Snow Day

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Mr Vic

Aug 11, 2008
Falcon, CO
To be on the Safe side they didn't open our dealership yesterday due to an impending blizzard. Well today the roads have yet to be cleared and I thought I might get some shop time. Got the back door unblocked late yester afternoon. Shop time???

20190314_091531_1.jpg 20190314_091627_1.jpg

Left is south facing door. Pic on the right is east shop door and the south door to the carriage.

Should be warmer and less windy tomorrow and will try to get tractor out of the barn. Have 4" to 8" drifts down the drive way. Needless to say I won't make it to work tomorrow either.
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They finally plowed our road about 5:30 this morning. Neighbor came over with his tractor about 10-:00 and between the two of use I could get my truck down the drive by sunset. Falcon Hwy which is the main paved road got plowed but is a single lane serving both directions. Got to be alert and wait your turn.
If I remember the news - the big city near you (Colorado Springs) had about 1k drivers stuck on the road the day that storm hit. Nasty - the airport had 97 mph guest measured.

The snow melts fast, once the bright sun hits the roads stuff melts fast...assuming that the roads are not snow packed.
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