Victor Victoria...

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May 15, 2004
Reynoldsburg, OH, USA.
...with apologies to Ms. Andrews.

This was another experiment. The two views are opposite sides of the same pen.


The blanks were glued up from scraps of maple and chestnut (4 pieces) I had laying around from trimming pen blanks. I've never had maple stay so white before and this surprised me.

What also surprised me was that the drastic difference in the hardness of the two woods caused the turnings to be out of round, even with a skew, and I ended up sanding the maple back into round by hand. I still missed a place so this one's not for sale!

Tried filling the worm hole with sawdust from the sanding but the CA darkened the sawdust appreciably. It also wicked through parts of the rest of the blank and I didn't have enough wood to get rid of all of it ending in an uneven coloration on the chestnut side.

My wife likes it because of its "uniqueness" (it IS that) but its not a great pen. Still it was a good experiment and I'll probably try it again.[:I]

Oh yes, the finish is Behlen's with three coats of Mylands high-build friction finish over the top.
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Very nice, Tip!

I had back results using CA for fill-ins. For me Elmer's works better, or for dark wood, Titebond. It stays in place much better.
Are you as "unique" as your pen. Maybe your wife has a thing for the unique. I think that's why my wife keeps me around. [;)] Interesting problem with the dual hardness issue.
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