We lost also Zac today...!

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Aug 6, 2009
Australia - SA Adelaide Hills
Unfortunately, my gut feeling/suspicion was confirmed this morning in the cruellest way possible, after we got Zac home from the vet yesterday late afternoon, I spend a few hours to try to settle him at his preferred couch/bed that we share at dinner time and sometimes through the evening, he laid his head on my lap/legs as usual and my constant rubbing him has worked.

Before I went to bed I checked him out and he seemed OK/quite, he hadn't moved from that couch because he couldn't and he knew it but somehow at about 5:15 am I woke up with him "nudging" me as he always does about that time so that I let him in under the sheets until we get up.

By the time I got up he was laying down on the floor at the bottom of the bed, somehow he managed to find a way to the bedroom and wake me up with his nose, that laying in the bed with us was his "magic" time, as he tries to climb up and before I had time to put my hand under his bottom to help the lift, I've heard a loud crack coming from his right rear leg and he went down straight away, I could see his leg tangling around and I knew he had just broken that leg trying to get up.

That was the end of the sleep for both of us, we managed to move him to the couch again but this time his leg was broken and hurting him. I've done my best to settle him until we could put him in the car and back to the vet (open at 8:00 am), we were there at the open time but all vets were booked so they sent us to the other clinic they have a few miles away.

The vet was late so we managed to take zac inside the clinic and lay him down over a blanket they had laid on the floor for us, by 9:00 am the vet arrived and a quick inspection to his broken leg that by now was twice its normal size and he looked at us with that look and we knew exactly what he was trying to tell us. It was obvious that operating on the broken leg on a dog that was 13 1/2-year-old and that has just lost the ability to use his rear legs was not a fair solution for the poor animal and once again, we were there when the vet injected the lethal dose and in seconds Zac was no more...!

Unnecessary will be to say how we feel and how these last 2 days have been for us, Zac will also be cremated with Teddy and the ashes should be sent to us in a week or so.

Merissa and I, we are in shock and will continue to be for some time, losing our 2 beloved pets and only long-time companions in less than 2 days and in such way, is cruel in anyone's language, they both will be missed no doubt...!




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Oh, George ... what can we say ? . Your losses these last few hours are huge ... nothing we can say will help very much ... but maybe just a little. . Very sorry you and Merissa are having to go through this parting ... your beloved pets will be sorely missed . . I hope that the little comfort that we, your friends on IAP, can extend to you will be a little help at least. . R.I.P. Teddy ... and R.I.P. Zac
I think that not only did Mal state everything that I was wanting to say, he said it better than I could as well. It's hard enough losing one, but, losing two in as many days, I just can't fathom. So sorry to hear about this George. I hope you and Merissa can find something of comfort over the next while to ease the pain.
So sorry for your loss. We've been through it too many times.Best cure for the pain is to go get a rescue dog right away.
George, this is very difficult to learn of your two lost loved ones...how much more the anguish for you and Merissa. I share in your sadness, and hope that you will get to a point of peace with all this as soon as is possible. Healing will take some time, but it will come.
Sorry to hear of the loss of both fur kids. We certainly get attached to them in a special way. Our thoughts are with you.
My daughter and son-in-law are facing the same decision as one of their dogs is having neurological and arthritis issues with walking and controlling himself.
So sorry for Merissa's and your losses. Our canine family members bring us much joy but unfortunately that joy is often partially offset by their shorter lifespans. Our little dog is enjoying some lap time as I type this and I will certainly be heartbroken when his time comes.
So sorry for your loss George it's always hard losing a beloved friend let alone two in such a short time.

The silver lining is I'm sure you and Merissa have those beautiful dogs the best life they could have. I'm sure they are together feeling like pups again.

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George, I can't imagine how you and Merissa must be feeling. I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Merissa and I, we would like to express our most sincere thank you for all your condolences and positive thoughts about the loss of our 2 old friends and companions of 12 years.

Those that love pets know how attached we get to them and vice versa, when you don't leave the house and spend 24/7 with the animals, we create habits and routines that are hard to ignore, those are the moments where our suffering/pain/sadness hits us hard but life goes on and we will focus on the good times we had with them, a little later we sure.

One other thing that I would like to clarify is on a comment from one of our members about the situation where Vets clinics will give you a considerable discount based on a certain type of request (I forgot what it was called).

If that is valid in the USA, good for you as up here (Australia) regardless of who you are and unless you have good pet insurance, the hip prices are set and that is what you are required to pay on the day and before leaving the clinic, period.

I can tell you a good example of how it works up here, from a Vet clinic that we have been customers since we moved to SA 13 years ago and spent many thousands of dollars with them, the clinic has changed owners about 6 years ago and the dynamics of the clinic have completely changed, they have a bunch of people working in there, more than double of the people working there before so, is not hard to see why they try to suck every dollar they can from you by pushing you to buy this buy that, do this test and the other and something else just in case (as they say), before I get into what happened the day Teddy has passed away, this has been a cause for lots of arguments between me and them and this is why.

Zac, when 3 years old, he broke his right leg tendon and we were advised to give him an injection every 3 months for the Arthritis as they said he would start to develop it after the surgery so and for all these years we would buy 3 syringes at the time filled with the right medication, we/I would give him one every 3 months.

More recently and after all these years doing the same, they decided that they wouldn't give us the medication anymore and that every time Zac was due to another dose, they forced us to make an appointment to see one of the vets, drive there for them to give them the injection.

I would be fairly OK we had to drive there and pay a small fee to have one of the nurses to give him the injection that was costing about $40.00 each and maybe $10.00 or so for the nurse time but now, that was not what they wanted, they wanted us to make the appointment with the vet, that would give them the excuse of charging a minimum of $80.00 plus the injection.

Now, was no need to see a VET, the animal only needed his regular shot that I could give/administrate to him so, when Zac became order and he needed his shot once every month, you can image how I started to feel.

Some of you may say, why didn't change Vets, my answer is simple, first, this clinic knew everything about Zac and Teddy and secondly, a couple of "old" vets that had a clinic at they home residences (old style) have all been bought by the same people that own the 2 clinics (not far apart, 8 miles, next town) we have been using so, they all worked under the same administration/rules and principles, all very young people that want to get rich fast, regardless...!

So, needing to see a Vet was a big issue so when Teddy passed away Zac collapsed in the car due to not be able to reach the water container (his rear legs failed) after waiting hours for them to let us take Zac home, they presented us a bill for the amounts I mentioned previously $1,250.60 but we didn't have all that money with us, we had about $500 in our credit card and some cash at home from some order I had from November to January, wasn't a lot but was shavings we hoped would help us throughout the year.

The problem was, we didn't have the cash with us and even though I explained that I would be able to pay the rest of the bill the following, they didn't care, it had to be paid there and then. Having to deal with all this after what we had been exposed all day was certainly unfair and unnecessary, I was going to do something maybe stupid but then Merissa reminded me that we could ring a couple of friends we have and they may help us, we only needed someone to pay the rest of the bill on the phone/online and I would return that amount in cash the next day to them or make a deposit into their bank accounts.

As annoyed as I was with the clinic and the situation in general and the fact that I had to bother this friend, we were lucky that they were home (after 5:00pm -work) and they did the payment by credit card over the phone so after that, we could leave...!

Cammon, seriously...?

Little did I know that we had to deal will these people the very next morning when Zac had to be put to sleep, this time we had some cash with us as the credit card was empty anyway so, we were presented with another bill for $585.00 for Zac, there were no tests of any kind, the Vet saw Zac, confirmed his leg was broken and that we had no other choice than put him to sleep also, he came back with the paperwork and an injection that he injected on Zac's broken leg, he said that it would take all the pains away he then come back with the fatal injections to finish the job, 580 bucks for 20 minutes of his time, bloody hell...!

Some people asked us, are we going to get a puppy/dog..? the answer was, we don't know...!
We always had at least 1 dog and we miss that interaction very much, we know can we can love a pet and look after them, as good as the best, we have plenty of time for them and we spoil them rotten, what we get from them is irreplaceable by anything else we know BUT, Vet bills/costs is weighing heavily on our minds, when we think about getting at least another pet, we may try a cat even though we are more dog people, we don't know, living all alone in the house, is not easy for us.

I apologise for the long post, some of you may be wondering what is our state of mind at this moment, well friends, this has been it...!

I think you need to turn a Siberian tiger or two into that clinic ! They wouldn`t let you leave without paying the bill in full , so were they going to force you to sleep on their floor , or were they going to call the police to put you in jail or seize your car for payment ? More than a bit of bullying going on . Don`t give them another cent George . That business deserves to die , and if that is their usual approach , it will .

I know it is hard to see a pet suffer . Sometimes it is best to do the job yourself , as hard as it is . Go for a pet with either a short life expectancy or a very long one . Most dogs and cats are too good at worming their way into our affection .

Wishing you and Merissa peace of mind , and some orders to soften the blow .
Thanks, Wayne

Don't worry, they will not get a cent more from us if we ever get another pet, we will find a vet that is not as greedy as these people were, the original owners of this clinic would never do these sort of things, in fact, they helped us pay when we had larges bill mainly from surgeries.

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