The Ultimate Desck Accessories !

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Aug 18, 2004
Scottsdale, AZ
At my Grand Opening, I met a couple who manufacture some of the finest leather desk accessories you will see. The best part is they are hidden in the hills not far from me in the town next door.

I just started to carry their line and recieved my first batch of goodies. After you pick yourself of the floor from lookin at a $4,000 alligator waste can, look at the rocker blotters & desk pads, they are the BOMB :)

Let me know what you think of the line. This is not meant to be an addvertising for sale of their items, but as always, there is a discount for IAP members, Off line .

Membership has its privliges :D
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Stan if you want more than two, I suggest we meet up in Mississppi and go get are own [:D]
We can pick up Mesquite Man with his big stick [:0]
Wow, that is some FANCY stuff, but seriously Anthony, you gotta sell these people some of your pens for those pen stands.[:D]
No 45-70 but I've got a 12 ga slug that ought to work. Let's go hunting [8D]
Seriously out of my price range but they are beautiful for those than have money to throw into that $4K trash can.
Originally posted by thetalbott4
<br />What kind of trash do you throw in a $4000 trash can? $100 bills? For $4000 I'm wanting a real gator that cleans my office.[:D]


I've got some friends back home in Louisiana that can arrange the gator for you. I assume you don't mind teaching it how to clean your room yourself. [8D]
You have to look at it this way.......
If someone is going to spend 4K for a trash can.....
Just think how much they will spend on a PEN [:0]

I actually sold some of the product today. The Kid leather goods.
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