What do you think???

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Feb 22, 2005
Got to thinking and it hurt. But was reading another thread here and in it someone posted a picture of a simple toothbrush pen. (took a toothbrush and drilled for a bic refill for his wife) Not the point of the question but it got me to thinking because this person is fairly new or does not post much from their post count. This was a simple pen but the idea was clever.

My question is, seeing this I wonder how many other lurkers or members of long standing are on here that never show their work or show off very little??? I am sure we will get those that refuse to because of being afraid of being copied. I guess that is a self proclaimed thing but it is ashame to not share your work with us all. There are many many people here that do just that and yes there have been on occassion some copying and I won't go into that long fought battle again. It is nonsense to me. But the point I am trying to make is we are missing out on some very talented pen turners here. We have lost enough talented members due to some reason or other. But why not share your work with us. If you are afraid of your photo taking skills then have someone else photogragh for you or try your best and we can help but nine out of ten times the photos may not be magazine quality but they are good enough.

So do you think there is more to this question or am I just being paranoid??? If you are one who does not show your work, maybe you could enlighten us to your take on this. ??? We know there are those that are definetly not camera shy here ( just kidding, hold the emails) But even those people are you really showing us your most creative work or just the generic stuff. ???? Do you not show your work because of the finish and you are not happy with it. That is why we are here to improve.

Just thinking out loud. Have to go turn a pen or 2 now.
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Apr 1, 2005
Canton, Illinois, USA.
I've been lurking here for 5 plus years. I guess the reason I don't comment much or post many photos is I'm just not much on showing what I have done. I turn mostly for me. I give away most of my pens as gifts. I've turned all kinds of pens and materials.
Take lots of photos but never seem to get them here


Jun 27, 2007
Zionsville, Indiana
John I think you will find as many reasons as there are personalities for not posting photos of work. One really good reason I have heard was from someone who only sells by word of mouth or give pens as gifts. If they take the time to set up and photograph their work then it takes away from the small amount of time they have to turn.

While I too like to see the photos, which often give us ideas, something can also be said for descriptions without photos. This can also lead to new designs and ideas when something is not seen in quite the same way. Over the last several decades we have become such a visually stimulated society that the imagination is suppressed. Think how quickly our children or grandchildren would get bored if we turned off the TV and brought back some old radio shows like The Shadow, Fibber McGee & Molly and the Lone Ranger.
So think of it like this....
If you describe a segmented blank you made in detail without photos, I may picture it in my mind differently than it really looks. When I try to make something similar, it may look totally different. Such as the design inverted, curves are sharper or lesser arcs, color variance or even shaped different. While imitation is a form of flattery, it can also lead to something different all together.

I think it would be a neat experiment to have someone describe a pen blank and then have five different people make the blank based on the description. Have the five people post photos then have the describer post the original blank. I think you will see a great variance in what is produced, which to me would be a good thing.
Aug 5, 2009
Millersburg, OR
Mike, that would be an interesting experiment. John, I can't speak for others but I used to now I just post the ones are different or I think are really special. As for anybody copying my pens I would be flattered if someone found one of my designs cool enough to copy. :biggrin:


Dec 2, 2009
I have been active on the site for about 10 months now, and I have never posted a pen or anything else I make on this site. The reasons are various:

Sometimes I don't think my pens are that much different from those which have already been posted.

Sometimes I'm too timid and think that my pens just don't 'measure up.'

Sometimes I don't think the photo's are good enough.

Sometimes I'm just too lazy.

I originally edited this part out, but now I think I do want to leave it in:
Sometimes I sense a 'hierarchy' on the site and that I 'haven't earned my stripes' in order to put my stuff up. It's not one specific person or incident, just a feeling I get from time to time.

And maybe I'm just over-thinking it or putting too much emphasis/importance on the whole thing and should just do it. :tongue:
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Feb 22, 2005
John I think you will find as many reasons as there are personalities for not posting photos of work. One really good reason I have heard was from someone who only sells by word of mouth or give pens as gifts. If they take the time to set up and photograph their work then it takes away from the small amount of time they have to turn.

While I too like to see the photos, which often give us ideas, something can also be said for descriptions without photos. This can also lead to new designs and ideas when something is not seen in quite the same way. Over the last several decades we have become such a visually stimulated society that the imagination is suppressed. Think how quickly our children or grandchildren would get bored if we turned off the TV and brought back some old radio shows like The Shadow, Fibber McGee & Molly and the Lone Ranger.
So think of it like this....
If you describe a segmented blank you made in detail without photos, I may picture it in my mind differently than it really looks. When I try to make something similar, it may look totally different. Such as the design inverted, curves are sharper or lesser arcs, color variance or even shaped different. While imitation is a form of flattery, it can also lead to something different all together.

I think it would be a neat experiment to have someone describe a pen blank and then have five different people make the blank based on the description. Have the five people post photos then have the describer post the original blank. I think you will see a great variance in what is produced, which to me would be a good thing.

Mike yes that maybe a good experiment idea but I also see it the other way. Take the so called watch pen. I have seen variations of this contriversial pen shown and all have their merits. I too am working on my version. Seeing things and taking ideas and adding our own touch is what I hope we all strive for along with imagination and doing something unique. Now there was a whole big thing about copying and all that but that is a different story for a different time. My thoughts are there maybe alot of unique ideas that just never show up here. I too try to only post some unique pens.

As far as others choosing to not show is what this post is about. I am curious as to why. There is no right or wrong here just a curious observation and thanks to all who have commented.


Dec 21, 2009
Eugene, Oregon 97404
Have not posted photos YET because of limited time and energy due to partial disability: all energy is devoted to making the pens and other flat work to make a living. Once I get the time to learn all that goes with taking photos and posting, I expect to do so regularly. If someone should ever emulate my work in any way, I would be flattered. I have taken much inspiration from seeing the work of others here, and am thankful to all who share!


Sep 12, 2010
Murray, Kentucky
I have not posted any photos of pens because of one simple thing. They do not meat my requirements of quality. Pure and simple. Do they work? Are they finished in such a manner that they should last? Yes, I would hope so. But do they meat the quality that I easily observe on this site? H**L NO! No questions about it. Once I have accomplished the techniques and experience, then you will get so tired of my photos that you will be sorry this thread ever started. Until then I will view, gather information, offer my own limited knowledge on what I do know and lurk. If i may be of any assistance in my fields of knowledge, just let it be known.

Until then, please continue to feed my thirst for information and ideas. This is the best and quickest location for help I have found. Thank you one and all for the inspiration.:)



Jul 13, 2007
Martinsburg, WV, USA.
There are definitely those that don't share their work around here. I try to share pens that I'm proud of, that were inspired by others, and that I've had issues with that some may be able to help me with.

One person that I PM'ed mentioned one of his pens and I thought "Wow, I'd love to see that". He explained that he wouldn't post a pic, or even email me a pic since I wasn't a buyer. I thought and still think that mentality is terrible on a site where we are trying to expand the art. (going back to some of the heated discussions lately, you'll see that I'm on this side every time. While I don't like the big companies making their versions without consulting the originator, I think in terms of the small pen makers, it helps with the next innovation). Now, I can understand not wanting to post on the site, not sharing in private is sad. The implication being that I can't be trusted.

Mike: I think your idea should be part of the next Bash.

Padre: Their is no hierarchy here that you need to get into to post your pics. I think my first pen, picture taken on the bed of my scanner with a sheet of paper over it, was one of my first dozen posts. Let's see youre best, worst and everything you care to show.


Apr 22, 2008
I would be one of those people who don't show their work. After the pm's I've just got I won't be contributing much to the forum anymore. I'll continue to purchase items from our reliable vendors but that will be it.


Passed Away Mar 29, 2018
In Memoriam
Nov 23, 2009
Milford, Delaware 19963
Me too

Lack of time to learn the camera skills . Hope to remedy that soon .

Me too and also lack of space to leave a camera setup all the time so it's set-up and tear down each use.

Aside from that I don't do anything that is original pretty much just standard wood turning that everyone is already familiar with....how many Sierras with fairly common wood barrels do you want to look at.

corian king

Dec 14, 2009
chesapeake va
I have also noticed that there is at least one person around that never shows his work but is very quick to judge others. I don't cosider myself the best around but I do show some of my work on here because I am proud as to how it turned out for me.I have been turning a long time but I still learn new things on here all the time and I do appreciate the information that I get from here.This is a great site with many really nice people that is willing to help and answer questions for the rest of us or the newbies.Thats why I stick around.


Feb 22, 2005
There are definitely those that don't share their work around here. I try to share pens that I'm proud of, that were inspired by others, and that I've had issues with that some may be able to help me with.

One person that I PM'ed mentioned one of his pens and I thought "Wow, I'd love to see that". He explained that he wouldn't post a pic, or even email me a pic since I wasn't a buyer. I thought and still think that mentality is terrible on a site where we are trying to expand the art. (going back to some of the heated discussions lately, you'll see that I'm on this side every time. While I don't like the big companies making their versions without consulting the originator, I think in terms of the small pen makers, it helps with the next innovation). Now, I can understand not wanting to post on the site, not sharing in private is sad. The implication being that I can't be trusted.

Mike: I think your idea should be part of the next Bash.

Padre: Their is no hierarchy here that you need to get into to post your pics. I think my first pen, picture taken on the bed of my scanner with a sheet of paper over it, was one of my first dozen posts. Let's see youre best, worst and everything you care to show.

+++1 on this note


Feb 20, 2008
Trinity Beach, Queensland, Australia.
Wow! sorry to hear that some have had cold water poured over them; But, listen fellas, I just try my best and post, and sometimes it turns out ok other times I need to learn more, sometimes I just say the same old thing not realizing it! But, overall, I get back what I put in and enjoy the fellowship of the majority of people here;
In fact ----JTT has tried to "Straighten" up my photos that keep sliding off the page:);--- We are all at some stage of learning here, and the principle of encouragement goes a long way. Amos:)


Feb 22, 2005
Wow! sorry to hear that some have had cold water poured over them; But, listen fellas, I just try my best and post, and sometimes it turns out ok other times I need to learn more, sometimes I just say the same old thing not realizing it! But, overall, I get back what I put in and enjoy the fellowship of the majority of people here;
In fact ----JTT has tried to "Straighten" up my photos that keep sliding off the page:);--- We are all at some stage of learning here, and the principle of encouragement goes a long way. Amos:)

Hi Amos:)

It is a running joke with us I guess from other sites. The thing about your pens they are so good they need to be seen in the best format. Keep showing and don't stop. People like you are inspirations and to me that is what this site is and should be about. Have a great day.


Jan 22, 2008
New Boston, Texas, USA.
There are several reasons that some of us don't post. For me I am not good at taking pictures and to post them I would have to get my daughter to come over and show me how to post them as I am not too smart on computers. Also most of my pens are just everyday pens, nothing special or different than what every one else is doing. If I could come up with an original idea that I had not seen someone else already do then I probably would try to find a way to share it on here.


May 3, 2006
grand rapids, mich., USA.
posting pics

i hit this site several times daily. to read what is new or old or to marvel at the pics, posting pics is beyond me, just an old fart who comments now and then. heck i have been unable to use my phone because it shuts off because im to slow onrunning lt. i watch and learn and laugh, and ikeep my bitching to my self.


Aug 27, 2007
Adamsville, TN, USA.
I don't show many of mine any more because I haven't done any thing in a while, I keep buying kits and stuff, but my son in law "animefan" is turning most of the pens, and now he's going after my bowl stock, besides my photography sucks!!! It insults the pens I do turn.


May 17, 2006
Costa Rica
I've done my share of posting photos but are there pens I've made that I won't post...............................................????????, Sure the crappy ones and a couple of special ones. BTW I see nothing wrong with some who don't want to post certain pens when they are doing shows that are part of their living, and there have been instantness when I've held back showing something new. I've been called to task a number of times because I won't share what shows I've applied to, shown at and will be doing. Yes this is a forum to share ideas but it's not where you have to share everything you know. Nothing ticks me off more than getting a PM from a member asking what shows I'm doing or are you applying to xxxxxx show, whats your highest price pen....yes I've received PM's asking these and more. When I reply that I don't share that information I'm told that's not the spirit of the IAP.....thats BS


Oct 4, 2010
Apopka, FL
The only ones I have pictures of are a slimline and a European, both Brazilian Cherry. They were my first two. I took photos because I was proud of them but I don't think they're up to par with the level of talent here.
Aug 9, 2009
Paso Robles ca.
I'm real good at getting onto this site. Its just point and click. But after a year and 1/2 here I have not figured out to start a new post. And pictures? thats a differant world of its own. My daughter showed me how to load pics. once. " Click here,here.here.here and thats how its done." my eyes haven't focuised and shes done.


Mar 13, 2010
I haven't posted many pics. here i haven't really had much time to turn any pens. I own my own Lawn Service so during the summer i been to busy. Now that things have slowed down i can turn more pens and post pics. I'm new to this turning pens i'm still learning. I know my pens are not the best yet but i will get there. I figure if someone don't like my pens then don't look at them. And as soon has i get my new mandreal i can turn more pens. I always comment on people work that looks good or bad. I'm not going to get mad if someone says my pen looks like s&%t.
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Mar 1, 2007
Eaton Rapids, Michigan, USA.
I show lots of pens. I never get negative emails or PM's from people. Once in awhile I might post a pen and someone might say they aren't crazy about it...that doesn't bother me at all either, because like anything, it's all subjective to what your taste is. It takes a lot to get me riled up anyhow. I talk a lot too...can you tell? :biggrin:


Oct 4, 2010
Apopka, FL
Well, I choked down the fear and posted a couple pics. To my surprise, I didn't get ripped apart. Aparrently my pens weren't as bad as I thought. Come on in guys, the water's fine. Post all you want.


Jan 15, 2008
DeBary FL
This is only my opinion and is the primary reason I hesitate to put photos on, some of us that have been on here for awhile (not as long as some but longer than others) know that there have been times when people get tore apart for photos being to dark, being to light, slightly out of focus and on and on. This is a pen making site not a photo taking site. I am a designer by trade and spend 10 hours a day with people tearing apart my work (its the nature of the business) the last thing I personally want to do is post photos of my pens to be tore apart for my photo taking skills. So with that being said, I also have to state that I truly enjoy this site and visit often. thank you to all the people who put so much time and effort into making it what it is.


Mar 25, 2008
Stanford, KY, USA.
well I've been a member since 2008. I've posted before-but have to agree with burr.
I posted some pens today to look at and had 170 hits with 2 replies. Makes you wonder if people are really interested is seeing photo of pens.
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