Spalted, wormy laurel sumac (Malosma laurina) turned by Mother Nature

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Jun 13, 2022
Mother Nature's art and craft.

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That's some pretty wood. Did you just drill it, fill in the wormholes, and sand it a little? What kind of finish did you use?

There's no artist that can beat Mother Nature. All we can do is attempt to copy her. I tell people all the time that God made it beautiful, I just brought it out so people can enjoy it.
That's some pretty wood. Did you just drill it, fill in the wormholes, and sand it a little? What kind of finish did you use?

There's no artist that can beat Mother Nature. All we can do is attempt to copy her. I tell people all the time that God made it beautiful, I just brought it out so people can enjoy it.
Thanks! I appreciate everyone's kind words and support.

So, I found this wood in my area while out on a trail run. Laurel sumac is basically a shrub (though sometimes can grow to be a small tree), so I really only got branches. Using a hand saw, I cut a Rollester length blank off a branch, then drilled it with a power hand drill (which actually isn't as easy as you might think--I've blown out several branches this way as branches are never perfectly straight and this wood is very fragile). I didn't fill in any of the wormholes on this one--I like the texture. I did hand sand all the way up to 600 grit. Then applied Rockler's pure tung oil, which frankly, I'm still tinkering around with.

I agree--Mother Nature (God) made the wood beautiful. We just bring it out. Or in my case, try not to blow out the branch and destroy the whole damn thing!

Thanks again for your kind words,

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