war hits to close to home

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Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
Don't know if I should post his or not. But this group is my largest contact with other people. I just learned that a young man I persoanly know was killed last saturday in Iraq. I ahve decided to withhold his name, but he was one of my younger brothers best friends. The two of them went into the Army together, both with ambitions of serving in special forces. My brother was injured in training, and discharged after two years with partial disability. His friend went on to serve 5 tours in Iraq. had reached the rank of Seargeant, had completed sniper training, and was realizing his goals for his career. I know he was very proud to serve his country, was proud of the job he did, and accepted the possible sacrafice. I still reacall when I first met him. I recall a young boy pretending to look like a man standing in my living room, nervouse and uncomfortable being in a strange place.I did what I could to put him at ease and eventually he relaxed. I also saw with my own eyes this boy become a proud, confident, and capable man. A soldier. I do not think I can say anything that will do justice, but I will honor his memory with a thank you, a thank you to him, his courage, service and sacrafice. A thank yo to his family that has paid such a heavy price. And a thank you I know he would appreciate. I thank all of you that have walked this path before him. Those that have stood in defense of our country in war or in peace. All give some, some give all, Thank you for all you have given.
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Warm wishes to you and your family and the family of this young man. Our Boyscout troop had a lost a previous scout in a heli crash over in iraq this past year. Soldiers die doing the one job that they love. It's their sacrifice to protect our freedom and we do not cherish them enough as the protectors of our nation's freedom.
I would like to send my personal Thanks to both him and his family!
Let them know that my family is with them in spirit and am truly Thankful for their son.

Boy when thinks like this happen it's tough!:(
Ron, I will pass that message on for you. I forgot to mention that he left behind a wife and one child three years old. I know your gratitude goes to them as well.
Let his loved ones that there are a whole lot of Americans that are truly thankful for his sacrifice. His family and friends are in our prayers.
Oh man.....The wife and son.....I don't even know what to say.
Please let her know that my family is standing behind her and tell the son.....I don't know. What do you tell this young man that has lost his father....Tell him......Give him......Give him a huge fatherly hug and let him know that there is a family in Texas that knows that his father is a TRUE hero and will never forget.
Daniel, I know that this is a very difficult time for you, your brother, his parents, spouse, family and friends. I have two things to say that may help. First, this young man must have accomplished what he was sent here to do and that God has called him home. Second, heaven is creating one fantastic group of guardian angels because they are only taking the best. I truly hope the pain eases for everyone as soon as possible. It never goes away but it does get better.
Were it not for those who've served and are serving, we would not be free to debate our opinions on this and other forums.
I know he's resting in peace and watching us as he watched out for us while in Iraq.
Please offer my condolences and everlasting gratitude to this young man's family.
Judy & I salute him and all the freedom fighters.
Words can't express our sorrow or our thanks. May God bless his soul, his family and his friends. We are forever in the debt of those who have given.
Our son was in the Marines and I was always so afraid he wouldn't come home. Now he's a police officer and I still get that feeling sometimes. They are doing what they want to do but that doesn't make it easier on the rest of us especially when they don't come home. Bless his family!
I pray God's peace and blessing to this family and the young wife and child. I support 100% the efforts and trials of our troops along with their families. My son fought in Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm, so I know how it feels to have a child in harms way. God bless this family and God bless our troops.
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