WoodPeckers Ultra Shear Pen Mandrel System

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Feb 6, 2005
Tunica, Mississippi,
I read on this forum an occasional desire to purchase a better quality mandrel. I personally don't use mandrels, but many do. Woodpeckers has their Ultra Shear Pen Mandrel system on sale at the moment. If you have been thinking about getting a Woodpeckers system, they are $10.00 off for a short time.

I was not sure where to post this. I am not a seller. I am posting this for general interest - because I know that a few might be interested.

I am not affiliated with Woodpeckers and think that in general their prices are too high - because I can't afford most of them. :rolleyes: They are high priced but they are top notched in quality.
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Thanks for posting this Hank. I agree that Woodpeckers tools are exceptionally high quality, with pricing to match. Not as far out there as Bridge City or Festool, but definitely premium pricing.
I do have this mandrel set and love it. Bought the whole set a couple of years ago and use it regularly. While it is more expensive that it should be, it is one of those tools that pays for itself. The carbide cutters and interchangeable mandrel inserts are great.
You can build one using the
PSI pen mandrel $20
Stock number PMK-FLC
And a
PSI live drill chuck $40
Stock number LDC2MT

I already had both so my cost was already "wasted". No pen mandrel like the above, use your collet chuck. I think the collet chuck is actually a better option
I do have this mandrel set and love it. Bought the whole set a couple of years ago and use it regularly. While it is more expensive that it should be, it is one of those tools that pays for itself. The carbide cutters and interchangeable mandrel inserts are great.
I was a professional mechanic in a previous life, and really appreciate using good tools. In some cases they pay for themselves many times over, other times they are just great to work with and make certain jobs much easier and more precise. I've never regretted buying good tools.
I think some of you are talking about their mandrel and some of you are talking about their pen mill.
I think some of you are talking about their mandrel and some of you are talking about their pen mill.
It does get confusing since Woodpeckers uses the term "Ultra Shear" as part of their "Mandrel System" name. The "Ultra Shear Pen Mandrel System" has nothing to do with their "Pen Mill" which shears/squares the end of the blank.
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