Site ????

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Feb 22, 2005
Noticed something today. I tried to post a reply with photos in a thread and was unable to using the direct paste but when I went to try the other method using the little photo icon with the mountain it was not there. I then went to various threads and sometimes it is there and some times it is not. Can someone explain why this is??? I am using Chrome if that means anything. In this thread it is there right under the undo and redo arrows. thanks.
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Yea I noticed a while back that there certain differences in that particular forum. What I noticed was that there is no "Like" option.
Hey! Ya never know what you'll learn at the IAP!
If the powers that be want to use that as a slogan, we can negotiate a suitable compensation package.:monkey:
Yea I noticed a while back that there certain differences in that particular forum. What I noticed was that there is no "Like" option.
Hey! Ya never know what you'll learn at the IAP!
If the powers that be want to use that as a slogan, we can negotiate a suitable compensation package.:monkey:

There you go. I never noticed that either. Learn something every day. See we are not here just to entertain:)
Yes, the DTGW as well as both the Classified & Premium Classified forums do not have "Like" buttons or the mountain icon for adding images to a reply. These forums are primarily intended to be temporary threads for sales, trades or wants of stuff. Requests for information should really be posted in some other forum so the information will be archived for a longer period of time.

Note that the mountain icon is also not present for replies to vendor forums, although the Like button is there.
Yes, the DTGW as well as both the Classified & Premium Classified forums do not have "Like" buttons or the mountain icon for adding images to a reply. These forums are primarily intended to be temporary threads for sales, trades or wants of stuff. Requests for information should really be posted in some other forum so the information will be archived for a longer period of time.

Note that the mountain icon is also not present for replies to vendor forums, although the Like button is there.

I really do not use those forums that much so I guess that is why I never noticed. But you are correct the question was put in the wrong forum and I was answering in it so that is why I happen to notice. But we are now wiser for it. Thanks all.
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