Tea Party #2 Opinions Please

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May 18, 2014
Richmond, Va
I am working on another tea party piece and am trying to make a decision. Should I stain the big hat green or finish natural? I am leaning toward staining it to be more whimsical. I will use a shiny black ribbon to put a band on it.


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Difficult decision .....

I am leaning towards leaving the big hat natural, so as to not distract from the main piece, namely the teapot.

In that first picture, the teapot really stands out. . With a green big hat, the teapot focus could be lost.

The black ribbon will enhance the focus on the teapot. . I think a green big hat would be a total distraction.
Don't listen to the crazy Canuck.... ;) Paint it, it looks cool. Nice job btw.👍

Mal......did you know Mal actually means crazy in Afrikaans....I kid you not.:D
Don't listen to the crazy Canuck.... ;) Paint it, it looks cool. Nice job btw.👍

Mal......did you know Mal actually means crazy in Afrikaans....I kid you not.:D



If you weren't "who you are", I would seriously challenge you, not for being right or wrong but for being purely malevolent !!! :) ;)

'Course I know that "Mal" means sick, etc., etc., and everything bad ... as in "mal a la tete", malaise, malfeasance , malediction, ... ad malnauseam .
I am not a late-Latin/early-French scholar for nothing, with a combined degree in Celtic Psychology/Classical Physics.

I had a youth around bullies and maladjusted nincompoops just like everybody else; having an unusual name makes one a maltarget supreme.

Also I've enough association with Afrikaans-speaking "friends" both here and in Australia to have been exposed to their interpretation of "Mal".

And you can call me "the crazy Canuck" all you like .... I take it as an expression of endearment coming from where it's coming from !!! :)

I had a malesteemed physicist colleague from Wales (with the name Jones, btw) who fully exposed me to the Welsh humour machine, so I take what you say as a complement !! ... and not a back-handed one, either ... quite direct ... but - I humbly say - possibly malapropos !!

I know that you know what you are talking about .... so thanks, buddy !!! . Many Welsh antecedents in my lineage also !! . :):)

And in spite of your encouragement to "paint that hat", I still say that would be malpractice !!!

Btw, my full "malapellation" comes from a friend of my Dad during WW2 who not only bore the name but was stationed at a famous RAF base.

I always hated the name because it is so unfamiliar in this country ... but what can you do, eh ? . Btw, you'd know the full connotation of "Canuck"?

Good to hear from you !!! . I'll do what I can to stimulate a further "exchange" !!


Mal, aka
Cody, I'm in the "no green hat" camp....I see it as screaming for attention and the teapot gets lost and simply becomes a stand for the 🎩.
I like the teapot especially in the first pic and the stand is hat shaped.....👍👍
Well I vote for the green top but use a red ribbon to get LOADS of contrast. Depends what you're aim is really. Whimsical = paint it and ribbon.
How did you do that - unpainted
Amazed= make tea in it and use it !
Thanks everyone, I have decided to go with my original plan for the piece. I will post the final result in a day or two. I plan on doing more projects in this vein and will keep your suggestions in mind.
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