's my usual go-to), they've got stabilized blanks at Arizona Silhouette:

You may need to look to Australia to get some good Sheoak, as that's where it grows.
The is a number of different varieties, all looking a bit different.
I am away from home at the moment, but I can put up some photos next week if anyone is interested.
I'm with JoeBobber—I know I have a few, but it'll take a search. And it's the kind of search that leads to a half-day "rabbit hole" of cleaning, drooling and trying to remember what I was looking for in the first place!
I'm not sure if I'm in the market to sell, but for the sake of conversation, I assume the OP is interested in the "lace" figured sheoak like these blanks of mine?...

From what I understand, sheoak is (for the most part) unremarkable and the distinct lace figure is relatively rare. I could be wrong though.

I don't think sheoak is related to beefwood at all. In fact, the Wood Database says beefwood's genus is Grevillea and every variety of sheoak listed is in the Allocasuarina genus. Both from western Australia though!
I'm not sure if I'm in the market to sell, but for the sake of conversation, I assume the OP is interested in the "lace" figured sheoak like these blanks of mine?...
View attachment 318722

From what I understand, sheoak is (for the most part) unremarkable and the distinct lace figure is relatively rare. I could be wrong though.

I don't think sheoak is related to beefwood at all. In fact, the Wood Database says beefwood's genus is Grevillea and every variety of sheoak listed is in the Allocasuarina genus. Both from western Australia though!
That's it exactly!
the figure in this is mostly lineal vs what AS is showing.
I would want to part with it either but if you do I'm in!
A sample of on a pen some time ago. I always seek out or cut this timber a right angles. Have fun I do.


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