Urushi pens, long road ahead

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Feb 27, 2019
Brno Czech Republic
Hi all,
Today I applied the first layer of raw urushi and sealed the furo for next 24 hours.
15 layers remaining to obtain urushi pens in Negoro style.
This is my first ever batch of Urushi and it's part of the learning curve.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone

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I am already jealous of your finishing technique - Now I am going to be really jealous. :D But I am looking forward to seeing your results. Its nice to see folks pushing their boundaries and sharing their journey.
As one who loved the urushi finishes when I lived in Japan, it is good to see others branching into this finish. It is somewhat complicated and is antithetical to quick finishes; But the correct procedures produce vast steps forward in beautiful finishes that the artistic and affluent crowds recognize.

You work is excellent!
Where did you learn how to apply the Urushi finish, can you share?

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I have sailed the vast web for information, finally decided to jump and learn by doing. Mistakes are the most valuable and rarely will find people giving you the most important information. Fail fast fail often, it's a little bit expensive but knowledge has no value .

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Hehe, will see that in a month.
Thanks Teodor, I'll wait impatiently. :)

I also am following my way to urushi, a bit different from yours it seems: I started with what we call European lacquer, learning with a French master the same techniques than the Japanese about metal powders or sheets, colors, embossing, sanding layers, inlaying mother-of-pearl and the like. I wish I could give a try to real urushi now, one problem being finding supplies. Would you mind sharing your contacts and the supplies of interest for us pen makers?
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