My lord penturning has come a long way in so few years. This sort of thing enters a category of woodworking / turning that most people would have been hard pressed to apply to pens just a hand full of years ago. basically the application of traditional style. It is common in other forms of turning such as bowls, vases, goblets etc. where exact shape form etc determin a pariod or style of turning. but recently I have started seeing it emerge more and more concerning pens. not only ancient master finishes such as this but new emerging styles of work with "Eagle" Blanks being one very fine example. For me it is very exciting to see some people reaching to meat a standerd rather than working from the do the best I can and see what I come up with approach. they both have there value but the reaching the bar method is becoming more and more common.
Chris, my hat is off to you. Not only for an stunning pen. but for an exceptional effort in producing it.