Sierra click pen

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Sep 11, 2007
Laurence Harbor, NJ, USA.
This is a Sierra click made with a shortened Paua Abalone shell blank . I make the short blanks so that I don't have to use the little metal thingie , I've had too many customers loose the darn metal thingie then complain about it , so this avoids the problem and allows me to use the Parker style Fisher space pen refills .
The Paua shell pens are my best sellers and people love the look and feel of the Sierra clicks . These are my best selling kit pens .

As always , comments welcome
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Nice looking pen! How well does the click preform? Just curious, the one style of click pen I have tried wasn't quite what I thought it should be.
Thanks for the kind words everyone .

Jared , without the little metal thingies inside , the click Sierras are great , no rattles and very smooth operation and they hold up well .

Chris , the shell stock is cut into strips and sanded then they are applied to the tubes and sealed then cast in PR . It's a time consuming process , each blank takes me over an hour to make (not including casting time) .

Craig , I make the blanks myself (see above answer) . I've been selling some in the classifieds here .
Really nice looking pen... If I were to go with a sierra, the elegant versions seem to be closer to the level of sophistication needed for such a gorgeous blank.
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