Winners (Losers?) of the Ugly Pen Contest

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Jul 11, 2012
Grand Junction, Colorado
Thankfully, the ugly pen contest is now over. I thank each of you who entered, and also those who played along with the fun of ribbing one another. I do apologize if anyone was offended by the comments made. The contest was meant to be fun and I appreciate all those who entered except (oh wait, perhaps I shouldn't say). Remember, like beauty, ugly is in the eye of the beholder - and if you are wise you probably shouldn't be holding any of these pens. Have fun and don't be afraid to try new things, even if they don't turn out all that well!

In Third place, edging out KMCloonan's monstrosity by one vote is:

The Mario Bros pen submitted by Joe Bobber! Maybe use the BOB you receive to produce something less, well, less.


In Second place, barely missing the opportunity to claim the ugliest pen of 2024 by one vote is Frankenstein's Pencil submitted by Brian Geffre. Congratulations, your pen cracked me up with its disgusting look. Maybe Brian can use hie BOB to produce something less broken.


Now, primed and ready, the winner of the ugliest pen, a pen so nasty its pictures should have been shot in the dark so we couldn't see them was the Shotgun pen submitted by Paul Sherman! Perhaps your gift certificate should be used to hunt for a few decent kits. Maybe they have a bow and arrow kit?

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Jun 13, 2017
Round Lake, Illinois
Outstanding Contest!

Congratulations (no, really) to everyone who took the risk of sharing their aesthetically challenged creations!

The good-natured trash-talking was some of the best I have seen. Most of the comments made me laugh out loud!

See you all next year. ;)
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