Afternoon all,
Looking at buying a laser which will be predominantly used for engraving pens - most of which will be wood but a few will be acrylic. I am aware of the two main types of laser - Co2 and diode - and of the colour and materials in general that can be used. It seems to me that a co2 laser is most capable, but not as useful than a typical diode laser. The machines I'm looking at are the Makeblock xTool D1 (diode) and the Omtech K40 ( Co2). The former has a large work area, a rotary attachment and such like, where as the `Omtech has a somewhat confined and small area, which I guess will restrict the objects I could engrave. Will the co2 laser 'bubble' the acrylic or leave the edges smooth?
(Even as I type this my wife is suggesting all manner of other stuff that I could use the laser for!)
So user comments on your experience of engraving acrylic pens please?
Looking at buying a laser which will be predominantly used for engraving pens - most of which will be wood but a few will be acrylic. I am aware of the two main types of laser - Co2 and diode - and of the colour and materials in general that can be used. It seems to me that a co2 laser is most capable, but not as useful than a typical diode laser. The machines I'm looking at are the Makeblock xTool D1 (diode) and the Omtech K40 ( Co2). The former has a large work area, a rotary attachment and such like, where as the `Omtech has a somewhat confined and small area, which I guess will restrict the objects I could engrave. Will the co2 laser 'bubble' the acrylic or leave the edges smooth?
(Even as I type this my wife is suggesting all manner of other stuff that I could use the laser for!)
So user comments on your experience of engraving acrylic pens please?