What a great event!

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Jul 1, 2004
Peoria, IL, USA.
Maybe not the highest attended event in the 7 year history, but maybe one of the more enthusiastic. I felt like I hurried through my demo, but describing tools and how to sharpen them was pretty tough in 45 minutes. I started doing some more research on polymer clay after watching Bob's demo. I don't think I will start with flowers, but researching Damascus steel and mokome gane patterns. JohnU and Jackie were the first ones to ever have a multi media demo. We got to watch him live and recorded. Made for a wonderful format, and with live comments made about the recording, John could add more information seamlessly. If anyone could use a 55 gallon drum of resin, this is the guy! I had to cut Ed and Gerry short, as information plus the Q&A about marketing was invaluable. Then Terry followed up with 2 great demos on stabilizing and Celtic knot blanks. Water was a nice substitute for Cactus Juice, and the foaming looked the same! Easy cleanup too. We had a lot of compliments on the lunch, and it was nice to have all the food ready at the event. Thanks to Jeff and my friend Mike Duffy, NO ONE went home hungry! Thanks to JohnU, every attendee went home with 3 door prizes and some got 4. That's another record! To all the vendors and IAP friends that sent in the prizes, YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! I was too tired to unload the car, but pics of my door prizes will follow. Thanks to everyone that lightened my load of wood blanks for the return trip. Still didn't make an overall dent, but hope you love the wood you bought. Jon from the Flatland Woodturners was recording all day long. It will take some time, but he will edit what he can and videos will be on their Youtube channel soon. I'll let everyone know when that happens.

By overwhelming demand, MPG 2015 will be the second Saturday in April, one week after Easter. Two guys have volunteered demos already, and others have volunteered to build a website and organizational help. So save the date, that's the most notice ever!!!!!!! Thanks to everyone!
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To all who helped organize - Great Job!
To the vendors - Thanks for the Savings!!!!!
To the cooks - Yum!
To all who came - I learned a lot and finally have some faces to go with names!
A fun day!

Now back to my real job... (But I have a list of things to try out).

Oh, thank you e-mails will go out soon to all the donated door prizes!
Thank you to all who helped with the clean up. It wen t very quickly. While I was busy packing up my own stuff, I did not catch the names of all who helped. Thank you very much

A special thank you to Mark and Dave who stayed till everything was in place and properly stacked and dust mopped. Thank you, thank you.
Don't think we will have trouble getting the Hall again. I went ahead and stayed and mopped and the Hall looked pretty pristine
I had a great time, spent a bit of money with all the other venders, & made a little money.

Had a great time. Won some great, great door prizes.
And have many ideas to try. (if I ever get time

I do not know how many States were represented, but it was several

Thank you all for coming, donating prizes and demonstrating

Great Time

Thanks to everyone for putting this together and running a perfect day (even the weather was enjoyable). Myself, my father and one of my sons all had great time, learned new options and skills, and walked away with some GREAT door prizes.

I walked away with the 'Guess the Weight of the Burl', and missed winning the 'count the tubes in a box' by about 7 tubes. Picked up some great new blanks to play with and show at a Maker Faire next weekend. Now to buy some PR, polymer clay, CBN sharpening wheel, Vacuum pump and tank... Good thing the Gathering was free, 'cause I just spent a lot of money in my mind...

And to end, the comment of the day was 'Does anyone in this room use a toaster oven for it's intended use?'

John, Don, and Duncan MacDougall
Great Time

First off, I would like to thank Jeff, Rich, Bob and his wife, John and Jackie Underhill, Ed, Gerry, Terry, Mike Duffy, Jon and everyone else who set up this years show. For my First BASH, I had a great time and learned a lot. I enjoyed meeting and talking with new people from far and near. I can't wait for next April to get here already. If there is anyway I can help next year I will. It's gonna be hard to Top John Underhill on door prizes that's for sure.
A huge pat on the back to Rich, Bob, Ed, Gerry, Terry, Jeff, Mike, Jon, all of the vendors who donated and everyone attending, and all who helped make this event such a success.
Rich you did a great job! I learn something every time I see one of your demos..... Mostly that you've probably forgotten more about woodworking than I'll ever know. Thanks for showing us all a great time and leaving us anxious for next year.

All of the demos were fantastic and entertaining. I now have a list of new things I want to try and a little knowledge of where to begin.

The food was exceptional! And I could have used a nap after emptying my plate. Lol

It was great to see old friend and acquaintance and make some new friends. I enjoyed sharing ideas and leaning some new techniques that I can't wait to give a try. My wife also enjoyed herself and came up with a few new things to add to my "honey do" list. Lol
THANK YOU! Again to everyone who helped make it a great day! I'm looking forward to seeing you all next year.... And I think a toaster oven might have to make it in to the group of prizes! :)
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And...I'll add my thanks to the young man that ran the camera/video system making it easy to see exactly what was happening in the demos. Nice touch. Overall it was a well executed meeting. Learned some new things. Even though it was 1:00 Sunday morning when I finally got home it was worth the long drive. Thanks guys.
Midwest Penturners Gathering

A big thanks go out from my wife and I to all of those that took the time to set up, demonstrate and answer all questions that everyone had. My wife wanted to go to the mall (she is into making quilts and sewing) but when we got there and started seeing the demos going on she changed her mind. I couldn't stay the whole day because we had to get home for grandsons ball practice but the time I was there was very interesting and very well organized. Thanks once again and am looking forward to the gathering in 2015. I also would be interested in helping next year.
Hi All! This is the guy that was running the cameras at the Gathering and I'd like to thank you all for the compliments on the system. I have the support of a great wood turning club in building and using that system. I try my darnest to show the best angle for viewing, cause as a turner, that's what I want to see :)

Also, I am working on editing the videos and I will post to this forum when I get them done!

Thanks again for all the kind words!
Jon Lambert
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