The Bad, The Good, & I'm still ugly.

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Gin N' Tonic

Oct 30, 2009
Waterbury Ct. USA
Hello everyone,

I've been away for a while due to health issues and it looks like I'm going to have to take a hiatus from turning because I've developed an allergy to some of the woods. I had some email exchanges with Jeff and very soon I'll be posting some of my blanks and kits for sale.

Since I haven't been able to turn I had to find something to take up my time and I've rekindled my passion for short wave and amateur radio, aka Ham radio. Well I'm happy to report that I took the test tonight and got 35 of 35 correct so as soon as my license grant shows up in the database I'll be able to get on the airwaves! In the mean time I'm going to start studying for my next higher grade.

Just wanted to check in and let you guys know that I'm still kicking and I'll try to drop in more often.
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Hi there!

I'm new, so I don't know you, but congrats on the ham license. Got my General a few years back. I should get my radios fired up--it's been a while.

Michael (N1UTZ)
Scott, please do more than try. You are a wealth of knowledge that everyone can benefit from.

....And besides that you bighearted galoot, I miss your wit;... I miss reading your posts!:biggrin::tongue::)

TPWU (not ham!)
Just Gained a Daughter-in-Law

Hey everyone,

Just got back from my only son's wedding. It was a small gathering but we had a lot of fun. I truly Love my new Daughter-in-Law and My wife and I get along wonderfully with her parents as well. I hope they beat the average and stay together for the long haul because I think they were made for one another.

I might post a picture or two when I get them but I have to warn you guys I'm not much to look at.

(waiting for his call sign)
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