what the heck is my computer doing?

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Feb 11, 2006
North Charleston , SC
I'm having a problem with typing the apostrophe like this ' .

Every time I hit it, I get a little "find next" screen pop up at the bottom of my screen. Which means everything I type after the ' winds up in the "find next" field if I don't use the mouse to click in the forum message box again. Kinda like a macro or something. Irritating as heck.

What is it and how do I kill it?
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When killing a computer I generally use a .357.

I did once speed up my computer by taking it to the 5th floor and throwing it off. However, it crashed shortly there after and never got it up and running again. [:D]

Sorry Red no clue to your problem
I bet you are using Firefox. The ' is a shortcut key built into the program. It should not do it when you are typing in a text window. Only when you are in "non-text" entry mode. I don't know of any way to disable it.

Firefox? Mozilla? Yer probably right. I was considering more mundane possibilities. Like accidentially resting his hand on the 'ctrl' key at the same time. Or a dirty keyboard (aren't they all?). Bet if I rinsed mine out I could get a pot of coffee out of it. [insert a 'yuk' similie here] [:p]
No, using the NetCrap browser. It only happens on Netscape when typing in a message field like this one. But it's not doing it now, I can ''''''' all I want and it doesn't do any "find" shortcut. Freako.

BTW, a .357 only makes one large hole, whereas a 12 gauge with a slug makes one big CRATER. Much more fun.
I also use Mozilla and have never seen that before either. However with my new computer I downloaded the latest version and see it works. Something new?
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