The Nephew's First Pen :D

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Aug 7, 2007
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.
Well, I finally got around to showing him how to turn a pen.

It's going to take me a week to get the super glue off my band saw table. heh

The wood is a from a hunk of hardwood that a friend brought back from Guatemala for me. It was pretty white, so Kyle dyed it orange on the lathe.

He was working beside me on my first little Shop Fox lathe, and I went back to what I was doing on the Rikon after I showed him how to use the wire burners. Next thing I know, I thought the lathe I was working on had finally sucked enough sawdust to catch on fire. heh...he likes the wire burning, I think. He calls 'em tiger stripes, but I think it looks like somebody rolled a pumpkin into a tube. He did good for his first shot, though. Looks better than my first by a long shot! :D

The finish is Myland's 3-step for easy of use and the least amount of finger skin loss. The kit is random pieces out of my slim box, various vendors and such.

On a side-note, I finally got around to installing the black plexi in place of the mirror on my booth. I like it better, I think. Still get a little reflection, but it's as uncluttered as everyone said it would be. I need to tweak the settings on my camera now, though (ugh), as it's all set up for the mirror. Near as I can tell it's overexposing now to compensate for all the black. The color's about right, it's just burning out a bit. If anyone has any photography suggestions, I'm all ears.

Thanks for looking, comments/questions/suggestions always welcome. :)

Pretty good first pen. A little practice and he can turn your pens for you while you concentrate on the blanks...'course he might need a cut of the profits. Tell him good job.
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