Tired and turned

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Mar 9, 2023
El Paso
I have been turning wood for about 10 years, mostly interrupted by life and work and moving. I've been doing pens and related materials and made a little $$ - mostly enough to cover the costs of materials and the post-process beer.
I have an autoimmune disease similar to, but not the same as rheumatoid arthritis, therefore some tasks are put on the back burner.
Look forward to seeing what others are and have been doing
Long-term retired Navy, Viet Nam War Veteran (Corpsman with Marines); Retired Epidemiologist. (neither of which adequately prepare you for woodworking.

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Greetings from another Dave, from Nebraska, and welcome to the IAP community. I really miss coming down to El Paso. Before I retired a few years ago, in my capacity of Director of Engineering for Vishay Intertechnologies, I made several trips to El Paso every year as I had an engineering team based in one of our manufacturing plants across the border in Juarez. But in my down time in El Paso there was always something fun and interesting to do. I really enjoyed going out to walk around at Hueco Tanks, and of course over to Cattleman's Steakhouse! -- I loved watching the critters outside the window! - All Great Experiences!

Welcome aboard Dave from down here on the west shore of Copano Bay in South Texas. I can relate to the interruptions. 15 more working days and I will remove the work interruptions! Enjoy getting back to turning. Just saying……S
Welcome, Dave - I live in Alvin, near Houston.

My wife has Sjogren's Syndrome, an autoimmune disease similar to RA in some ways. Some days are a real challenge. Hang in there!
Welcome, Corpsmen are at the top of my list. Thank you for your service. (As long as you were not the corpsman that gave the shots in the butt in DaNang) :eek:
Welcome Dave, I am a few hours north on I-25 in Albuquerque. Lots of great info on here and really helpful people.

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