Sunday Go To Meetin’ Pen

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May 18, 2014
Richmond, Va
As a kid I typically had an every day pair of shoes and a Sunday go to meetin' pair. The Sunday go to meetin' shoes were usually several sizes too large when first purchased so that they would last longer and were only worn on special occasions. After making this Majestic Watch Parts Pen, I have decided that it will be my Sunday go to meetin' pen and only carried on special occasions. It is too big and too special to carry everyday.


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A question of language and custom ....

"Sunday go to meetin' " is an expression I have heard often all my life in various contexts, but I have never understood what it refers to .... what "meetin' " ? . Is it a Council meeting ? . .... or a Board meeting ?
A question of language and custom ....

"Sunday go to meetin' " is an expression I have heard often all my life in various contexts, but I have never understood what it refers to .... what "meetin' " ? . Is it a Council meeting ? . .... or a Board meeting ?

Down here in the south, Sunday go to meetin' Is a reference to going to church
A question of language and custom ....

"Sunday go to meetin' " is an expression I have heard often all my life in various contexts, but I have never understood what it refers to .... what "meetin' " ? . Is it a Council meeting ? . .... or a Board meeting ?

Down here in the south, Sunday go to meetin' Is a reference to going to church

Same up here . A lot of us are products of imports from the US 100+ years ago !
"A lot of us are products of imports from the US 100+ years ago !"

.....NOT me !!

I'm a product of deports from the Br. Isles. !!
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"A lot of us are products of imports from the US 100+ years ago !"

.....NOT me !!

I'm a product of deports from the Br. Isles. !!

It's good to hear from you. I've been wondering where you've been. I hope all is well.

When I first joined the IAP website, you were always good for a couple comments a day.

Not so much lately.

Take care.
Mal, most every place I've been, sunday go to meeting means the same as has already been mentioned. It's a very common saying, and it generally refers to special or new clothing or shoes, that you wouldn't wear on just any given day. They were clothes and shoes, that were woren on special occaisions like going to church used to be.
It's good to hear from you. I've been wondering where you've been. I hope all is well.

When I first joined the IAP website, you were always good for a couple comments a day.

Not so much lately.

Take care.

Thanks, Jan ....... I have been a bit "slack" lately :)
Mal, most every place I've been, sunday go to meeting means the same as has already been mentioned. It's a very common saying, and it generally refers to special or new clothing or shoes, that you wouldn't wear on just any given day. They were clothes and shoes, that were woren on special occaisions like going to church used to be.

The thing is, Len ...... there is a group I know about who refer to their specific "church" gatherings as meetings. They meet in private homes and don't believe in having dedicated church buildings.

I have wondered how they adopted the term "meetings", instead of "services" which is the common term when talking about going to church.

They seem to have their own lingo for a lot of things and I have long thought that "Sunday go to meetin' " was peculiar to them. But now I realize that that phrase is much more widespread than I previously thought.

I believe that the group I am thinking of had their origins in Scotland/Ireland in the very late 19th century and quickly spread around the world, but never attracted very large numbers.
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