spacer for mandrel to turn one blank

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Nov 17, 2005
methuen, massachusetts, USA.
After making one of my few mistakes... i had to redo the top half of a pen for the third time. I couldnt find another blank that i had predrilled to fill up the mandrel. Having kicked myself for not buying the adjustible mandrel, i figured i could use 300 or so washers to fill up the space. As i went to get them out i came accross some plan old deep ratchet sockets. Low and behould a 1/4 X 3" long socket with bushing on both ends fill up my mandrel just fine. Turned on power and everything was as smooth as butter...

i wouldnt have to be this clever if i could just figure out what im doing wrong in the first place, but that another story.
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Save your money on the adjustble mandrel POS.
Put it towards a collet chuck.
Even if you start with just the 1/4" collet you will be better off,You can get other collets as needed.
With the adj mandrel that's all you get is one size and it don't fit all the needs you will find for it.
Originally posted by cteaglesc
<br />Save your money on the adjustble mandrel POS.
Put it towards a collet chuck.
Even if you start with just the 1/4" collet you will be better off,You can get other collets as needed.
With the adj mandrel that's all you get is one size and it don't fit all the needs you will find for it.

I agree with Eagle on the Collet chuck. A very nice piece of equipment.

I however, have the adjustable mandrel and prefer it to the fixed. I have both actually. The Adjustable allows me to get new mandrel rods for 3.50 each from my local woodcraft. I keep a few on hand when I get warpage issues, just toss them out and use a new one. When I am doing casing pens, this allows me slide the madrel to the proper lenght as I am only turning the top barrel. Essentially, it is a cheap collet type mandrel. But like Eagle said, the Beal or Axminster is great.

Lastly, if you are just filling space, use spare bushings. If you are turning a cigar, use the bushings from your euro's, slimlines, etc. to fill the space.

I simply use a discarded wood pen blank that is drilled to the correct size. Chop it to size and voila a spacer that is just right.
Originally posted by wood-of-1kind
<br />I simply use a discarded wood pen blank that is drilled to the correct size. Chop it to size and voila a spacer that is just right.

Best and cheapest idea offered yet. Or one could use those blown-out partially turned blanks laying around that no one ever admits having. [;)][:p][:)]
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