Two new Gentlemans Rollerball

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Sep 3, 2004
Corning, NY, USA.
Here are two new Gents rollerball pens. One in Midnight Blue flecked acrylic and Platinum fittings. The other made of a bonus piece of Desert Ironwood sent by Bill Baumbeck in one of my recent orders. First pen I've made with Desert Ironwood and I loved it. It was very nice wood to work, absolutely beautiful chatoyance. The scan does not do the pen justice. The band near the center is Bloodwood and is actually an oops! When I was gluing the blank (with gorilla glue) I had pressed the tube all the way in but when I checked it the next day and the glue had dried it had forced the brass tube out of the blank apparently while it dried, so I was stuck with about 1/4" of exposed tubing with no blank.[:0] I turned the shoulder of the ironwood completely true and flat and the took it off the lathe and added the piece of Bloodwood then finished as usual. I was really happy with the final look. Anyone else ever had a brass tube forced out of a blank during the glue drying process??


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Very good looking pens Keith. Desert Ironwood is definately in my top 15 woods. Especially from BB. That glue thing has happened to me on ocassions. I think the the table I laid to dry, was not completely level and during the drying slightly was pushed out. But I like putting tips on my pens anyways. Yours looks real sharp that way. Anthony
Nice pens Keith---and yes, ya gotta watch the tubes with Gorilla glue---it's happened to me several times --- best to keep an eye on em til you're sure they aren't moving any more.
Have had the same thing happen... now I just put a little piece of masking tape on the ends of the blanks.. no more movement and the glue can still foam out...

Very nice looking pens. [8D]

Haven't had this problem yet, just recently started using gorilla glue. I have this problem of being very inpatient with waiting. I find myself checking on them constantly in hopes that one would be ready for turning.[:D]
"Anyone else ever had a brass tube forced out of a blank during the glue drying process??
When I started I tried one glue up with epoxy.
Carefully measured,mixed and glued the scuffed barrel.
Could stand the wait, tube didn't stay where I put it and I'm sure there were other considerations that made me decide not to use anything but CA.I use medium or thick depending on the blank.
From gluing the tube in and milling to turning is less than 5 mins.
If you have good luck with epoxy or poly glue more power to you.
I don't have the patience.
One thing that's important with CA (or any glue I imagine).
Along the way you also learn which woods have a short set up time when inserting the tube,as in the tube won't move after you have it only half way in.
Ebony comes to mind.
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