WIN - A Box of Pen Blanks

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JD Combs Sr

Jan 30, 2010
Owingsville, KY
I have been working on something that I started buying/collecting parts for a couple years back and also doing a little shop clean-up. In the clean-up I found that I had a surplus of pen blanks so I thought I would have a little contest with them, centered on the item I have been working on.

For the price of shipping and a correct guess as to what my project will be when completed you can win a small flat rate box of pen blanks.


I guarantee that there will be more value in the box then the price of shipping.
Edit: The contents of the box will be of interest to casters as well as pen turners. There are some great "waste wood" pieces suitable for casting plus there is at least one laminated/segmented blank.

Contest Rules:
The contest will end in (7)seven days or whenever there is a winner which ever comes first.
The object of the contest is to guess what I will be making form the components in this photo. Study the components in the photo. I will not be providing any details as to what they are so don't ask. I will definitely be using most if not all of the items in the project. A later thread of mine
in this forum will show the finished project and how it is used.

There will be only one winner. That winner will be the "SECOND" poster in this thread that makes the correct guess. You may post only one guess per post but you may post more then once. However, you cannot guess/post the same thing more then once.

The numbered items in the photo are the only purchased items. The rest of the parts are from my various scrap bins.

It's not important to the contest but I have $120 invested in the purchased items which have been purchased over a couple years. More on the details of the project in a separate thread after the contest.
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We have a winner.

WOW that didn't take long. As the second poster with the correct answer, Charlie wins the box of pen blanks. Sorry dogcatcher, you were right but also first. Please note that the rules said "SECOND" poster that gets it right wins.

Charlie please PM me your address and I will provide my PayPal info for shipping costs. I will plan on shipping the small flat rate box tomorrow, but NLT Tuesday.
An advancing threading jig.
Here are a couple "teaser" photos of it in use. I will post a separate thread showing construction details and where the items in the photo are used.

What you see is the first use of the jig and also my first attempt at cutting threads with it. the two parts would not go together on first pass but a deeper cut on second pass solved the problem. The threads on the lid were not close enough to the lid flange so a parting took cut next to the flange gave enough room for the box threads to continue onto the lid solving that problem.
IMG_0552.jpg IMG_0554.jpg
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Could you tell us is it pen related???
Sorry John but we got a winner before I could answer your question but if I had answered I would have said "Possibly but not likely". I tend to make all my own tools and jigs and this was kind of fun so I think I will do it again the next time I design a tool/jig for myself, it will help keep the shop clear of surplus, :wink:.
We have a winner.

WOW that didn't take long. As the second poster with the correct answer, Charlie wins the box of pen blanks. Sorry dogcatcher, you were right but also first. Please note that the rules said "SECOND" poster that gets it right wins.

Charlie please PM me your address and I will provide my PayPal info for shipping costs. I will plan on shipping the small flat rate box tomorrow, but NLT Tuesday.
An advancing threading jig.

Thank you so much! This is a big surprise! I thought Dogcatcher had it as I did not completely read and understand the "second correct answer" requirement!

Great job on the Jig! It appears very well thought out and executed!
Looks like you can easily pop in a different shaft and threaded coupler with a different thread pitch if you wish.

The box of blanks will be fun! I don't cast but one of our new club members stabilizes and casts so looks like I am going to have a play date with him soon!
I didn't get anything going to enter the bash this year so this is a welcome surprise!

Thanks again!
Pm to follow soon.
It was too easy to guess, your parts resemble parts of my threading contraption. I didn't catch the 2nd guess either, but I had decided before I guessed to pass it on. I just moved a part of my shop to a new shop location, I realized I have enough wood to last me into my next lifetime.
Could you tell us is it pen related???
Sorry John but we got a winner before I could answer your question but if I had answered I would have said "Possibly but not likely". I tend to make all my own tools and jigs and this was kind of fun so I think I will do it again the next time I design a tool/jig for myself, it will help keep the shop clear of surplus, :wink:.

That is ok I really was not looking for the box of blanks but wanted to help others out. good job and hope it works well for you. Some times half the fun is making jigs and tools.
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