Woodcraft Group Buy - CLOSED

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Micheal - Thank you very much for putting together this Group Buy. It was extreamly well organized, and handled in the most professional way. I can't tell you how much I appreciated the opportunity to participate.

I checked everything and the item counts were accurate. You should have the Paypal payment for shipping by now. Thanks again.

PS: You know your're going to have to make this an annual event.:)
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Originally posted by Timbo

PS: You know your're going to have to make this an annual event.:)

Thanks for the kind words, Tim. As a matter of fact, there were several people who just missed the deadline on this buy, so I was thinking of putting together another one toward the end of March if there's enough interest. Since this was my first group buy, I had a chance to learn a few things that will help me be more efficient next time around. Stay tuned.
It was like Christmas all over again. The Mailman dropped off two large boxes full of goodies. I know I still owe you for postage for these two boxes and for the future backordered parts (which you can just put a couple stamps on and ship it by First Class mail). PM me with a total, and I will get you squared up.

Thanks again for taking this on. You did a great job...
Originally posted by JimBobTucson

It was like Christmas all over again. The Mailman dropped off two large boxes full of goodies. I know I still owe you for postage for these two boxes and for the future backordered parts (which you can just put a couple stamps on and ship it by First Class mail). PM me with a total, and I will get you squared up.

Thanks again for taking this on. You did a great job...

Nothing wrong with a litlle post-Christmas Christmas, eh, JB? We'll settle up on the shipping when the rest of your stuff gets here.
Originally posted by ldb2000

Hi Michael
Got my 1st box today....thanks again....next group buy will be over the top

Yeah, Butch, I'm thinking even those of us who participated in this group buy are regretting we passed up the opportunity to buy a [insert item name here]. So, along with the folks who missed out entirely on this one, we might have enough interest to do this again in March. We'll see.

My first box arrived yesterday -- very fast! Thanks again for all of your efforts, it had to be a lot of work with all of the different items.

Originally posted by jamiller99


My first box arrived yesterday -- very fast! Thanks again for all of your efforts, it had to be a lot of work with all of the different items.


We aim to please. :)

I gotta make a confession. Son_of_Proud_Poppa spent a few days home from school this week due to illness. Strep throat. So, he was able to help me get these orders out. Don't worry, though. He didn't touch any of your items, John. I gave him very specific instructions - "DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TOUCH MR. MILLER'S PARTS!!!"

One time he inadvertently picked up your item 148262 Valentine's Red Swirl Style Acrylic Blank. I freaked. I said, "Son?!? What'd I tell you? That's John Miller's 148262 Valentine's Red Swirl Style Acrylic Blank. I told you not to touch his parts under any circumstances."

But, my boy's no slouch. He's quick on his feet and he says, "Pop, that JB fella ordered one of these. Why don't you take one from his box and replace it with this contaminated one? No one will ever know."

So, that's we did. You got the squeaky clean blank and ol' JB's probably got strep right about now. Lucky for JB my boy didn't have the pink eye or something like that. I hate the pink eye. Don't get me started talking about the pink eye.

That's ok on the valentine red blanks -- turns out the recipient (good guess on Valentine's Day btw) is sick enough on her own that the bugs you sent to JB wouldn't have mattered anyway........
*jumps up & down* "the mail came today!" *squeals* "There's that package I been waiting for!" *rips box open and put them in organized box thingie* *squeals* "Which one should I make today?" *squeals*

That's exactly what happened when I got my package from this group buy. All the extra squeals were only cuz I had also gotten money back from college...It's a GREAT DAY.

Count me in for the next group buy. I'll definitely be part of it. Great job running this group buy..very smooth and quick on time too. Kudos to ya Proud Papa!
Michael, I received my first shipment yesterday also and was well pleased. You've "done yourself proud,Poppa of 2". Thanks and I look forward to the rest of the order. That possible March order sounds like a winner too. Great Job on a time consuming endeavor!
Mike, Deb and Brian (for the seconmd time) -

Glad to hear you're happy with your shipments. My living room is looking less like a Woodcraft showroom now, which is unfortunate because I like Woodcraft showrooms.

By the way, how you coming with the strep throat, JB? My boy's all better now. :D
Me neither! With my luck, the Woodcraft and the Craft Supplies USA group buys will both come in at the same time, then I'll have to decide which project I want to do next [stealth gloat] on the new Grizzly lathe I won.[/stealth gloat] :D
I'm going to Woodcraft this morning and I expect to pick up the first round of backordered items. Unfortunately, that will not improve things for too many folks. It is the second round of backordered items that most of y'all are waiting on. Stay tuned for an update later today.
PM received, paypal sent, PM sent. Thanks again for this group buy.
Received my box last night, everything looks great! I'm already looking at a couple of items I'd get if you do this again next month. Thanks for all your work running this group buy!

Well just came back from a meeting and on my desk I see an envelope....

Now I will have to get the garage organized so I can make some perfume pens.

That you again for running the group buy and organizing everything.
Thanks for the awesome group buy! Package came today and I'm as giddy as a schoolboy.

Received my package yesterday. Thank You for taking this on.

Michael, my package arrived yesterday. As others have said - THANK YOU!!!

You did a great job taking this on and it is really appreciated!
It looks like all y'all who waited for your backorders to come in are finally able to see your patience pay off. Enjoy your toys and make something nice. I'm hoping we'll do this again next month. So, if there was something you regret not buying this time, you'll have another chance in March.
Originally posted by wlk


Tell Proud MOMMA of 2 that she will be even prouder to have you run another group buy.:D:D:D I missed the last one by 15 minutes.:( (Computer and internet problems)


I relay all comments to her, Wade, and I think we're wearing her down. Stay tuned.:)
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