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May 10, 2011
Faith SD

Slimline contest rules

  1. We don't talk about the Slimline Contest
  2. This contest is open to everyone ( even those unfortunate souls that hale from North Dakota and Florida).
  3. For this contest, a slimline or member of the slimline family must be used. This includes funline, creekline, streamline, trimline...... if it's not listed ask
This is a slim line kit (or component set).
These are the plated parts in a slim line kit
For this contest you are only allowed to use at most two of the plated parts, though you are encouraged to use as few as possible. The plated parts may either be omitted from the pen or may be recreated by you. For instance you could make a pen without a center band or clip. Another possibility would be to create your own center-band and do a closed end pen, thus eliminating the finial. If you really want to show off, you could go all Mike Redburn on it and make all of the components.

4. To keep the playing feild level......
Metal lathe - yes
Wood lathe - yes
Ornatmental lathe - no
Rose engine lathe - no
CNC - no

5. Blanks for this contest must be

  • Commerically available
  • Made by you from raw materials, where work done by you represents the majority of the work requred to create the blank.
6. The pen cannot have been previously shown in any public forum and cannot be shown in any public forum until the contest is completed.

7. The deadline: Monday 8/18/14 at 8 PM MDT.

8. To enter email up to three photo to Please put Slimline Contest in the subject heading.

9. Pens will be voted upon by IAP members. The criteria that should be considered in both the making of the pen and when voting should be....
  • WOW factor
  • Creativity
  • Difficulty
  • Fit and Finish

So there it is. Let's have some fun, talk some trash, and make some pens.

First Place - $50 gift certificate through IAP and $30 Gift certificate from Robutacion

Second Place - $30 Gift certificate from Robutacion

Third place -Blanks and pen kits from Rober Sherlock
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Derek. I would like to use the top of a Round Top Euro kit to give the pen a smoother looking top. It is a 7mm twist kit so would that ok? Thanks Kenny
No. Where would I find those? Another reason I thought about the Euro Kit is the top cap screws on and off. That way if I wanted to add a clip I could unscrew it rather than hammer the top out to add the clip. Thanks for the advice.
The Creekline has a screw on rounded tip just like the Euro, but does not require a tenon. Check Smitty's Pen Works. They're a great kit to make.
I'm assuming only one entry allowed per contest. Is that correct?

You are correct. One entry per contest and a pen can only be entered in one contest. You can enter more than one contest but you have to make a differnt pen for each one. Good question Cody.
Had a couple more questions PM'ed to me that I want to answer for everyone concerning blanks. You can use wood blanks that you harvest from trees, find on the ground, or that you recycle (pallets, furniture, fence post......)
You say voting will be based on :

WOW factor
Fit and Finish

If I make a slimline with my eyes closed and with one hand tied behind my back I might get scored high on the first three categories, but maybe not so much on the last category. But how would anybody know that I had made the pen with my eyes closed and one hand tied behind my back so they would know to score me high on the first three categories?

Can one of the pictures be of me turning the pen with my eyes closed and one hand tied behind by back? This of course raises an touchy issue. I'm a pretty ugly guy. Any picture with me in it would likely cost me a bunch of votes. Can I have one of the local bikini babes stand in for me in the picture?

Ed nice to see you in place with a bit more class than the kitless room!

You say voting will be based on :

WOW factor
Fit and Finish

If I make a slimline with my eyes closed and with one hand tied behind my back I might get scored high on the first three categories, but maybe not so much on the last category. But how would anybody know that I had made the pen with my eyes closed and one hand tied behind my back so they would know to score me high on the first three categories?

I'd like to say I would just take your word, but with you being from Florida..........maybe not.

Can one of the pictures be of me turning the pen with my eyes closed and one hand tied behind by back? This of course raises an touchy issue. I'm a pretty ugly guy. Any picture with me in it would likely cost me a bunch of votes. Can I have one of the local bikini babes stand in for me in the picture?

Just get Mike to pose with you. That way you'll be the better looking of the two!

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so you have to use the brass tubes, tranny and refill..... can these parts be modified?
ie shorten the tubes , or change the transmission.

can other style pen parts in incorporated in the design?
Can Creekline be used...there is only one part (press fit cap nut) that is not found in a slimline. Tubes, transmission and refill are the same.
Can Creekline be used...there is only one part (press fit cap nut) that is not found in a slimline. Tubes, transmission and refill are the same.

See Rule #3 in the very first post (looks like yes on creekline to me). Here's a link that will take you to the right place to be:

Rules For The Best Pen Contest

I don't think that link goes to where you think it goes to the Kitless Contest thread.

How the heck did I do that??? Thanks for pointing that out. Too late to edit that post. :biggrin: Oh well, if you check rule three in the first post of this thread you'll see creekline as an OK kit. Or we can try that link again.

Rules for the contest your really want to enter!!

so you have to use the brass tubes, tranny and refill..... can these parts be modified?
ie shorten the tubes , or change the transmission.

can other style pen parts in incorporated in the design?

Yes to modifying the tubes, but no to changing the transmission and no to incorporated other pen style parts.

Can Creekline be used...there is only one part (press fit cap nut) that is not found in a slimline. Tubes, transmission and refill are the same.

Creekline can be used.
I think they must be worried over at the contest that shall not be named. It's only five days in Mike is call for some Florida reinforcements.
Couple of question PM'ed to me.
Q. Can I use any plating or do have to used chrome
A. You can use any platings

Q. Can the tubes be modified (shortened)?
A. Yes

Q. Can I use a differnt transmission?
A. No

Q. Can I incorporate pen parts from other pen kits?
A. No

Q. If I turn down a finial and just use the tube insert does it count as one my plated parts?
A. Yes it counts as a plated part.
Did you hear the rumor that transmissions and refills from slimline kits can be used over in the kitless contest? I think that's really interesting. Even the ones from kits that have arbitrarily been banned from the slimline competition.

I would post a link to the kitless contest, but I don't think that would be fair to Derek. I also want to post a link to the secret document that Derek has developed to explain how to increase your chances of attracting votes in this contest. He's still working on that document though and seems to have gotten writer's block after his first tip (*1). I want the link to be here when he finishes, but don't click on it until he tells you that he's ready. Let me be perfectly clear. DO NOT CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINK!!!!!

Do Not Click This Link Until Derek Says It's OK


(*1) Don't tell anyone I told you, but the first tip in Derek's list of "How To Get More Votes" is to "ENTER THE CONTEST. You can get a lot more votes if you enter than if you don't". I was an eye opener for me too. Now I understand why I never got any votes in all those other contests I didn't enter. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see the rest of his tips. Whatever you do though, don't click the link above.
Can we use longer tubes (custom length), or do we have to use slimline tubes?
Well he's already said you can use shorter --- so I suspect longer will be OK too but longer (or shorter) lower tubes could cause you some headaches with the slimline transmission and cross refill. They are forgiving to a point but after that....
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Did you hear the rumor that transmissions and refills from slimline kits can be used over in the kitless contest? I think that's really interesting. Even the ones from kits that have arbitrarily been banned from the slimline competition.

I would post a link to the kitless contest, but I don't think that would be fair to Derek. I also want to post a link to the secret document that Derek has developed to explain how to increase your chances of attracting votes in this contest. He's still working on that document though and seems to have gotten writer's block after his first tip (*1). I want the link to be here when he finishes, but don't click on it until he tells you that he's ready. Let me be perfectly clear. DO NOT CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINK!!!!!

Do Not Click This Link Until Derek Says It's OK


(*1) Don't tell anyone I told you, but the first tip in Derek's list of "How To Get More Votes" is to "ENTER THE CONTEST. You can get a lot more votes if you enter than if you don't". I was an eye opener for me too. Now I understand why I never got any votes in all those other contests I didn't enter. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see the rest of his tips. Whatever you do though, don't click the link above.

Folks, its okay with me if you click the link, but I reccomend you make sure your Hep C, tetnious, Measles, Mumps and Rubbellum vaccinations are up to date first! You're also going to want to make sure you have some soap and bleach because your going to want to take a shower once you leave there. Heck it might take two or three showers to get that dirty feeling off you.
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Did you hear the rumor that transmissions and refills from slimline kits can be used over in the kitless contest? I think that's really interesting. Even the ones from kits that have arbitrarily been banned from the slimline competition.

I would post a link to the kitless contest, but I don't think that would be fair to Derek. I also want to post a link to the secret document that Derek has developed to explain how to increase your chances of attracting votes in this contest. He's still working on that document though and seems to have gotten writer's block after his first tip (*1). I want the link to be here when he finishes, but don't click on it until he tells you that he's ready. Let me be perfectly clear. DO NOT CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINK!!!!!

Do Not Click This Link Until Derek Says It's OK


(*1) Don't tell anyone I told you, but the first tip in Derek's list of "How To Get More Votes" is to "ENTER THE CONTEST. You can get a lot more votes if you enter than if you don't". I was an eye opener for me too. Now I understand why I never got any votes in all those other contests I didn't enter. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see the rest of his tips. Whatever you do though, don't click the link above.

Folks, its okay with me if you click the link, but I reccomend you make sure your Hep C, tetnious, Measles, Mumps and Rubbellum vaccinations are up to date first!
Not to mention Rabies, and also keep a vial of Rattlesnake antivenom handy.
Does it have to be slim? Isn't that weight biased? Maybe I'm sensitive about my weight. Can we call them pleasantlyplumplines?
Does it have to be slim? Isn't that weight biased? Maybe I'm sensitive about my weight. Can we call them pleasantlyplumplines?

It has to be in the slimline family. You could use the chubby cousin, more commonly known as the trimline. I think bigbonedline sounds better.
Does it have to be slim? Isn't that weight biased? Maybe I'm sensitive about my weight. Can we call them pleasantlyplumplines?

It has to be in the slimline family. You could use the chubby cousin, more commonly known as the trimline. I think bigbonedline sounds better.
I would think the comfort which has a different center band and the option of a rubber grip but otherwise is pretty much a slimline.
Blanks have been drilled and tubes glued in!! That is the hardest part isn't it? :rolleyes: Other than finding some time to turn.

I managed to drop most of my component pieces on the floor. Could only find one plated piece, so I'm goin' with that. Good thing I found that piece or I would have been stuck in that kitless contest:bulgy-eyes:. That's why they make those things anyway. Isn't it? Just to use up the extra parts?
Okay so I got another question PM'ed to me asking if it was okay to use parts from mass produced pens (bics, or the ones you find in the doctor's office).

I'm going to treat this the same as using parts from other pen kits and say no.
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Folks I got the first entry in and it looks like the Vegas odds makers were wrong. It wasn't from Mredburn.
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