Wedding Pen

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Nov 28, 2010
Alvin, TX
My wife has been wanting a pen that she can have with our wedding album. So I made this pen and had it engraved. I took a picture with the Fountain nib and the rollerball. We still have not decided which to keep. Thank You for looking. Any comments are appreciated. Ramon


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Ramon, That is a beautiful pen!! My vote is for the fountain pen. Beautiful pictures by the way. Regards, Doc
It looks very nice.

If I may, once she gets done showing it off and it goes into storage, I would suggest removing the ink. Having one dry out is fine, having one leak ink all over everything is...well not a good thing. It does not happen often but you don't want to be the one where it does happen.

I have some friends where this happened. They paid for a very nice name brand pen and sign book. She took it out one day and the ink had ran out all over the sign book.
Both look great!

I prefer the fountain pen. It will more likely just be stored and treasured than written with. Could keep a bottle around just for dipping I think??
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