Veteran's Day

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Feb 19, 2005
Orrum, NC
We just had some of our troops return to the area from Iraq and it was a glorious reunion. We still have many Americans still there and I am so thankful for these men and women. To all active and former servicemen, thank you. Happy Veteran's Day. If I had a smiley that saluted I would use it.

To all the spouses & families of servicemen, you are just as important in the total picture and I thank you for your sacrifices. You are mentally & spiritually in those foreign places only seen through TV. Happy Veteran's Day to you also and may your loved one return quickly and safely. If I had a smiley that saluted I would use it for you also.

William, how many days left before she comes home? Just remember that there are probably noise laws in your area.:D Have a blessed reunion buddy.
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I don't think I can say it any better than Pastor Bill, so "ditto". I am truly humbled by what you guys and gals do for each of us.

William, please give her a big hug from all of us, too!
Thank you Pastor Bill and Jim, I will try to tone down the celebration. Due to security concerns Nancy is not allowed to tell me an exact date, but it definitely will be before Thanksgiving, which this year is even more aptly named than usual in my household!

Given that I am still recovering from my bout with pneumonia, I promise not to party too wildly! However, the rejoicing will be just as heartfelt as if I were dancing on the ceiling. (With apologies to Lionel Richie.) [8D]
Gee...could I possibly be the first Vet to see and respond to this post?[:I] I thank you for your nice comments and would like to say You're Welcome. Those of us who choose to serve do so because this is the greatest country in the world. While I am no longer in the service, I have been there and done that. I am a veteran of the Gulf War in 1991 so I have an appreciation of what our troops are going through right now. To those of you who have family members "over there", my thoughts and prayers go out to you. Just remember this: Service to one's country is one of the noblest endeavors there is. And people say there are no heroes these days....bologna...every service man and woman is a hero in my book.

Respectfully, you are not the first vet to respond. Since you are relatively new, you would not know Pastor Bill's reference to my wife. She and I are both Navy vets, and she was activated to serve in Kuwait in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Pastor Bill referred to the fact that her year over in the desert is all but over. I am now in the Public Health Service, which I call "Military Lite", but I did spend two years on the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga back during the Iran hostage crisis time frame.

Thank you for your service, and it is great to have you here on the forum.
William, I went back and re-read your first post and now realize I spoke too soon.[:I] Regardless.... I would also like to thank you and your family for your service to our country. It really is the whole family who sacrifices, not just the person who is actually deployed. I am glad to hear your wife will be returning soon and wish you both all the best. BTW, I think you should make all the noise you want![:D]
Thanks Pastorbill, I just hit 12 years last week and I enjoy it more now than I did when I first came in.

I'm also glad you mentioned the families, because they're the ones that have to carry the load at home while we're out having fun in the sandbox.
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