Wood gloat

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Dec 13, 2005
Arroyo Grande, CA, USA.
Check out what came in the mail today. My latest "haul" from eBay; the same batch that the previously posted Black Cherry Burl pens came from:


Purdy, huh? :D I'm so glad I was able to get more!

Nancy [:I]
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Nice score! These blanks look to be sealed. Be sure to sit on these for a while before using them for anything. I just hate to see you make a great pen just to have it crack and warp as it dries on the tubes. I have eBay purchased burl blanks that were sealed when they arrived that I have now been sitting on for over a year.
Just a heads up.[;)]
I love cherry burl!!!
Good Haul

I love cherry burl.
I love the way it turns.
I love the way it smells.
I love the way it looks.

Originally posted by Ron Mc
<br />Nancy,
Nice score! These blanks look to be sealed. Be sure to sit on these for a while before using them for anything. I just hate to see you make a great pen just to have it crack and warp as it dries on the tubes. I have eBay purchased burl blanks that were sealed when they arrived that I have now been sitting on for over a year.
Just a heads up.[;)]


Thanks! They were sealed with some really gross slimy stuff. Ack! I've never gotten blanks other than these cherry that had that stuff on them (AnchorSeal??). The seller says they're dry though, have been for something like 3 years. So... do I still need to let 'em sit? [:(]

Originally posted by Ron in Drums PA
<br />I love cherry burl!!!
Good Haul

I love cherry burl.
I love the way it turns.
I love the way it smells.
I love the way it looks.


Ooooou that's lovely! [:)]
I'll second all that both Ron's said.

No kidding, I like cherry burl so much that my daily carry pen is made out of it. Over time it actually looked even better!!! It is like a fine wine...gets better with age [:)]

My carry pen may be replaced by Koa soon though [;)][:D][}:)]

BTW, I'll re-enforce the drying/curing of it before using. If your stock is already dry (or almost dry)...remove the wax cover to speed the drying/curing a bit more.
BTW, I'll re-enforce the drying/curing of it before using. If your stock is already dry (or almost dry)...remove the wax cover to speed the drying/curing a bit more.

How much time, do you think? Do I need a moisture meter? I removed the slimy junk already... LOL

I use my skin as moisture meter...too cheap to buy one LOL.

Put the blank next to your skin (I use my face). If it is cold (damp like feeling) it is not dry.

What I do when I am not sure and wanted to use it right away is:
1. cut
2. drill
3. microwave (10 secs for 3-5 pairs of blanks)
4. if you see steam coming out...it is wet if not...
4. stand it on a plate or counter a couple of seconds. Check where the hole was after a couple of secs. If the plate or counter is wet...blank is wet. If not you are ready for glue up. I actually re-drill first before glue-up
5. If it is wet, I'll let it go through several cycles until dry. Each cycle is 10 secs on, 15 minutes cool down.

Be careful with it though..too much MW power can turn your precious blanks into charcoal. Do not let it smoke (you can smell it usually before you can see it) or steam too much.

Experiment and you'll learn it after a short while. I lost a few blanks doing it this way but no regrets...now I can turn a green wood any day I want. Just need a couple of hours wait [;)]

Thank you so much for all that great info. I'm pretty cheap sometimes too... so I like your approach to moisture metering! [:)]

Thanks! I really appreciate it!

Nancy, Dario has given you some great info! You may also notice steam coming from the blank as you drill it. Very good indication that the wood is wet![:(]

Check Ron's post above...it says it all [:)]

As to how it looks...here are a few that I made...



Originally posted by Bev Polmanteer
<br />Nancy, that wood is beautiful. I have never seen the cherry burl before. How does it turn? Anxious to see it made up!


It turns *beautifully*. Long curls/strands, smooth finish. Just a dream. And it smells nice too!

Here's one I turned from the batch I got earlier this month from the same seller:


Don't want to be in a "mutual admiration" group but those are really great looking pen and vase (or should I say vaze? [:D]).

Great photos too...wish I can take pics like that!!!

Bev, as I mentioned earlier...as a BONUS, the wood changes color with age (rich reddish brown).
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