Summer Extravaganza Contest List.

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If I am viewing this thread as a guest, I can only see the info for the but none of the others.
I'm pretty sure that's Mike's subliminal way of telling everyone which contest you should all enter, otherwise known as Operant Conditioning. When you click on the link, you are rewarded with a trip to the rules. When you click on the others, you are gigged with a great big rejection screen, so you are conditioned to keep clicking on the link, right Mike ??
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Would someone check them to make sure you can see them and they are the correct links.
It looks like they all go to the right place. I didn't read them all the way through, but the first paragraph references the right contest.
Just a couple of days until the SE kicks off. Take a look and see if there's a contest for you. The only way you dont win is if you dont enter!
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