Stuck Euro CB sizing bushing

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Nov 28, 2006
Clayton, NC, USA.
Alright I've screwed up my second Euro pen. The "go/no-go" sizing bushing is stuck on the the tenon. It was a tight fit, but the one I made last night wasn't as tight, and the center band didn't fit on it's own and I had to glue it on.
Any tips on how to un-stuck it, or should I just scrap the blank and persude it to come off [}:)]
Thanks for the advice,
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Polish it up real nice and you have your cb already in place [:p]

Grip it with a non-slip pad and try removing it with a twisting motion. If that fails, slip something thin and sturdy (such as the blade of an exacto knife or a parting tool) between the bushing and the blank. While the lathe is running, apply pressure that is parallel to the mandrel to remove the bushing.

Depending on how long your tenon is, you may be able to cut the tenon longer to give yourself some space to work between the bushing and the blank. The tenon length is not that critical on the euro.
If it is a PSI kit Grab it with a pair of pliers and twist the suker off, Ill send you a new one.How many you want?
30? 40?(WEll I know I have a few extra ones floating around.
I don't use them.
The ones I have are for the PKmonPar not a slimline but I think they are the same.
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I've had good luck in this situation with tapping the circular end of the sizing ring lightly with a hammer and then twisting it off with my hand. I've found that it will break the bond of whatever is sticking it on there, but since you are not hitting the blank, it comes out unscathed. It may take a few tries to make it work, but don't hit it too hard or you'll uin the sizing band. Though if Eagle sends you more of the rings, that won't be an issue.
I've soaked mine in acetone for a long time and then use plastic coated pliers to twist them off. You have to refinish the pen of course but it has always worked for me. I've often thought I should start "Smith's Pen Disassembly Service Inc."[:D] Hey Eagle, I could use some of those center bands.
Originally posted by mrcook4570
<br />Polish it up real nice and you have your cb already in place [:p]

Haha, I had thought about that. The kit is a satin Nickle kit and it does look an aweful lot like the bushing.
Thanks, for the real advice, I'll give that a try.
Originally posted by ctEaglesc
<br />If it is a PSI kit Grab it with a pair of pliers and twist the suker off, Ill send you a new one.How many you want?
30? 40?(WEll I know I have a few extra ones floating around.
I don't use them.
The ones I have are for the PKmonPar not a slimline but I think they are the same.
Send me a PM

Eagle, what don't you use, the sizing bushing or the actual CB. I don't think that I could peel off the bushing , it's rather thick. If you don't use the sizing bushing how do you determine the barrel size above the CB.
On another note, did I screw up by leaving the sizing bushing on while I applied a CA finish? I was araid to get CA on the tenon and cheek and not having the CB fit on properly?
A. I don't use the sizing bushing, because B, I don't use that kit as designed.I actually det4est the appearance of a standard Euro style or"Mont Blanc" kit.
The PKMONPAR is easily modifyable, that is why I have extra CB's.
As for the use of a sziging bushing for a tenon, I finish first then part off with a skew.It makes for a crisp line where a component meets the blank.
Originally posted by DaveO
On another note, did I screw up by leaving the sizing bushing on while I applied a CA finish?

Well that does change things a bit. You may need to use the point of a skew to score a line (with the lathe running) at the joint of the bushing and blank. Then you should be able to remove it (with a little force).
Eagle, that makes perfect sense. I didn't think of cutting the tenon after finishing. Although I still wonder how to determine the size of the barrel end before the tenon is cut in, to fit the CB exactly, besides using caliper and sneaking up on it (very time consuming)

I generally use a parting tool to remove the CA build-up off the bushings when I am ready to remove the barrels after finishing...I did that, and so far it's worked, except this time.

Thanks to everyone for the advice/assistance, I am gonna wrassle it tonight and see if I can get it off without buggering up the pen barrrel...wish me luck.

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