Wall Street II issue...

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Apr 7, 2011
Hogtown, Florida (Gainesville)
So, I turned my first acrylic blank, and it is beautiful. I assembled the pen, but when I went to screw the body onto the nib assembly, it wouldn't go. I can't get more than a half turn, without it going cattywompus and binding up, like the threads won't line up.
I think I got a bum kit, because the pics on the instructions don't exactly match what I got. It looks like pieces of both style A and style B were put in the same bag. I have an email out to Woodcraft, and hopefully they will make it right. I really want to save the blank, though, so a disassembly kit might be in my immediate future, to remove the threaded insert.

Has anyone else had the problem with the threaded parts not fitting?

eta: This is the click pen.
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I have done several wall streets with no problems..Want to add I haven't heard the word cattywompas since my Navy days. That's how they described how we parked the aircraft on the flightdeck.
I have done several wall streets with no problems..Want to add I haven't heard the word cattywompas since my Navy days. That's how they described how we parked the aircraft on the flightdeck.
That word was used a lot when I was in the Navy 55 plus years ago - since I was on a tin can we didn't use it referring to how airplanes were parked but to describe about anything put together cockeyed.
I have done several wall streets with no problems..Want to add I haven't heard the word cattywompas since my Navy days. That's how they described how we parked the aircraft on the flightdeck.
That word was used a lot when I was in the Navy 55 plus years ago - since I was on a tin can we didn't use it referring to how airplanes were parked but to describe about anything put together cockeyed.

My girlfriend is the one that used it last night, and got it in my head. She's from Virginia Beach, and was married to a Navy guy, so I see where she got it from, lol.
I dont have any experience with that kit, I just wanted to say if your buying kits from WC, your paying way too much. Those are Berea kits and they can be purchased through Berea directly or Exotics for a whole lot cheaper than WC. WC marks some of those kits up 100%.:eek: Example: Elegant Beauty Sierra is $21.50 at WC. Buy it directly through Berea and its $11.00. Its still cheaper once you add shipping!! Now, do the math differnece when you buy them 10 at a time like I do. I still think WC is a cool place, I go to my local WC and spend money regularly, I just dont buy pen kits there!
Hi panamag8or,

I've turned turned quite a few WS II from WC, well over a dozen in various flavors, including two click pens, and two click pencils. I've not had any problems like you describe, but I don't turn acrylic (not yet, any way). Is it possible you've a bit of acrylic caught in the threads of the threaded insert, or that the insert is not pressed in correctly? Have you checked to see if the threads are "munged up"?

<EDIT> I should have mentioned mine are like Style 'A'. <END EDIT>

I haven't purchased any non-stylus WS II kits recently, preferring to purchase mine in quantity when they're on sale. The stylus kits I purchased recently haven't been done yet, so I can't speak about them. And I won't speak on WC's customer no-service department.

I think I will take BassBlaster's suggestions on where to purchase kits from now on. I've been purchasing from our local WC store for convenience, more than anything. I've been wanting to get several other things from Exotics, this is just more reason. Thanks for the recommendation, BassBlaster.

(Just a bit off topic... I support our local WC because they supported Tim Yoder's Woodturning Workshop show on one of our local PBS stations (KRSC). Tim's responsible for getting me hooked on turning.)

BTW, I haven't heard "cattywompas" since my Grandmother passed away. It's right up there with "kerslaunchways" :biggrin: (I have no idea how that's actually spelled, either). Pretty much the same meaning, "describing anything put together cockeyed".
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I had that same problem not to long ago on a Wall St. The threads that press into the tube for the nib to screw into can be installed backwards and you get the problem you have. Nib won't screw in but a thread and a half. Punch the thread out and turn it around and problem solved. Hope this helps.
Got a punch set for $9.99 at the HF store, and the threaded insert came right out, sweet. However, the click mech was not good, it seems too long. I messed up the mech, trying to get it out, so I'm just going to disassemble and get a new kit. Chalk it up to experience. Then today, I pressed the cap threads into the wrong end of a Classic rollerball tube, so I have to punch it out tomorrow. I feel that me and the punch kit will become good friends, lol.
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