We Survived!!!

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Jan 29, 2006
North Tonawanda, NY, USA.
Last week, WEstern New York was hit with an unprecedented snow storm that has devestated our power infrastructure as well as over 90% of our tree population.
On October 12th we had 2 feet of snow dumped on us. Now for those of you who have heard that we get some snow every now and then, no big deal right? Not this time, we had yet to get our first frost of the year, meaning that all of the trees were still fulled leafed and the sap had yet to run out. I have yet to see a mature tree anywere that wan not damaged.
With those downed trees came our power lines. We had 300,000 people without power. School are still closed as I write this 9 days later. There are still 75,000 people with out power. I personally lost power last Thursday evening around 9pm and did not get it back until Tuesday afternoon. It'll take a couple of week to get the basement dry.
I saw a post here last week where a tree fell across a truck. That pretty mush describes all of norther Erie and southern Niagara counties.
The average snow fall October in Buffalo is 2". Our earliest recorded snowfall prior to this was Oct 25th. Our average first frost is October 10th.

I Know the news media did not even give this any significant coverage, because it was Buffalo. But we were devistated.
On the good side, I discovered that I still love my wife, my kids have a great sense of humor, and My fridge and freezer are now as clean as the day I bought them.:D
I am getting readt to head off to work and then to a co-workers house who had 10 willow, 2 Black Walnut and 20 other assorted tree come down on his property. I think I'll need to get another chain saw blade before I go.

Thank for reading my lament.
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Dec 30, 2004
Glad to hear you and your family is ok. You are right. When I first started reading this I was not sure what year you were talking about. All we heard was there was a snow fall and some lost power. Maybe the news about North Korea drowned out your devastation. So sorry to hear about all of the problems
I hope you have a truck and a lot of friends with chain saws
Let's hope the rest of the winter is kinder to your area. We expect to see some pictures of you wood gloat!


Apr 14, 2005
Austin, TX, USA.
What Eagle said. Cutting wood can get really tricky (fast) and expect the unexpected. Always have a couple of escape route....better safe than sorry.

You are right...I never heard of the news, then again I don't listen too much [:I]. Good that you are safe.

I know about living w/o power. We went through that twice (1 month long each in Guam) but it was not anywhere near as cold as yours. It can really make life difficult. Ours affected water too...one week without water (and no power)...lets just say will make you become a bit "creative" to survive [;)][:D][}:)]
Sep 24, 2006
Tellico Plains, Tennessee, USA.
Glad you are okay... also glad I don't live in Buffalo area... I've seen the snow there and if I can help it, I don't do snow.. Not that we ever had much in Texas when I was growing up and we only see limited amount here in Tennessee..

Are you from Guam? I was there in '62 when Typhon Karen blew up the mouth of the navy harbor, wiped Inarajan off the map, put all of the Yachts in Agana Marina across the highway onto dry land, all of the navy's tugs were washed ashore, one of Anderson's "typhoon proof buildings" lost a wall, the surf club in Agana washed away except for the entry awing frame and the dance floor. I heard that the ComnavMar weather station had a wind reading of 206 mph (before the reader machine blew away)...


Apr 14, 2005
Austin, TX, USA.
Originally posted by ozmandus
<br />
Are you from Guam? I was there in '62 when Typhon Karen blew up the mouth of the navy harbor, wiped Inarajan off the map, put all of the Yachts in Agana Marina across the highway onto dry land, all of the navy's tugs were washed ashore, one of Anderson's "typhoon proof buildings" lost a wall, the surf club in Agana washed away except for the entry awing frame and the dance floor. I heard that the ComnavMar weather station had a wind reading of 206 mph (before the reader machine blew away)...

(Sorry for the hi-jack.)

Wow, I just worked there from '91 to '98. Karen is a barometer/standard they usually use now to compare typhoon strength and the 2 (Typhoon Omar and Paka) I went through ranked up there.

This time Typhoon Paka blew/broke Anderson AFB's wind gauge at 196 mph. Of course FEMA and the gov't try to discount that to prevent emergency funding [;)]. 20" dia concrete power poles snapped like twigs all through the island. I've seen cars piled up 3 high on some areas.

It took Guam, Hawaii and California power authorities a month to restore power to most part but some had to wait 2 months [:0]...to make it worse...it happened early December of 97 so we celebrated Christmas and New Year w/o power. [B)]

I am glad I don't live there anymore.
Sep 24, 2006
Tellico Plains, Tennessee, USA.
Sorry about the Hi-jack.. Should have contacted Dario on another thread about Guam..

I am glad you and your family came through the storm safely... I hate cold weather and would not have liked to spend a week with no power or heat...


Jan 29, 2006
North Tonawanda, NY, USA.
No offense taken.

I too have been through typhoons. Lived on okinawa from 74-77 and in the Phillipines in 1980. Dad was in the air force. I spent some time in the Navy, and we took the carrier through the eye of hurricane Gloria in 85 or 86.

This was more devastating that a typhoon. the area was totally un prepared for the storm. the National weather service kept saying a dusting to 3". even after we had over a foot on the ground.

I spent a week on Guam one day.....
Aug 9, 2004
Oakville, Ontario, Canada.
Hi Marc,

I am sorry to hear that you went through such a terrible storm, but the aftermath was worse. I can watch Buffalo news here in Oakville, so I was well aware of what was happening less than an hour from my home....I feel so terrible for you and the good people of Buffalo...Ft Erie also suffreed and went through the same. I have a good friend in Tonawanda who still today is with out power.

Take care,


Jan 29, 2006
North Tonawanda, NY, USA.
Thanks Jim.
I didn't realize that you guys were affected as well. Here is saturday afternoon and ther are still people with out power. I have two co-worker who may not have power for another week. I do want to say that it was nice to see power crews here from as far away as Alabama. When the chips are down, this country can really put it together and only the best comes through.

I just got back from my friends house. He has MAJOR tree damage. I spent about 5 hours out there with the old chaninsaw. And hit maybe 25% of the downed limbs. I am trying to cut my way back to one of the biggest black walnut trees I have ever seen. He tells me that the tree is about 100 years old and has to be at least 5-6 feet in diameter. The tree once stood almost 75 feet high. it had a single trunk about 15 feet high that then spit into two trunks. The tree was peeled in half like a banana. Heart wrenching, but I cant wait to get back over there and get some of that tree. It's raingin now, and we are expecting some more snow over the weekend and early next week. [:(!]
I hope to get over there again soon.

Jim: If your ever in the neighborhood, stop in and say hi. I'm in North Tonawnada.
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